4,705 research outputs found

    Exceptional surgeries on alternating knots

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    We give a complete classification of exceptional surgeries on hyperbolic alternating knots in the 3-sphere. As an appendix, we also show that the Montesinos knots M (-1/2, 2/5, 1/(2q + 1)) with q at least 5 have no non-trivial exceptional surgeries. This gives the final step in a complete classification of exceptional surgery on arborescent knots.Comment: 30 pages, 19 figures. v2: recomputation performed via the newest version of hikmot, v3: revised according to referees' comments, to appear in Comm. Anal. Geo

    From 3D Models to 3D Prints: an Overview of the Processing Pipeline

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    Due to the wide diffusion of 3D printing technologies, geometric algorithms for Additive Manufacturing are being invented at an impressive speed. Each single step, in particular along the Process Planning pipeline, can now count on dozens of methods that prepare the 3D model for fabrication, while analysing and optimizing geometry and machine instructions for various objectives. This report provides a classification of this huge state of the art, and elicits the relation between each single algorithm and a list of desirable objectives during Process Planning. The objectives themselves are listed and discussed, along with possible needs for tradeoffs. Additive Manufacturing technologies are broadly categorized to explicitly relate classes of devices and supported features. Finally, this report offers an analysis of the state of the art while discussing open and challenging problems from both an academic and an industrial perspective.Comment: European Union (EU); Horizon 2020; H2020-FoF-2015; RIA - Research and Innovation action; Grant agreement N. 68044

    Development of a GPGPU accelerated tool to simulate advection-reaction-diffusion phenomena in 2D

