8 research outputs found

    Querying the Unary Negation Fragment with Regular Path Expressions

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    The unary negation fragment of first-order logic (UNFO) has recently been proposed as a generalization of modal logic that shares many of its good computational and model-theoretic properties. It is attractive from the perspective of database theory because it can express conjunctive queries (CQs) and ontologies formulated in many description logics (DLs). Both are relevant for ontology-mediated querying and, in fact, CQ evaluation under UNFO ontologies (and thus also under DL ontologies) can be `expressed\u27 in UNFO as a satisfiability problem. In this paper, we consider the natural extension of UNFO with regular expressions on binary relations. The resulting logic UNFOreg can express (unions of) conjunctive two-way regular path queries (C2RPQs) and ontologies formulated in DLs that include transitive roles and regular expressions on roles. Our main results are that evaluating C2RPQs under UNFOreg ontologies is decidable, 2ExpTime-complete in combined complexity, and coNP-complete in data complexity, and that satisfiability in UNFOreg is 2ExpTime-complete, thus not harder than in UNFO

    Smooth Approximations and Relational Width Collapses

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    We prove that relational structures admitting specific polymorphisms (namely, canonical pseudo-WNU operations of all arities n ? 3) have low relational width. This implies a collapse of the bounded width hierarchy for numerous classes of infinite-domain CSPs studied in the literature. Moreover, we obtain a characterization of bounded width for first-order reducts of unary structures and a characterization of MMSNP sentences that are equivalent to a Datalog program, answering a question posed by Bienvenu et al.. In particular, the bounded width hierarchy collapses in those cases as well

    Rewritability in Monadic Disjunctive Datalog, MMSNP, and Expressive Description Logics

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    We study rewritability of monadic disjunctive Datalog programs, (the complements of) MMSNP sentences, and ontology-mediated queries (OMQs) based on expressive description logics of the ALC family and on conjunctive queries. We show that rewritability into FO and into monadic Datalog (MDLog) are decidable, and that rewritability into Datalog is decidable when the original query satisfies a certain condition related to equality. We establish 2NExpTime-completeness for all studied problems except rewritability into MDLog for which there remains a gap between 2NExpTime and 3ExpTime. We also analyze the shape of rewritings, which in the MMSNP case correspond to obstructions, and give a new construction of canonical Datalog programs that is more elementary than existing ones and also applies to formulas with free variables

    A data complexity and rewritability tetrachotomy of ontology-mediated queries with a covering axiom

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    Aiming to understand the data complexity of answering conjunctive queries mediated by an axiom stating that a class is covered by the union of two other classes, we show that deciding their first-order rewritability is PSPACE-hard and obtain a number of sufficient conditions for membership in AC0, L, NL, and P. Our main result is a complete syntactic AC0/NL/P/CONP tetrachotomy of path queries under the assumption that the covering classes are disjoint

    Deciding FO-rewritability of Regular Languages and Ontology-Mediated Queries in Linear Temporal Logic

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    Our concern is the problem of determining the data complexity of answering an ontology-mediated query (OMQ) formulated in linear temporal logic LTL over (Z,<) and deciding whether it is rewritable to an FO(<)-query, possibly with some extra predicates. First, we observe that, in line with the circuit complexity and FO-definability of regular languages, OMQ answering in AC0, ACC0 and NC1 coincides with FO(<,≡)-rewritability using unary predicates x ≡ 0 (mod n), FO(<,MOD)-rewritability, and FO(RPR)-rewritability using relational primitive recursion, respectively. We prove that, similarly to known PSᴘᴀᴄᴇ-completeness of recognising FO(<)-definability of regular languages, deciding FO(<,≡)- and FO(<,MOD)-definability is also PSᴘᴀᴄᴇ-complete (unless ACC0 = NC1). We then use this result to show that deciding FO(<)-, FO(<,≡)- and FO(<,MOD)-rewritability of LTL OMQs is ExᴘSᴘᴀᴄᴇ-complete, and that these problems become PSᴘᴀᴄᴇ-complete for OMQs with a linear Horn ontology and an atomic query, and also a positive query in the cases of FO(<)- and FO(<,≡)-rewritability. Further, we consider FO(<)-rewritability of OMQs with a binary-clause ontology and identify OMQ classes, for which deciding it is PSᴘᴀᴄᴇ-, Π2p- and coNP-complete

    A tetrachotomy of ontology-mediated queries with a covering axiom

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    Our concern is the problem of efficiently determining the data complexity of answering queries mediated by descrip- tion logic ontologies and constructing their optimal rewritings to standard database queries. Originated in ontology- based data access and datalog optimisation, this problem is known to be computationally very complex in general, with no explicit syntactic characterisations available. In this article, aiming to understand the fundamental roots of this difficulty, we strip the problem to the bare bones and focus on Boolean conjunctive queries mediated by a simple cov- ering axiom stating that one class is covered by the union of two other classes. We show that, on the one hand, these rudimentary ontology-mediated queries, called disjunctive sirups (or d-sirups), capture many features and difficulties of the general case. For example, answering d-sirups is Π2p-complete for combined complexity and can be in AC0 or L-, NL-, P-, or coNP-complete for data complexity (with the problem of recognising FO-rewritability of d-sirups be- ing 2ExpTime-hard); some d-sirups only have exponential-size resolution proofs, some only double-exponential-size positive existential FO-rewritings and single-exponential-size nonrecursive datalog rewritings. On the other hand, we prove a few partial sufficient and necessary conditions of FO- and (symmetric/linear-) datalog rewritability of d- sirups. Our main technical result is a complete and transparent syntactic AC0 / NL / P / coNP tetrachotomy of d-sirups with disjoint covering classes and a path-shaped Boolean conjunctive query. To obtain this tetrachotomy, we develop new techniques for establishing P- and coNP-hardness of answering non-Horn ontology-mediated queries as well as showing that they can be answered in NL

    A tetrachotomy of ontology-mediated queries with a covering axiom

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    Our concern is the problem of efficiently determining the data complexity of answering queries mediated by descrip- tion logic ontologies and constructing their optimal rewritings to standard database queries. Originated in ontology- based data access and datalog optimisation, this problem is known to be computationally very complex in general, with no explicit syntactic characterisations available. In this article, aiming to understand the fundamental roots of this difficulty, we strip the problem to the bare bones and focus on Boolean conjunctive queries mediated by a simple cov- ering axiom stating that one class is covered by the union of two other classes. We show that, on the one hand, these rudimentary ontology-mediated queries, called disjunctive sirups (or d-sirups), capture many features and difficulties of the general case. For example, answering d-sirups is Π2p-complete for combined complexity and can be in AC0 or L-, NL-, P-, or coNP-complete for data complexity (with the problem of recognising FO-rewritability of d-sirups be- ing 2ExpTime-hard); some d-sirups only have exponential-size resolution proofs, some only double-exponential-size positive existential FO-rewritings and single-exponential-size nonrecursive datalog rewritings. On the other hand, we prove a few partial sufficient and necessary conditions of FO- and (symmetric/linear-) datalog rewritability of d- sirups. Our main technical result is a complete and transparent syntactic AC0 / NL / P / coNP tetrachotomy of d-sirups with disjoint covering classes and a path-shaped Boolean conjunctive query. To obtain this tetrachotomy, we develop new techniques for establishing P- and coNP-hardness of answering non-Horn ontology-mediated queries as well as showing that they can be answered in NL