34 research outputs found

    RBIR Based on Signature Graph

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    This paper approaches the image retrieval system on the base of visual features local region RBIR (region-based image retrieval). First of all, the paper presents a method for extracting the interest points based on Harris-Laplace to create the feature region of the image. Next, in order to reduce the storage space and speed up query image, the paper builds the binary signature structure to describe the visual content of image. Based on the image's binary signature, the paper builds the SG (signature graph) to classify and store image's binary signatures. Since then, the paper builds the image retrieval algorithm on SG through the similar measure EMD (earth mover's distance) between the image's binary signatures. Last but not least, the paper gives an image retrieval model RBIR, experiments and assesses the image retrieval method on Corel image database over 10,000 images.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Bag-of-Features Image Indexing and Classification in Microsoft SQL Server Relational Database

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    This paper presents a novel relational database architecture aimed to visual objects classification and retrieval. The framework is based on the bag-of-features image representation model combined with the Support Vector Machine classification and is integrated in a Microsoft SQL Server database.Comment: 2015 IEEE 2nd International Conference on Cybernetics (CYBCONF), Gdynia, Poland, 24-26 June 201

    CBIR of Batik Images using Micro Structure Descriptor on Android

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    Batik is part of a culture that has long developed and known by the people of Indonesia and the world. However, the knowledge is only on the name of batik, not at a more detailed level, such as image characteristic and batik motifs. Batik motif is very diverse, different areas have their own motifs and patterns related to local customs and values. Therefore, it is important to introduce knowledge about batik motifs and patterns effectively and efficiently. So, we build CBIR batik using Micro-Structure Descriptor (MSD) method on Android platform. The data used consisted of 300 images with 50 classes with each class consists of six images. Performance test is held in three scenarios, which the data is divided as test data and data train, with the ratio of scenario 1 is 50%: 50%, scenario 2 is 70%, 30%, and scenario 3 is 80%: 20%. The best results are generated by scenario 3 with precision valur 65.67% and recall value 65.80%, which indicates that the use of MSD on the android platform for CBIR batik performs well

    Semantic Based Answering Technique for Image Query in Mobile Cloud Computing

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    This paper aims an answering technique that identifies the disease name in tomato plants by giving the affected plant�s image as input and enables the users to retrieve the preventive and controlling methods of the disease. Classifying an image accurately, takes different forms in different researches. Content Based Image Retrieval and Google�s reverse image search are few outcomes of such researches. Still, there is a need for a technique that recognizes images like how humans classify based on their experience. This work comes with a better solution by combining image classification in human�s perspective with semantic based answering. TensorFlow is an open source algorithm that is released by Google is an effective tool for classifying images and ontology that gives very accurate answers to the user queries are the technologies that are used in the proposed technique. The images and details of tomato crop diseases are collected from different forums and the glossary terms used in ontology are taken from the web

    Re-Ranking Image Retrieval on Multi Texton Co-Occurrence Descriptor Using K-Nearest Neighbor

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    Some features commonly used to conduct image retrieval are color, texture and edge. Multi Texton Co-Occurrence Descriptor (MTCD) is a method which uses all three features to perform image retrieval. This method has a high precision when doing retrieval on a patterned image such as Batik images. However, for images focusing on object detection like corel images, its precision decreases. This study proposes the use of KNN method to improve the precision of MTCD method by re-ranking the retrieval results from MTCD. The results show that the method is able to increase the precision by 0.8% for Batik images and 9% for corel images