10,788 research outputs found

    Neural computation of arithmetic functions

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    A neuron is modeled as a linear threshold gate, and the network architecture considered is the layered feedforward network. It is shown how common arithmetic functions such as multiplication and sorting can be efficiently computed in a shallow neural network. Some known results are improved by showing that the product of two n-bit numbers and sorting of n n-bit numbers can be computed by a polynomial-size neural network using only four and five unit delays, respectively. Moreover, the weights of each threshold element in the neural networks require O(log n)-bit (instead of n -bit) accuracy. These results can be extended to more complicated functions such as multiple products, division, rational functions, and approximation of analytic functions

    Jacobian hits circuits: Hitting-sets, lower bounds for depth-D occur-k formulas & depth-3 transcendence degree-k circuits

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    We present a single, common tool to strictly subsume all known cases of polynomial time blackbox polynomial identity testing (PIT) that have been hitherto solved using diverse tools and techniques. In particular, we show that polynomial time hitting-set generators for identity testing of the two seemingly different and well studied models - depth-3 circuits with bounded top fanin, and constant-depth constant-read multilinear formulas - can be constructed using one common algebraic-geometry theme: Jacobian captures algebraic independence. By exploiting the Jacobian, we design the first efficient hitting-set generators for broad generalizations of the above-mentioned models, namely: (1) depth-3 (Sigma-Pi-Sigma) circuits with constant transcendence degree of the polynomials computed by the product gates (no bounded top fanin restriction), and (2) constant-depth constant-occur formulas (no multilinear restriction). Constant-occur of a variable, as we define it, is a much more general concept than constant-read. Also, earlier work on the latter model assumed that the formula is multilinear. Thus, our work goes further beyond the results obtained by Saxena & Seshadhri (STOC 2011), Saraf & Volkovich (STOC 2011), Anderson et al. (CCC 2011), Beecken et al. (ICALP 2011) and Grenet et al. (FSTTCS 2011), and brings them under one unifying technique. In addition, using the same Jacobian based approach, we prove exponential lower bounds for the immanant (which includes permanent and determinant) on the same depth-3 and depth-4 models for which we give efficient PIT algorithms. Our results reinforce the intimate connection between identity testing and lower bounds by exhibiting a concrete mathematical tool - the Jacobian - that is equally effective in solving both the problems on certain interesting and previously well-investigated (but not well understood) models of computation

    An Improved Combinatorial Polynomial Algorithm for the Linear Arrow-Debreu Market

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    We present an improved combinatorial algorithm for the computation of equilibrium prices in the linear Arrow-Debreu model. For a market with nn agents and integral utilities bounded by UU, the algorithm runs in O(n7log3(nU))O(n^7 \log^3 (nU)) time. This improves upon the previously best algorithm of Ye by a factor of \tOmega(n). The algorithm refines the algorithm described by Duan and Mehlhorn and improves it by a factor of \tOmega(n^3). The improvement comes from a better understanding of the iterative price adjustment process, the improved balanced flow computation for nondegenerate instances, and a novel perturbation technique for achieving nondegeneracy.Comment: to appear in SODA 201

    Polynomial time ultrapowers and the consistency of circuit lower bounds

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    A polynomial time ultrapower is a structure given by the set of polynomial time computable functions modulo some ultrafilter. They model the universal theory ∀PV of all polynomial time functions. Generalizing a theorem of Hirschfeld (Israel J Math 20(2):111–126, 1975), we show that every countable model of ∀PV is isomorphic to an existentially closed substructure of a polynomial time ultrapower. Moreover, one can take a substructure of a special form, namely a limit polynomial time ultrapower in the classical sense of Keisler (in: Bergelson, V., Blass, A., Di Nasso, M., Jin, R. (eds.) Ultrafilters across mathematics, contemporary mathematics vol 530, pp 163–179. AMS, New York, 1963). Using a polynomial time ultrapower over a nonstandard Herbrand saturated model of ∀PV we show that ∀PV is consistent with a formal statement of a polynomial size circuit lower bound for a polynomial time computable function. This improves upon a recent result of Krajíček and Oliveira (Logical methods in computer science 13 (1:4), 2017).Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft