995 research outputs found

    A survey of robot manipulation in contact

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    In this survey, we present the current status on robots performing manipulation tasks that require varying contact with the environment, such that the robot must either implicitly or explicitly control the contact force with the environment to complete the task. Robots can perform more and more manipulation tasks that are still done by humans, and there is a growing number of publications on the topics of (1) performing tasks that always require contact and (2) mitigating uncertainty by leveraging the environment in tasks that, under perfect information, could be performed without contact. The recent trends have seen robots perform tasks earlier left for humans, such as massage, and in the classical tasks, such as peg-in-hole, there is a more efficient generalization to other similar tasks, better error tolerance, and faster planning or learning of the tasks. Thus, in this survey we cover the current stage of robots performing such tasks, starting from surveying all the different in-contact tasks robots can perform, observing how these tasks are controlled and represented, and finally presenting the learning and planning of the skills required to complete these tasks

    Estimation of Phases for Compliant Motion

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    Nowadays adding a skill to the robot that can interact with the environment is the primary goal of many researchers. The intelligence of the robot can be achieved by segmenting the manipulation task into phases which are subgoals of the task and identifying the transition between them. This thesis proposes an approach for predicting the number of phases of a compliant motion based manipulation task and estimating their corresponding HMM model that best fit with each segmented phase of the task. Also, it addresses the problem of phase transition monitoring by using recorded data. The captured data is utilized for the building an HMM model, and in the framework of task segmentation, the phase transition addressed. In this thesis, the concept of non-homogeneous HMM is used in modeling the manipulation task, wherein hidden phase depends on observed effect of performing an action (force). The expectation-maximization (EM) algorithm employed in estimating the parameters of the HMM model. The EM algorithm guarantees the estimation of the optimal parameters for each phase of the manipulation task. Hence the modeling accuracy of the forced based transition is significantly enhanced compared to position based transition. To see the performance of the phase transition detection a Viterbi algorithm was implemented. A Cartesian impedance controller defined by [6] for each phase detected is used to reproduce the learned task. The proposed approach is investigated with a KUKA LWR4+ arm in two test setups: in the first, we use parameter estimation for a single demonstration with three phases, and in the second experiment, we find a generalization of the parameter estimation for multiple demonstrations. For both experiments, the transition between phases of the manipulation task is identified. We conclude that our method provides a convenient platform for modeling and estimating of model parameters for phases of manipulation task from single and double demonstrations

    Online Robot Introspection via Wrench-based Action Grammars

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    Robotic failure is all too common in unstructured robot tasks. Despite well-designed controllers, robots often fail due to unexpected events. How do robots measure unexpected events? Many do not. Most robots are driven by the sense-plan act paradigm, however more recently robots are undergoing a sense-plan-act-verify paradigm. In this work, we present a principled methodology to bootstrap online robot introspection for contact tasks. In effect, we are trying to enable the robot to answer the question: what did I do? Is my behavior as expected or not? To this end, we analyze noisy wrench data and postulate that the latter inherently contains patterns that can be effectively represented by a vocabulary. The vocabulary is generated by segmenting and encoding the data. When the wrench information represents a sequence of sub-tasks, we can think of the vocabulary forming a sentence (set of words with grammar rules) for a given sub-task; allowing the latter to be uniquely represented. The grammar, which can also include unexpected events, was classified in offline and online scenarios as well as for simulated and real robot experiments. Multiclass Support Vector Machines (SVMs) were used offline, while online probabilistic SVMs were are used to give temporal confidence to the introspection result. The contribution of our work is the presentation of a generalizable online semantic scheme that enables a robot to understand its high-level state whether nominal or abnormal. It is shown to work in offline and online scenarios for a particularly challenging contact task: snap assemblies. We perform the snap assembly in one-arm simulated and real one-arm experiments and a simulated two-arm experiment. This verification mechanism can be used by high-level planners or reasoning systems to enable intelligent failure recovery or determine the next most optima manipulation skill to be used.Comment: arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1609.0494

    Robotic learning of force-based industrial manipulation tasks

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    Even with the rapid technological advancements, robots are still not the most comfortable machines to work with. Firstly, due to the separation of the robot and human workspace which imposes an additional financial burden. Secondly, due to the significant re-programming cost in case of changing products, especially in Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs). Therefore, there is a significant need to reduce the programming efforts required to enable robots to perform various tasks while sharing the same space with a human operator. Hence, the robot must be equipped with a cognitive and perceptual capabilities that facilitate human-robot interaction. Humans use their various senses to perform tasks such as vision, smell and taste. One sensethat plays a significant role in human activity is ’touch’ or ’force’. For example, holding a cup of tea, or making fine adjustments while inserting a key requires haptic information to achieve the task successfully. In all these examples, force and torque data are crucial for the successful completion of the activity. Also, this information implicitly conveys data about contact force, object stiffness, and many others. Hence, a deep understanding of the execution of such events can bridge the gap between humans and robots. This thesis is being directed to equip an industrial robot with the ability to deal with force perceptions and then learn force-based tasks using Learning from Demonstration (LfD).To learn force-based tasks using LfD, it is essential to extract task-relevant features from the force information. Then, knowledge must be extracted and encoded form the task-relevant features. Hence, the captured skills can be reproduced in a new scenario. In this thesis, these elements of LfD were achieved using different approaches based on the demonstrated task. In this thesis, four robotics problems were addressed using LfD framework. The first challenge was to filter out robots’ internal forces (irrelevant signals) using data-driven approach. The second robotics challenge was the recognition of the Contact State (CS) during assembly tasks. To tackle this challenge, a symbolic based approach was proposed, in which a force/torque signals; during demonstrated assembly, the task was encoded as a sequence of symbols. The third challenge was to learn a human-robot co-manipulation task based on LfD. In this case, an ensemble machine learning approach was proposed to capture such a skill. The last challenge in this thesis, was to learn an assembly task by demonstration with the presents of parts geometrical variation. Hence, a new learning approach based on Artificial Potential Field (APF) to learn a Peg-in-Hole (PiH) assembly task which includes no-contact and contact phases. To sum up, this thesis focuses on the use of data-driven approaches to learning force based task in an industrial context. Hence, different machine learning approaches were implemented, developed and evaluated in different scenarios. Then, the performance of these approaches was compared with mathematical modelling based approaches.</div

