4 research outputs found

    Online Geometric Human Interaction Segmentation and Recognition

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    The goal of this work is the temporal localization and recognition of binary people interactions in video. Human-human interaction detection is one of the core problems in video analysis. It has many applications such as in video surveillance, video search and retrieval, human-computer interaction, and behavior analysis for safety and security. Despite the sizeable literature in the area of activity and action modeling and recognition, the vast majority of the approaches make the assumption that the beginning and the end of the video portion containing the action or the activity of interest is known. In other words, while a significant effort has been placed on the recognition, the spatial and temporal localization of activities, i.e. the detection problem, has received considerably less attention. Even more so, if the detection has to be made in an online fashion, as opposed to offline. The latter condition is imposed by almost the totality of the state-of-the-art, which makes it intrinsically unsuited for real-time processing. In this thesis, the problem of event localization and recognition is addressed in an online fashion. The main assumption is that an interaction, or an activity is modeled by a temporal sequence. One of the main challenges is the development of a modeling framework able to capture the complex variability of activities, described by high dimensional features. This is addressed by the combination of linear models with kernel methods. In particular, the parity space theory for detection, based on Euclidean geometry, is augmented to be able to work with kernels, through the use of geometric operators in Hilbert space. While this approach is general, here it is applied to the detection of human interactions. It is tested on a publicly available dataset and on a large and challenging, newly collected dataset. An extensive testing of the approach indicates that it sets a new state-of-the-art under several performance measures, and that it holds the promise to become an effective building block for the analysis in real-time of human behavior from video

    A Data-driven, Piecewise Linear Approach to Modeling Human Motions

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    Motion capture, or mocap, is a prevalent technique for capturing and analyzing human articulations. Nowadays, mocap data are becoming one of the primary sources of realistic human motions for computer animation as well as education, training, sports medicine, video games, and special effects in movies. As more and more applications rely on high-quality mocap data and huge amounts of mocap data become available, there are imperative needs for more effective and robust motion capture techniques, better ways of organizing motion databases, as well as more efficient methods to compress motion sequences. I propose a data-driven, segment-based, piecewise linear modeling approach to exploit the redundancy and local linearity exhibited by human motions and describe human motions with a small number of parameters. This approach models human motions with a collection of low-dimensional local linear models. I first segment motion sequences into subsequences, i.e. motion segments, of simple behaviors. Motion segments of similar behaviors are then grouped together and modeled with a unique local linear model. I demonstrate this approach's utility in four challenging driving problems: estimating human motions from a reduced marker set; missing marker estimation; motion retrieval; and motion compression

    Temporal Segmentation of Human Motion for Rehabilitation

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    Current physiotherapy practice relies on visual observation of patient movement for assessment and diagnosis. Automation of motion monitoring has the potential to improve accuracy and reliability, and provide additional diagnostic insight to the clinician, improving treatment quality, and patient progress. To enable automated monitoring, assessment, and diagnosis, the movements of the patient must be temporally segmented from the continuous measurements. Temporal segmentation is the process of identifying the starting and ending locations of movement primitives in a time-series data sequence. Most segmentation algorithms require training data, but a priori knowledge of the patient's movement patterns may not be available, necessitating the use of healthy population data for training. However, healthy population movement data may not generalize well to rehabilitation patients due to large differences in motion characteristics between the two demographics. In this thesis, four key contributions will be elaborated to enable accurate segmentation of patient movement data during rehabilitation. The first key contribution is the creation of a segmentation framework to categorize and compare different segmentation algorithms considering segment definitions, data sources, application specific requirements, algorithm mechanics, and validation techniques. This framework provides a structure for considering the factors that must be incorporated when constructing a segmentation and identification algorithm. The framework enables systematic comparison of different segmentation algorithms, provides the means to examine the impact of each algorithm component, and allows for a systematic approach to determine the best algorithm for a given situation. The second key contribution is the development of an online and accurate motion segmentation algorithm based on a classification framework. The proposed algorithm transforms the segmentation task into a classification problem by modelling the segment edge point directly. Given this formulation, a variety of feature transformation, dimensionality reduction and classifier techniques were investigated on several healthy and patient datasets. With proper normalization, the segmentation algorithm can be trained using healthy participant data and obtain high quality segments on patient data. Inter-participant and inter-primitive variability were assessed on a dataset of 30 healthy participants and 44 rehabilitation participants, demonstrating the generalizability and utility of the proposed approach for rehabilitation settings. The proposed approach achieves a segmentation accuracy of 83-100%. The third key contribution is the investigation of feature set generalizability of the proposed method. Nearly all segmentation techniques developed previously use a single sensor modality. The proposed method was applied to joint angles, electromyogram, motion capture, and force plate data to investigate how the choice of modality impacts segmentation performance. With proper normalization, the proposed method was shown to work with various input sensor types and achieved high accuracy on all sensor modalities examined. The proposed approach achieves a segmentation accuracy of 72-97%. The fourth key contribution is the development of a new feature set based on hypotheses about the optimality of human motion trajectory generation. A common hypothesis in human motor control is that human movement is generated by optimizing with respect to a certain criterion and is task dependent. In this thesis, a method to segment human movement by detecting changes to the optimization criterion being used via inverse trajectory optimization is proposed. The control strategy employed by the motor system is hypothesized to be a weighted sum of basis cost functions, with the basis weights changing with changes to the motion objective(s). Continuous time series data of movement is processed using a sliding fixed width window, estimating the basis weights of each cost function for each window by minimizing the Karush-Kuhn-Tucker optimality conditions. The quality of the cost function recovery is verified by evaluating the residual. The successfully estimated basis weights are averaged together to create a set of time varying basis weights that describe the changing control strategy of the motion and can be used to segment the movement with simple thresholds. The proposed algorithm is first demonstrated on simulation data and then demonstrated on a dataset of human subjects performing a series of exercise tasks. The proposed approach achieves a segmentation accuracy of 74-88%