13 research outputs found

    Discrete transfinite computation

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    Transfinite Step-Indexing: Decoupling Concrete and Logical Steps

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    International audienceStep-indexing has proven to be a powerful technique for defining logical relations for languages with advanced type systems and models of expressive program logics. In both cases, the model is stratified using natural numbers to solve a recursive equation that has no naive solutions. As a result of this stratification, current models require that each unfolding of the recursive equation – each logical step – must coincide with a concrete reduction step. This tight coupling is problematic for applications where the number of logical steps cannot be statically bounded. In this paper we demonstrate that this tight coupling between logical and concrete steps is artificial and show how to loosen it using transfinite step-indexing. We present a logical relation that supports an arbitrary but finite number of logical steps for each concrete step

    Topological Groups: Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow

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    In 1900, David Hilbert asked whether each locally euclidean topological group admits a Lie group structure. This was the fifth of his famous 23 questions which foreshadowed much of the mathematical creativity of the twentieth century. It required half a century of effort by several generations of eminent mathematicians until it was settled in the affirmative. These efforts resulted over time in the Peter-Weyl Theorem, the Pontryagin-van Kampen Duality Theorem for locally compact abelian groups, and finally the solution of Hilbert 5 and the structure theory of locally compact groups, through the combined work of Andrew Gleason, Kenkichi Iwasawa, Deane Montgomery, and Leon Zippin. For a presentation of Hilbert 5 see the 2014 book “Hilbert’s Fifth Problem and Related Topics” by the winner of a 2006 Fields Medal and 2014 Breakthrough Prize in Mathematics, Terence Tao. It is not possible to describe briefly the richness of the topological group theory and the many directions taken since Hilbert 5. The 900 page reference book in 2013 “The Structure of Compact Groups” by Karl H. Hofmann and Sidney A. Morris, deals with one aspect of compact group theory. There are several books on profinite groups including those written by John S. Wilson (1998) and by Luis Ribes and ‎Pavel Zalesskii (2012). The 2007 book “The Lie Theory of Connected Pro-Lie Groups” by Karl Hofmann and Sidney A. Morris, demonstrates how powerful Lie Theory is in exposing the structure of infinite-dimensional Lie groups. The study of free topological groups initiated by A.A. Markov, M.I. Graev and S. Kakutani, has resulted in a wealth of interesting results, in particular those of A.V. ArkhangelÊčskiÄ­ and many of his former students who developed this topic and its relations with topology. The book “Topological Groups and Related Structures” by Alexander ArkhangelÊčskii and Mikhail Tkachenko has a diverse content including much material on free topological groups. Compactness conditions in topological groups, especially pseudocompactness as exemplified in the many papers of W.W. Comfort, has been another direction which has proved very fruitful to the present day

    Hyperarithmetical properties of relations on abelian p-groups and orderings

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    Mathematics and Its Applications, A Transcendental-Idealist Perspective

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    This monograph offers a fresh perspective on the applicability of mathematics in science. It explores what mathematics must be so that its applications to the empirical world do not constitute a mystery. In the process, readers are presented with a new version of mathematical structuralism. The author details a philosophy of mathematics in which the problem of its applicability, particularly in physics, in all its forms can be explained and justified. Chapters cover: mathematics as a formal science, mathematical ontology: what does it mean to exist, mathematical structures: what are they and how do we know them, how different layers of mathematical structuring relate to each other and to perceptual structures, and how to use mathematics to find out how the world is. The book simultaneously develops along two lines, both inspired and enlightened by Edmund Husserl’s phenomenological philosophy. One line leads to the establishment of a particular version of mathematical structuralism, free of “naturalist” and empiricist bias. The other leads to a logical-epistemological explanation and justification of the applicability of mathematics carried out within a unique structuralist perspective. This second line points to the “unreasonable” effectiveness of mathematics in physics as a means of representation, a tool, and a source of not always logically justified but useful and effective heuristic strategies

    Metalevel and reflexive extension in mechanical theorem proving

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    In spite of many years of research into mechanical assistance for mathematics it is still much more difficult to construct a proof on a machine than on paper. Of course this is partly because, unlike a proof on paper, a machine checked proof must be formal in the strictest sense of that word, but it is also because usually the ways of going about building proofs on a machine are limited compared to what a mathematician is used to. This thesis looks at some possible extensions to the range of tools available on a machine that might lend a user more flexibility in proving theorems, complementing whatever is already available.In particular, it examines what is possible in a framework theorem prover. Such a system, if it is configured to prove theorems in a particular logic T, must have a formal description of the proof theory of T written in the framework theory F of the system. So it should be possible to use whatever facilities are available in F not only to prove theorems of T, but also theorems about T that can then be used in their turn to aid the user in building theorems of T.The thesis is divided into three parts. The first describes the theory FS₀, which has been suggested by Feferman as a candidate for a framework theory suitable for doing meta-theory. The second describes some experiments with FS₀, proving meta-theorems. The third describes an experiment in extending the theory PRA, declared in FS₀, with a reflection facility.More precisely, in the second section three theories are formalised: propositional logic, sorted predicate logic, and the lambda calculus (with a deBruijn style binding). For the first two the deduction theorem and the prenex normal form theorem are respectively proven. For the third, a relational definition of beta-reduction is replaced with an explicit function.In the third section, a method is proposed for avoiding the work involved in building a full Godel style proof predicate for a theory. It is suggested that the language be extended with quotation and substitution facilities directly, instead of providing them as definitional extensions. With this, it is possible to exploit an observation of Solovay's that the Lob derivability conditions are sufficient to capture the schematic behaviour of a proof predicate. Combining this with a reflection schema is enough to produce a non-conservative extension of PRA, and this is demonstrated by some experiments

    Non-classical modal logic for belief

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