108,189 research outputs found

    Hybrid Information Retrieval Model For Web Images

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    The Bing Bang of the Internet in the early 90's increased dramatically the number of images being distributed and shared over the web. As a result, image information retrieval systems were developed to index and retrieve image files spread over the Internet. Most of these systems are keyword-based which search for images based on their textual metadata; and thus, they are imprecise as it is vague to describe an image with a human language. Besides, there exist the content-based image retrieval systems which search for images based on their visual information. However, content-based type systems are still immature and not that effective as they suffer from low retrieval recall/precision rate. This paper proposes a new hybrid image information retrieval model for indexing and retrieving web images published in HTML documents. The distinguishing mark of the proposed model is that it is based on both graphical content and textual metadata. The graphical content is denoted by color features and color histogram of the image; while textual metadata are denoted by the terms that surround the image in the HTML document, more particularly, the terms that appear in the tags p, h1, and h2, in addition to the terms that appear in the image's alt attribute, filename, and class-label. Moreover, this paper presents a new term weighting scheme called VTF-IDF short for Variable Term Frequency-Inverse Document Frequency which unlike traditional schemes, it exploits the HTML tag structure and assigns an extra bonus weight for terms that appear within certain particular HTML tags that are correlated to the semantics of the image. Experiments conducted to evaluate the proposed IR model showed a high retrieval precision rate that outpaced other current models.Comment: LACSC - Lebanese Association for Computational Sciences, http://www.lacsc.org/; International Journal of Computer Science & Emerging Technologies (IJCSET), Vol. 3, No. 1, February 201

    A Review on Personalized Tag based Image based Search Engines

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    The development of social media based on Web 2.0, amounts of images and videos spring up everywhere on the Internet. This phenomenon has brought great challenges to multimedia storage, indexing and retrieval. Generally speaking, tag-based image search is more commonly used in social media than content based image retrieval and content understanding. Thanks to the low relevance and diversity performance of initial retrieval results, the ranking problem in the tag-based image retrieval has gained researchers� wide attention. We will review some of techniques proposed by different authors for image retrieval in this paper

    A citation-based review of study on image retrieval

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    Driven by the development of the information retrieval technologies, image retrieval has been studied for more than several decades. This study centers on revealing the current status and future directions of image retrieval based on reviewing previous related studies. The citation-based analysis was applied to 2243 articles retrieved from Web of Science database. The time series plots of the citation relationships between the retrieved articles reveal a fundamental research article that lay the foundation for the image retrieval field. Co-citation analysis identifies that the existing studies formed two clusters. Each cluster represents one of the two major areas in the field of image retrieval: the text-based image retrieval and the content-based image retrieval. The visualization map shows that the research of content-based image retrieval has received more attention than the area of text-based image retrieval. Relevance feedback was identified as a promising research direction for the future study

    The application of user log for online business environment using content-based Image retrieval system

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    Over the past few years, inter-query learning has gained much attention in the research and development of content-based image retrieval (CBIR) systems. This is largely due to the capability of inter-query approach to enable learning from the retrieval patterns of previous query sessions. However, much of the research works in this field have been focusing on analyzing image retrieval patterns stored in the database. This is not suitable for a dynamic environment such as the World Wide Web (WWW) where images are constantly added or removed. A better alternative is to use an image's visual features to capture the knowledge gained from the previous query sessions. Based on the previous work (Chung et al., 2006), the aim of this paper is to propose a framework of inter-query learning for the WWW-CBIR systems. Such framework can be extremely useful for those online companies whose core business involves providing multimedia content-based services and products to their customers


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    Purpose: With the popularity and remarkable usage of digital images in various domains, the existing image retrieval techniques need to be enhanced. The content-based image retrieval is playing a vital role to retrieve the requested data from the database available in cyberspace. CBIR from cyberspace is a popular and interesting research area nowadays for a better outcome. The searching and downloading of the requested images accurately based on meta-data from the cyberspace by using CBIR techniques is a challenging task. The purpose of this study is to explore the various image retrieval techniques for retrieving the data available in cyberspace.  Methodology: Whenever a user wishes to retrieve an image from the web, using present search engines, a bunch of images is retrieved based on a user query. But, most of the resultant images are unrelated to the user query. Here, the user puts their text-based query in the web-based search engine and compute the related images and retrieval time. Main Findings:  This study compares the accuracy and retrieval-time of the requested image. After the detailed analysis, the main finding is none of the used web-search engines viz. Flickr, Pixabay, Shutterstock, Bing, Everypixel, retrieved the accurate related images based on the entered query.   Implications: This study is discussing and performs a comparative analysis of various content-based image retrieval techniques from cyberspace. Novelty of Study: Research community has been making efforts towards efficient retrieval of useful images from the web but this problem has not been solved and it still prevails as an open research challenge. This study makes some efforts to resolve this research challenge and perform a comparative analysis of the outcome of various web-search engines

    Image Retrieval with Relational Semantic Indexing Color and Gray Images

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    Due to the development of digital technology large number of image is available in web and personal database and it take more time to classify and organize them. In AIA assigns label to image content with this image is automatically classified and desired image can be retrieved. Image retrieval is the one of the growing research area. To retrieve image Text and content based methods used. In recent research focus on annotation based retrieval. Image annotation represents assigning keywords to image based on its contents and it use machine learning techniques. Using image content with more relevant keywords leads fast indexing and retrieval of image from large collection of image database. Many techniques have been proposed for the last decades and it gives some improvement in retrieval performance. In this proposed work Relational Semantic Indexing (RSI) based LQT technique reduces the search time and increase the retrieval performance. This proposed method includes segmentation, feature extraction, classification, and RSI based annotation steps. This proposed method compared against IAIA, and LSH algorithm