2,787 research outputs found


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    Mobile Opportunistic Networks (MSNs) enable the interaction of mobile users in the vicinity through various short-range wireless communication technologies (e.g., Bluetooth, WiFi) and let them discover and exchange information directly or in ad hoc manner. Despite their promise to enable many exciting applications, limited battery capacity of mobile devices has become the biggest impediment to these appli- cations. The recent breakthroughs in the areas of wireless power transfer (WPT) and rechargeable lithium batteries promise the use of peer-to-peer (P2P) energy sharing (i.e., the transfer of energy from the battery of one member of the mobile network to the battery of the another member) for the efficient utilization of scarce energy resources in the network. However, due to uncertain mobility and communication opportunities in the network, resource optimization in these opportunistic networks is very challenging. In this dissertation, we study energy utilization in three different applications in Mobile Social Networks and target to improve the energy efficiency in the network by benefiting from P2P energy sharing among the nodes. More specifi- xi cally, we look at the problems of (i) optimal energy usage and sharing between friendly nodes in order to reduce the burden of wall-based charging, (ii) optimal content and energy sharing when energy is considered as an incentive for carrying the content for other nodes, and (iii) energy balancing among nodes for prolonging the network lifetime. We have proposed various novel protocols for the corresponding applications and have shown that they outperform the state-of-the-art solutions and improve the energy efficiency in MSNs while the application requirements are satisfied

    Systems and Methods for Measuring and Improving End-User Application Performance on Mobile Devices

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    In today's rapidly growing smartphone society, the time users are spending on their smartphones is continuing to grow and mobile applications are becoming the primary medium for providing services and content to users. With such fast paced growth in smart-phone usage, cellular carriers and internet service providers continuously upgrade their infrastructure to the latest technologies and expand their capacities to improve the performance and reliability of their network and to satisfy exploding user demand for mobile data. On the other side of the spectrum, content providers and e-commerce companies adopt the latest protocols and techniques to provide smooth and feature-rich user experiences on their applications. To ensure a good quality of experience, monitoring how applications perform on users' devices is necessary. Often, network and content providers lack such visibility into the end-user application performance. In this dissertation, we demonstrate that having visibility into the end-user perceived performance, through system design for efficient and coordinated active and passive measurements of end-user application and network performance, is crucial for detecting, diagnosing, and addressing performance problems on mobile devices. My dissertation consists of three projects to support this statement. First, to provide such continuous monitoring on smartphones with constrained resources that operate in such a highly dynamic mobile environment, we devise efficient, adaptive, and coordinated systems, as a platform, for active and passive measurements of end-user performance. Second, using this platform and other passive data collection techniques, we conduct an in-depth user trial of mobile multipath to understand how Multipath TCP (MPTCP) performs in practice. Our measurement study reveals several limitations of MPTCP. Based on the insights gained from our measurement study, we propose two different schemes to address the identified limitations of MPTCP. Last, we show how to provide visibility into the end- user application performance for internet providers and in particular home WiFi routers by passively monitoring users' traffic and utilizing per-app models mapping various network quality of service (QoS) metrics to the application performance.PHDComputer Science & EngineeringUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/146014/1/ashnik_1.pd

    HUC-HISF: A Hybrid Intelligent Security Framework for Human-centric Ubiquitous Computing

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    制度:新 ; 報告番号:乙2336号 ; 学位の種類:博士(人間科学) ; 授与年月日:2012/1/18 ; 早大学位記番号:新584

    Voice and rural wireless mesh community networks: a framework to quantify scalability and manage end-user smartphone battery consumption

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    Philosophiae Doctor - PhDCommunity wireless mesh initiatives are a pioneering option to cheap ‘last-mile’ access to network services for rural low-income regions primarily located in Sub-Saharan Africa and Developing Asia. However, researchers have criticized wireless mesh networks for their poor scalability; and scalability quantification research has mostly consisted of modularization of per-node throughput capacity behaviour. A scalability quantification model to design wireless mesh networks to provide adequate quality of service is lacking. However, scalability quantification of community mesh networks alone is inadequate because rural users need affordable devices for access; and they need to know how best to use them. Low-cost low-end smartphones offer handset affordability solutions but require smart management of their small capacity battery. Related work supports the usage of Wi-Fi for communication because it is shown to consume less battery than 2G, 3G or Bluetooth. However, a model to compare Wi-Fi battery consumption amongst different low-end smartphones is missing, as is a comparison of different over-the-top communication applications