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    Computational models are powerful tools to the study of environmental systems, playing a fundamental role in several fields of research (hydrological sciences, biomathematics, atmospheric sciences, geosciences, among others). Most of these models require high computational capacity, especially when one considers high spatial resolution and the application to large areas. In this context, the exponential increase in computational power brought by General Purpose Graphics Processing Units (GPGPU) has drawn the attention of scientists and engineers to the development of low cost and high performance parallel implementations of environmental models. In this research, we apply GPGPU computing for the development of a model that describes the physical processes of advection, reaction and diffusion. This presentation is held in the form of three self-contained articles. In the first one, we present a GPGPU implementation for the solution of the 2D groundwater flow equation in unconfined aquifers for heterogenous and anisotropic media. We implement a finite difference solution scheme based on the Crank- Nicolson method and show that the GPGPU accelerated solution implemented using CUDA C/C++ (Compute Unified Device Architecture) greatly outperforms the corresponding serial solution implemented in C/C++. The results show that accelerated GPGPU implementation is capable of delivering up to 56 times acceleration in the solution process using an ordinary office computer. In the second article, we study the application of a diffusive-logistic growth (DLG) model to the problem of forest growth and regeneration. The study focuses on vegetation belonging to preservation areas, such as riparian buffer zones. The study was developed in two stages: (i) a methodology based on Artificial Neural Network Ensembles (ANNE) was applied to evaluate the width of riparian buffer required to filter 90% of the residual nitrogen; (ii) the DLG model was calibrated and validated to generate a prognostic of forest regeneration in riparian protection bands considering the minimum widths indicated by the ANNE. The solution was implemented in GPGPU and it was applied to simulate the forest regeneration process for forty years on the riparian protection bands along the Ligeiro river, in Brazil. The results from calibration and validation showed that the DLG model provides fairly accurate results for the modelling of forest regeneration. In the third manuscript, we present a GPGPU implementation of the solution of the advection-reaction-diffusion equation in 2D. The implementation is designed to be general and flexible to allow the modeling of a wide range of processes, including those with heterogeneity and anisotropy. We show that simulations performed in GPGPU allow the use of mesh grids containing more than 20 million points, corresponding to an area of 18,000 km? in a standard Landsat image resolution.Os modelos computacionais s?o ferramentas poderosas para o estudo de sistemas ambientais, desempenhando um papel fundamental em v?rios campos de pesquisa (ci?ncias hidrol?gicas, biomatem?tica, ci?ncias atmosf?ricas, geoci?ncias, entre outros). A maioria desses modelos requer alta capacidade computacional, especialmente quando se considera uma alta resolu??o espacial e a aplica??o em grandes ?reas. Neste contexto, o aumento exponencial do poder computacional trazido pelas Unidades de Processamento de Gr?ficos de Prop?sito Geral (GPGPU) chamou a aten??o de cientistas e engenheiros para o desenvolvimento de implementa??es paralelas de baixo custo e alto desempenho para modelos ambientais. Neste trabalho, aplicamos computa??o em GPGPU para o desenvolvimento de um modelo que descreve os processos f?sicos de advec??o, rea??o e difus?o. Esta disserta??o ? apresentada sob a forma de tr?s artigos. No primeiro, apresentamos uma implementa??o em GPGPU para a solu??o da equa??o de fluxo de ?guas subterr?neas 2D em aqu?feros n?o confinados para meios heterog?neos e anisotr?picos. Foi implementado um esquema de solu??o de diferen?as finitas com base no m?todo Crank- Nicolson e mostramos que a solu??o acelerada GPGPU implementada usando CUDA C / C ++ supera a solu??o serial correspondente implementada em C / C ++. Os resultados mostram que a implementa??o acelerada por GPGPU ? capaz de fornecer acelera??o de at? 56 vezes no processo da solu??o usando um computador de escrit?rio comum. No segundo artigo estudamos a aplica??o de um modelo de crescimento log?stico difusivo (DLG) ao problema de crescimento e regenera??o florestal. O estudo foi desenvolvido em duas etapas: (i) Aplicou-se uma metodologia baseada em Comites de Rede Neural Artificial (ANNE) para avaliar a largura da faixa de prote??o rip?ria necess?ria para filtrar 90% do nitrog?nio residual; (ii) O modelo DLG foi calibrado e validado para gerar um progn?stico de regenera??o florestal em faixas de prote??o rip?rias considerando as larguras m?nimas indicadas pela ANNE. A solu??o foi implementada em GPGPU e aplicada para simular o processo de regenera??o florestal para um per?odo de quarenta anos na faixa de prote??o rip?ria ao longo do rio Ligeiro, no Brasil. Os resultados da calibra??o e valida??o mostraram que o modelo DLG fornece resultados bastante precisos para a modelagem de regenera??o florestal. No terceiro artigo, apresenta-se uma implementa??o em GPGPU para solu??o da equa??o advec??o-rea??o-difus?o em 2D. A implementa??o ? projetada para ser geral e flex?vel para permitir a modelagem de uma ampla gama de processos, incluindo caracter?sticas como heterogeneidade e anisotropia do meio. Neste trabalho mostra-se que as simula??es realizadas em GPGPU permitem o uso de malhas contendo mais de 20 milh?es de pontos (vari?veis), correspondendo a uma ?rea de 18.000 km? em resolu??o de 30m padr?o das imagens Landsat

    Virtual Prototyping for Rapid Product Development

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    Software Extensions to UCSF Chimera for Interactive Visualization of Large Molecular Assemblies

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    SummaryMany structures of large molecular assemblies such as virus capsids and ribosomes have been experimentally determined to atomic resolution. We consider four software problems that arise in interactive visualization and analysis of large assemblies: how to represent multimers efficiently, how to make cartoon representations, how to calculate contacts efficiently, and how to select subassemblies. We describe techniques and algorithms we have developed and give examples of their use. Existing molecular visualization programs work well for single protein and nucleic acid molecules and for small complexes. The methods presented here are proposed as features to add to existing programs or include in next-generation visualization software to allow easy exploration of assemblies containing tens to thousands of macromolecules. Our approach is pragmatic, emphasizing simplicity of code, reliability, and speed. The methods described have been distributed as the Multiscale extension of the UCSF Chimera (www.cgl.ucsf.edu/chimera) molecular graphics program

    Planetary Detection Efficiency of the Magnification 3000 Microlensing Event OGLE-2004-BLG-343

