6 research outputs found

    Efficient Humanoid Contact Planning using Learned Centroidal Dynamics Prediction

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    Humanoid robots dynamically navigate an environment by interacting with it via contact wrenches exerted at intermittent contact poses. Therefore, it is important to consider dynamics when planning a contact sequence. Traditional contact planning approaches assume a quasi-static balance criterion to reduce the computational challenges of selecting a contact sequence over a rough terrain. This however limits the applicability of the approach when dynamic motions are required, such as when walking down a steep slope or crossing a wide gap. Recent methods overcome this limitation with the help of efficient mixed integer convex programming solvers capable of synthesizing dynamic contact sequences. Nevertheless, its exponential-time complexity limits its applicability to short time horizon contact sequences within small environments. In this paper, we go beyond current approaches by learning a prediction of the dynamic evolution of the robot centroidal momenta, which can then be used for quickly generating dynamically robust contact sequences for robots with arms and legs using a search-based contact planner. We demonstrate the efficiency and quality of the results of the proposed approach in a set of dynamically challenging scenarios

    Deploying the NASA Valkyrie Humanoid for IED Response: An Initial Approach and Evaluation Summary

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    As part of a feasibility study, this paper shows the NASA Valkyrie humanoid robot performing an end-to-end improvised explosive device (IED) response task. To demonstrate and evaluate robot capabilities, sub-tasks highlight different locomotion, manipulation, and perception requirements: traversing uneven terrain, passing through a narrow passageway, opening a car door, retrieving a suspected IED, and securing the IED in a total containment vessel (TCV). For each sub-task, a description of the technical approach and the hidden challenges that were overcome during development are presented. The discussion of results, which explicitly includes existing limitations, is aimed at motivating continued research and development to enable practical deployment of humanoid robots for IED response. For instance, the data shows that operator pauses contribute to 50\% of the total completion time, which implies that further work is needed on user interfaces for increasing task completion efficiency.Comment: 2019 IEEE-RAS International Conference on Humanoid Robot

    Motion Planning and Feedback Control of Simulated Robots in Multi-Contact Scenarios

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    Diese Dissertation präsentiert eine optimale steuerungsbasierte Architektur für die Bewegungsplanung und Rückkopplungssteuerung simulierter Roboter in Multikontaktszenarien. Bewegungsplanung und -steuerung sind grundlegende Bausteine für die Erstellung wirklich autonomer Roboter. Während in diesen Bereichen enorme Fortschritte für Manipulatoren mit festem Sockel und Radrobotern in den letzten Jahren erzielt wurden, besteht das Problem der Bewegungsplanung und -steuerung für Roboter mit Armen und Beinen immer noch ein ungelöstes Problem, das die Notwendigkeit effizienterer und robusterer Algorithmen belegt. In diesem Zusammenhang wird in dieser Dissertation eine Architektur vorgeschlagen, mit der zwei Hauptherausforderungen angegangen werden sollen, nämlich die effiziente Planung von Kontaktsequenzen und Ganzkörperbewegungen für Floating-Base-Roboter sowie deren erfolgreiche Ausführung mit Rückkopplungsregelungsstrategien, die Umgebungsunsicherheiten bewältigen könne

    Towards Robust Bipedal Locomotion:From Simple Models To Full-Body Compliance

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    Thanks to better actuator technologies and control algorithms, humanoid robots to date can perform a wide range of locomotion activities outside lab environments. These robots face various control challenges like high dimensionality, contact switches during locomotion and a floating-base nature which makes them fall all the time. A rich set of sensory inputs and a high-bandwidth actuation are often needed to ensure fast and effective reactions to unforeseen conditions, e.g., terrain variations, external pushes, slippages, unknown payloads, etc. State of the art technologies today seem to provide such valuable hardware components. However, regarding software, there is plenty of room for improvement. Locomotion planning and control problems are often treated separately in conventional humanoid control algorithms. The control challenges mentioned above are probably the main reason for such separation. Here, planning refers to the process of finding consistent open-loop trajectories, which may take arbitrarily long computations off-line. Control, on the other hand, should be done very fast online to ensure stability. In this thesis, we want to link planning and control problems again and enable for online trajectory modification in a meaningful way. First, we propose a new way of describing robot geometries like molecules which breaks the complexity of conventional models. We use this technique and derive a planning algorithm that is fast enough to be used online for multi-contact motion planning. Similarly, we derive 3LP, a simplified linear three-mass model for bipedal walking, which offers orders of magnitude faster computations than full mechanical models. Next, we focus more on walking and use the 3LP model to formulate online control algorithms based on the foot-stepping strategy. The method is based on model predictive control, however, we also propose a faster controller with time-projection that demonstrates a close performance without numerical optimizations. We also deploy an efficient implementation of inverse dynamics together with advanced sensor fusion and actuator control algorithms to ensure a precise and compliant tracking of the simplified 3LP trajectories. Extensive simulations and hardware experiments on COMAN robot demonstrate effectiveness and strengths of our method. This thesis goes beyond humanoid walking applications. We further use the developed modeling tools to analyze and understand principles of human locomotion. Our 3LP model can describe the exchange of energy between human limbs in walking to some extent. We use this property to propose a metabolic-cost model of human walking which successfully describes trends in various conditions. The intrinsic power of the 3LP model to generate walking gaits in all these conditions makes it a handy solution for walking control and gait analysis, despite being yet a simplified model. To fill the reality gap, finally, we propose a kinematic conversion method that takes 3LP trajectories as input and generates more human-like postures. Using this method, the 3LP model, and the time-projecting controller, we introduce a graphical user interface in the end to simulate periodic and transient human-like walking conditions. We hope to use this combination in future to produce faster and more human-like walking gaits, possibly with more capable humanoid robots