    Towards Proactive Mobility-Aware Fog Computing

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    Paljude värkvõrk- ja ärirakenduste tavapäraseks osaks on sõltuvus kaugete pilveteenuste poolt pakutavast andmetöötlusvõimekusest. Arvestatav hulk seesugustest rakendustest koguvad andmeid mitmetelt ümbritsevatelt heterogeensetelt seadmetelt, et pakkuda reaalajal põhinevaid teenuseid oma kasutajatele. Taolise lahenduse negatiivseks küljeks on aga kõrge viiteaeg, mis muutub eriti problemaatiliseks, kui vastava rakenduse efektiivne töö on väleda vastuse saamisega otseses sõltuvuses. Taolise olukorra puhul on viiteaja vähendamiseks välja pakutud uduandmetöötlusel põhinev arhitektuur, mis kujutab endast arvutusmahukate andmetöötlusühikute jaotamist andmeallikate ja lõppkasutajatele lähedal asuvatele arvutusseadmetele. Vaatamata sellele, et uduandmetöötlusel põhinev arhitektuur on paljutõotav, toob see kaasa uusi väljakutseid seoses kvaliteetse uduandmetöötlusteenuse pakkumisega mobiilsetele kasutajatele. Käesolev magistritöö käsitleb proaktiivset lähenemist uduandmetöötlusele, kasutades selleks lähedalasuvatel kasutajatel baseeruvat mobiilset ad hoc võrgustikku, mis võimaldab uduteenusetuvastust ja juurdepääsu ilma pilveteenuse abi kasutamata. Proaktiivset lähenemist kasutatakse nii teenusetuvastuse ja arvutuse migratsiooni kui ka otsese uduteenuse pakkumise käigus, kiirendades arvutusühikute jaotusprotsessi ning parendadades arvutuste jaotust vastavalt käitusaegsele kontekstiinfole (nt. arvutusseadmete hetkevõimekus). Lisaks uuriti uduarvutuse rakendusviisi mobiilses sotsiaal–silmusvõrgustikus, tehes andmeedastuseks optimaalseima valiku vastavalt kuluefektiivsuse indeksile. Lähtudes katsetest nii päris seadmete kui simulaatoritega, viidi läbi käesoleva magistritöö komponentide kontseptuaalsete prototüüpide testhindamine.A common approach for many Internet of Things (IoT) and business applications is to rely on distant Cloud services for the processing of data. Several of these applications collect data from a multitude of proximity-based ubiquitous resources to provide various real-time services for their users. However, this has the downside of resulting in explicit latency of the result, being especially problematic when the application requires a rapid response in the edge network. Therefore, researchers have proposed the Fog computing architecture that distributes the computational data processing tasks to the edge network nodes located in the vicinity of the data sources and end-users, to reduce the latency. Although the Fog computing architecture is promising, it still faces challenges in many areas, especially when dealing with support for mobile users. Utilizing Fog for real-time mobile applications faces the new challenge of ensuring the seamless accessibility of Fog services on the move. Further, Fog computing also faces a challenge in mobility when the tasks originate from mobile ubiquitous applications in which the data sources are moving objects. In this thesis, a proactive approach for Fog computing is proposed, which supports proactive Fog service discovery and process migration using Mobile Ad hoc Social Network in proximity, enabling Fog-assisted ubiquitous service provisioning in proximity without distant Cloud services. Moreover, a proactive approach is also applied for the Fog service provisioning itself, in order to hasten the task distribution process in Mobile Fog use cases and provide an optimization scheme based on runtime context information. In addition, a case study regarding the usage of Fog Computing for the enhancement of Mobile Mesh Social Network was presented, along with a resource-aware Cost-Performance Index scheme to assist choosing the approach to be used for transmission of data. The proposed elements have been evaluated by utilizing a combination of real devices and simulators in order to provide proof-of-concept

    A Survey of Beam Management for mmWave and THz Communications Towards 6G

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    Communication in millimeter wave (mmWave) and even terahertz (THz) frequency bands is ushering in a new era of wireless communications. Beam management, namely initial access and beam tracking, has been recognized as an essential technique to ensure robust mmWave/THz communications, especially for mobile scenarios. However, narrow beams at higher carrier frequency lead to huge beam measurement overhead, which has a negative impact on beam acquisition and tracking. In addition, the beam management process is further complicated by the fluctuation of mmWave/THz channels, the random movement patterns of users, and the dynamic changes in the environment. For mmWave and THz communications toward 6G, we have witnessed a substantial increase in research and industrial attention on artificial intelligence (AI), reconfigurable intelligent surface (RIS), and integrated sensing and communications (ISAC). The introduction of these enabling technologies presents both open opportunities and unique challenges for beam management. In this paper, we present a comprehensive survey on mmWave and THz beam management. Further, we give some insights on technical challenges and future research directions in this promising area.Comment: accepted by IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorial

    An efficient pending interest table control management in named data network

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    Named Data Networking (NDN) is an emerging Internet architecture that employs a new network communication model based on the identity of Internet content. Its core component, the Pending Interest Table (PIT) serves a significant role of recording Interest packet information which is ready to be sent but in waiting for matching Data packet. In managing PIT, the issue of flow PIT sizing has been very challenging due to massive use of long Interest lifetime particularly when there is no flexible replacement policy, hence affecting PIT performance. The aim of this study is to propose an efficient PIT Control Management (PITCM) approach to be used in handling incoming Interest packets in order to mitigate PIT overflow thus enhancing PIT utilization and performance. PITCM consists of Adaptive Virtual PIT (AVPIT) mechanism, Smart Threshold Interest Lifetime (STIL) mechanism and Highest Lifetime Least Request (HLLR) policy. The AVPIT is responsible for obtaining early PIT overflow prediction and reaction. STIL is meant for adjusting lifetime value for incoming Interest packet while HLLR is utilized for managing PIT entries in efficient manner. A specific research methodology is followed to ensure that the work is rigorous in achieving the aim of the study. The network simulation tool is used to design and evaluate PITCM. The results of study show that PITCM outperforms the performance of standard NDN PIT with 45% higher Interest satisfaction rate, 78% less Interest retransmission rate and 65% less Interest drop rate. In addition, Interest satisfaction delay and PIT length is reduced significantly to 33% and 46%, respectively. The contribution of this study is important for Interest packet management in NDN routing and forwarding systems. The AVPIT and STIL mechanisms as well as the HLLR policy can be used in monitoring, controlling and managing the PIT contents for Internet architecture of the future