13 research outputs found

    Preface to the special issue 'High order methods for CFD problems'

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    Since a few years, there has been a renew in interest in (very) high order schemes for compressible fluid dynamics for steady and unsteady problems. Within Europe and the US, several conferences deal with these issues, some of them have been launched only recently. Several special issues of recent or future AIAA conferences are specially devoted to that topic. The goal of these researches is to design cheaper and more efficient numerical methods able to handle very large and very complex problems

    A high-order nonconservative approach for hyperbolic equations in fluid dynamics

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    It is well known, thanks to Lax-Wendroff theorem, that the local conservation of a numerical scheme for a conservative hyperbolic system is a simple and systematic way to guarantee that, if stable, a scheme will provide a sequence of solutions that will converge to a weak solution of the continuous problem. In [1], it is shown that a nonconservative scheme will not provide a good solution. The question of using, nevertheless, a nonconservative formulation of the system and getting the correct solution has been a long-standing debate. In this paper, we show how get a relevant weak solution from a pressure-based formulation of the Euler equations of fluid mechanics. This is useful when dealing with nonlinear equations of state because it is easier to compute the internal energy from the pressure than the opposite. This makes it possible to get oscillation free solutions, contrarily to classical conservative methods. An extension to multiphase flows is also discussed, as well as a multidimensional extension

    A general framework to construct schemes satisfying additional conservation relations. Application to entropy conservative and entropy dissipative schemes

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    We are interested in the approximation of a steady hyperbolic problem. In some cases, the solution can satisfy an additional conservation relation, at least when it is smooth. This is the case of an entropy. In this paper, we show, starting from the discretisation of the original PDE, how to construct a scheme that is consistent with the original PDE and the additional conservation relation. Since one interesting example is given by the systems endowed by an entropy, we provide one explicit solution, and show that the accuracy of the new scheme is at most degraded by one order. In the case of a discontinuous Galerkin scheme and a Residual distribution scheme, we show how not to degrade the accuracy. This improves the recent results obtained in [1, 2, 3, 4] in the sense that no particular constraints are set on quadrature formula and that a priori maximum accuracy can still be achieved. We study the behavior of the method on a non linear scalar problem. However, the method is not restricted to scalar problems

    High-order residual distribution scheme for the time-dependent Euler equations of fluid dynamics

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    In the present work, a high order finite element type residual distribution scheme is designed in the framework of multidimensional compressible Euler equations of gas dynamics. The strengths of the proposed approximation rely on the generic spatial discretization of the model equations using a continuous finite element type approximation technique, while avoiding the solution of a large linear system with a sparse mass matrix which would come along with any standard ODE solver in a classical finite element approach to advance the solution in time. In this work, we propose a new Residual Distribution (RD) scheme, which provides an arbitrary explicit high order approximation of the smooth solutions of the Euler equations both in space and time. The design of the scheme via the coupling of the RD formulation \cite{mario,abg} with a Deferred Correction (DeC) type method \cite{shu-dec,Minion2}, allows to have the matrix associated to the update in time, which needs to be inverted, to be diagonal. The use of Bernstein polynomials as shape functions, guarantees that this diagonal matrix is invertible and ensures strict positivity of the resulting diagonal matrix coefficients. This work is the extension of \cite{enumath,Abgrall2017} to multidimensional systems. We have assessed our method on several challenging benchmark problems for one- and two-dimensional Euler equations and the scheme has proven to be robust and to achieve the theoretically predicted high order of accuracy on smooth solutions

    Construction of very high order residual distribution schemes for steady inviscid flow problems on hybrid unstructured meshes

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    In this paper we consider the very high order approximation of solutions of the Euler equations. We present a systematic generalization of the Residual Distribution method of \cite{ENORD} to very high order of accuracy, by extending the preliminary work discussed in \cite{abgrallLarat} to systems and hybrid meshes. We present extensive numerical validation for the third and fourth order cases with Lagrange finite elements. In particular, we demonstrate that we an both have a non oscillatory behavior, even for very strong shocks and complex flow patterns, and the expected accuracy on smooth problems.Adaptive Schemes for Deterministic and Stochastic Flow Problem