7,695 research outputs found

    Study on the influence of ocean engineering on the navigation safety of surrounding waters

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    The review of implication and development of digital technologies in maritime sector

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    Study on the application of information technology in inland maritime supervision

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    Workflow to detect ship encounters at sea with GIS support

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    Dissertation presented as the partial requirement for obtaining a Master's degree in Geographic Information Systems and ScienceAccording to the United Nations, more than 80% of the global trade is currently transported by sea. The Portuguese EEZ has a very extensive area with high maritime traffic, among which illicit activities may occur. This work aims to contribute to the official control of illegal transshipment actions by studying and proposing a new way of detecting encounters between ships. Ships with specific characteristics use an Automatic Identification System (AIS) on board which transmits a signal via radio frequencies, allowing shore stations to receive static and dynamic data from the ship. Thus, there is an increase in maritime situational awareness and, consequently, in the safety of navigation. The methodology of this dissertation employs monthly and daily AIS data in the study area, which is located in southern mainland Portugal. A bibliometric and content analysis was performed in order to assess the state of the art concerning geospatial analysis models of maritime traffic, based on AIS data, and focus on anomalous behaviour detection. Maritime traffic density maps were created with the support of a GIS (QGIS software), which allowed to characterize the maritime traffic in the study area and, subsequently, to pattern the locations where ship encounters occur. The algorithm to detect ship-to-ship meetings at sea was developed using a rule-based methodology. After analysis and discussion of results, it was found that the areas where the possibility of ship encounters at sea is greatest are away from the main shipping lanes, but close to areas with fishing vessels. The study findings and workflow are useful for decision making by the competent authorities for patrolling the maritime areas, focusing on the detection of illegal transhipment actions.Segundo as Nações Unidas, mais de 80% do comércio global é, atualmente, transportado por via marítima. A ZEE portuguesa tem uma área muito extensa, com tráfego marítimo elevado, entre o qual podem ocorrer atividades ilícitas. Este trabalho pretende contribuir para o controlo oficial de ações de transbordo ilegal, estudando e propondo uma nova forma de deteção de encontros entre navios. Os navios com determinadas características, utilizam a bordo um Automatic Identification System (AIS) que transmite sinal através de frequências rádio, permitindo que estações em terra recebam dados estáticos e dinâmicos do navio. Deste modo, verifica-se um aumento do conhecimento situacional marítimo e, consequentemente, da segurança da navegação. Foi realizada uma análise bibliométrica e de conteúdo a fim de avaliar o estado da arte referente a modelos de análise geoespacial do tráfego marítimo, com base em dados AIS, e foco na deteção de comportamentos anómalos. Na metodologia desta dissertação, são utilizados dados AIS mensais e diários na área de estudo, situada a sul de Portugal Continental. Foram criados mapas de densidade de tráfego marítimo com o apoio de um SIG (software QGIS), o que permitiu caracterizar o tráfego marítimo na área de estudo e, posteriormente, padronizar os locais onde ocorrem encontros entre navios. O algoritmo para detetar encontros entre navios no mar foi desenvolvido através de uma metodologia baseada em regras. Após análise e discussão de resultados, constatou-se que as áreas onde a possibilidade de ocorrer encontros de navios no mar é maior, encontram-se afastadas dos corredores principais de navegação, mas próximas de zonas com embarcações de pesca. Os resultados do estudo e o workflow desenvolvidos são úteis à tomada de decisão pelas autoridades competentes por patrulhar as áreas marítimas, com incidência na deteção de ações de transbordo ilegal

    Study on the towing of drilling platform in port waters based on VTS Aid-To-Navigation Service

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    Data-driven based automatic routing planning for MASS

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    Research on improving maritime emergency management based on AI and VR in Tianjin Port

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    A study on PSCO intelligent decision support system in China

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    Research on new communication and navigation technologies on aids to navigation

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