    Contact-State Recognition of Compliant Motion Robots Using Expectation Maximization-Based Gaussian Mixtures

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    In this article, we address the problem of Contact-State (CS) recognition for force-controlled robotic tasks. At first, the wrench (Cartesian forces and torques) and pose (Cartesian position and orientation) signals of the manipulated object, in different Contact Formations (CFs) of a task, are collected. Then in the framework of the Bayesian classification, the Expectation Maximization-based Gaussian Mixtures Model (EM-GMM) is used in building efficient CFs classifiers. The use of the EM-GMM in developing the captured signals models accommodates possible signals non-stationarity, i.e. signals abnormal distribution, and enhanced recognition performance would be resulted. Experiments are performed on a KUKA Lightweight Robot (LWR) doing the cube-in-corner assembly task, which is a rigid cube object interacting with an environment composed of three orthogonal planes, and different CFs are considered. From the experimental results, the EM-GMM is shown to have an excellent recognition performance with an enhanced computational time. In order to compare the EM-GMM with the available CF recognition schemes, we developed the corresponding CF classifiers using the Gravitational Search-Fuzzy Clustering Algorithm (GS-FCA), Stochastic Gradient Boosting (SGB), and the Conventional Fuzzy Classifier(CFC) approaches. From the comparison results it is obvious that the EM-GMM scheme is outperforming the rest

    Cognitive Reasoning for Compliant Robot Manipulation

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    Physically compliant contact is a major element for many tasks in everyday environments. A universal service robot that is utilized to collect leaves in a park, polish a workpiece, or clean solar panels requires the cognition and manipulation capabilities to facilitate such compliant interaction. Evolution equipped humans with advanced mental abilities to envision physical contact situations and their resulting outcome, dexterous motor skills to perform the actions accordingly, as well as a sense of quality to rate the outcome of the task. In order to achieve human-like performance, a robot must provide the necessary methods to represent, plan, execute, and interpret compliant manipulation tasks. This dissertation covers those four steps of reasoning in the concept of intelligent physical compliance. The contributions advance the capabilities of service robots by combining artificial intelligence reasoning methods and control strategies for compliant manipulation. A classification of manipulation tasks is conducted to identify the central research questions of the addressed topic. Novel representations are derived to describe the properties of physical interaction. Special attention is given to wiping tasks which are predominant in everyday environments. It is investigated how symbolic task descriptions can be translated into meaningful robot commands. A particle distribution model is used to plan goal-oriented wiping actions and predict the quality according to the anticipated result. The planned tool motions are converted into the joint space of the humanoid robot Rollin' Justin to perform the tasks in the real world. In order to execute the motions in a physically compliant fashion, a hierarchical whole-body impedance controller is integrated into the framework. The controller is automatically parameterized with respect to the requirements of the particular task. Haptic feedback is utilized to infer contact and interpret the performance semantically. Finally, the robot is able to compensate for possible disturbances as it plans additional recovery motions while effectively closing the cognitive control loop. Among others, the developed concept is applied in an actual space robotics mission, in which an astronaut aboard the International Space Station (ISS) commands Rollin' Justin to maintain a Martian solar panel farm in a mock-up environment. This application demonstrates the far-reaching impact of the proposed approach and the associated opportunities that emerge with the availability of cognition-enabled service robots

    A Survey on Human-aware Robot Navigation

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    Intelligent systems are increasingly part of our everyday lives and have been integrated seamlessly to the point where it is difficult to imagine a world without them. Physical manifestations of those systems on the other hand, in the form of embodied agents or robots, have so far been used only for specific applications and are often limited to functional roles (e.g. in the industry, entertainment and military fields). Given the current growth and innovation in the research communities concerned with the topics of robot navigation, human-robot-interaction and human activity recognition, it seems like this might soon change. Robots are increasingly easy to obtain and use and the acceptance of them in general is growing. However, the design of a socially compliant robot that can function as a companion needs to take various areas of research into account. This paper is concerned with the navigation aspect of a socially-compliant robot and provides a survey of existing solutions for the relevant areas of research as well as an outlook on possible future directions.Comment: Robotics and Autonomous Systems, 202

    Towards Autonomous Robotic Assembly: Using Combined Visual and Tactile Sensing for Adaptive Task Execution

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    Robotic assembly tasks are typically implemented in static settings in which parts are kept at fixed locations by making use of part holders. Very few works deal with the problem of moving parts in industrial assembly applications. However, having autonomous robots that are able to execute assembly tasks in dynamic environments could lead to more flexible facilities with reduced implementation efforts for individual products. In this paper, we present a general approach towards autonomous robotic assembly that combines visual and intrinsic tactile sensing to continuously track parts within a single Bayesian framework. Based on this, it is possible to implement object-centric assembly skills that are guided by the estimated poses of the parts, including cases where occlusions block the vision system. In particular, we investigate the application of this approach for peg-in-hole assembly. A tilt-and-align strategy is implemented using a Cartesian impedance controller, and combined with an adaptive path executor. Experimental results with multiple part combinations are provided and analyzed in detail
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