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    OGLE-2004-BLG-343 was a microlensing event with peak magnification A_{max}=3000+/-1100, by far the highest-magnification event ever analyzed and hence potentially extremely sensitive to planets orbiting the lens star. Due to human error, intensive monitoring did not begin until 43 minutes after peak, at which point the magnification had fallen to A~1200, still by far the highest ever observed. As the light curve does not show significant deviations due to a planet, we place upper limits on the presence of such planets by extending the method of Yoo et al. (2004b), which combines light-curve analysis with priors from a Galactic model of the source and lens populations, to take account of finite-source effects. This is the first event so analyzed for which finite-source effects are important, and hence we develop two new techniques for evaluating these effects. Somewhat surprisingly, we find that OGLE-2004-BLG-343 is no more sensitive to planets than two previously analyzed events with A_{max}~100, despite the fact that it was observed at ~12 times higher magnification. However, we show that had the event been observed over its peak, it would have been sensitive to almost all Neptune-mass planets over a factor of 5 of projected separation and even would have had some sensitivity to Earth-mass planets. This shows that some microlensing events being detected in current experiments are sensitive to very low-mass planets. We also give suggestions on how extremely high-magnification events can be more promptly monitored in the future.Comment: 50 pages, 13 figures, published in The Astrophysical Journa

    Acquiring Three-Dimensional Data from Small Mammalian Teeth : Laser Scanning Eocene Marsupials

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    Three-dimensional laser scanning is an effective method of digitization in paleontology, but has traditionally been restricted to larger specimens. The goal of this study was to develop a laser scanning technique applicable to small mammalian (\u3c 5 mm) dentition. Modeling protocols were developed, and a morphometric error study showed the system highly accurate (percent error = 1D- 0.4%, 2D- 0.05%, 3D- 1.74%). Automation and standardization were accomplished by implementation of a multiscan platform and autosurfacing macro reducing modeling time by 60%. To highlight one morphometric application, 3D models (n=61) of three sympatric Eocene marsupials were digitized, and traditionally qualitative diagnostic characters were quantified and assessed. All but two of the 19 characters examined proved diagnostic (p \u3c 0.05), and exploratory canonical discriminant analysis confirmed three distinct species. Incorporating type specimens revealed a familial overlap, therefore, this novel modeling technique can be employed in a full revision of early Eocene marsupials

    Experimental and Computational Investigations of Heat Transfer Systems in Fluoride Salt-cooled High-temperature Reactors

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    Fluoride salt-cooled high-temperature reactors (FHRs) face a number of challenges similar to those faced by other Generation IV advanced reactor concepts. Predicting heat transfer in these systems accurately and reliably is one major challenge. Another is ensuring the safety of these systems during challenging operating conditions across the design basis envelope. Finally, achieving good economics to compete in a modern power generation portfolio is necessary for moving any nuclear power plant concept past the pre-conceptual stage. This dissertation attempts to support, from a thermal-hydraulics research standpoint, the case that the FHR can attain these goals. The dissertation focuses on several aspects of the design. The common thread through the different studies is ultimately rooted in improving plant safety and economics. This dissertation has four major contributions in support of the FHR: experimental investigation of a directional direct reactor auxiliary cooling system (DRACS) heat exchanger (DHX), experimental investigation of twisted versus plain tube heat transfer for molten salt heat exchangers, and two computational studies, one on DRACS reliability and one on heat exchanger optimization. The results for the four studies are presented and discussed. The directional DHX study was performed using a hydrodynamic experimental setup with water as a working fluid and heat transfer performance inferred. The experimental heat transfer work was performed using a simulant fluid, Dowtherm A, to match the important non-dimensional heat transfer parameters. The computational DRACS reliability study was performed using MATLAB and RELAP5-3D, and the computational heat exchanger optimization study was performed using Python and available metaheuristic algorithms. The implications of the various studies are tied together in the conclusions section, with suggestions for future work

    Research on Building Information Model (BIM) Technology

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    All above this paper is to give the BIM scientific definition, describes the BIM six technical characteristics and points out the essence of BIM Technology, creatively put forward the mature styling BIM seven technical standards, depicting the BIM Technology Development Tools, and other technical fusion development realize the feasibility of the technical route, show the BIM building life cycle management strategies and methods based on, from the two dimensions of qualitative and quantitative, symbiosis is the example of the fused BIM Technology and energy consumption analysis tool. In the realization of green, smart and sustainable design BIM technology advantages to focus attention, the article finally, the BIM technology in China's engineering practice in the application of the prospects for the future