323 research outputs found

    Construction of a Benchmark for the User Experience Questionnaire (UEQ)

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    Questionnaires are a cheap and highly efficient tool for achieving a quantitative measure of a product’s user experience (UX). However, it is not always easy to decide, if a questionnaire result can really show whether a product satisfies this quality aspect. So a benchmark is useful. It allows comparing the results of one product to a large set of other products. In this paper we describe a benchmark for the User Experience Questionnaire (UEQ), a widely used evaluation tool for interactive products. We also describe how the benchmark can be applied to the quality assurance process for concrete projects

    A Benchmark for the UEQ+ Framework: Construction of a Simple Tool to Quickly Interpret UEQ+ KPIs

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    Questionnaires are a highly efficient method to compare the user experience (UX) of different interactive products or versions of a single product. Concretely, they allow us to evaluate the UX easily and to compare different products with a numeric UX score. However, often only one UX score from a single evaluated product is available. Without a comparison to other measurements, it is difficult to interpret an individual score, e.g. to decide whether a product’s UX is good enough to compete in the market. Many questionnaires offer benchmarks to support researchers in these cases. A benchmark is the result of a larger set of product evaluations performed with the same questionnaire. The score obtained from a single product evaluation can be compared to the scores from this benchmark data set to quickly interpret the results. In this paper, the first benchmark for the UEQ+ (User Experience Questionnaire +) is presented, which was created using 3.290 UEQ+ responses for 26 successful software products. The UEQ+ is a modular framework that contains a high number of validated user experience scales that can be combined to form a UX questionnaire. Currently, no benchmark is available for this framework, making the benchmark constructed in this paper a valuable interpretation tool for UEQ+ questionnaires

    Design and Validation of a Framework for the Creation of User Experience Questionnaires

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    Existing user experience questionnaires have a fixed number of scales. Each of these scales measures a distinct aspect of user experience. These questionnaires can be used with little effort and provide a number of useful support materials that make the application of such a questionnaire quite easy. However, in practical evaluation scenarios it can happen that none of the existing questionnaires contains all scales necessary to answer the research question. It is of course possible to combine several UX questionnaires in such cases, but due to the variations of item formats this is also not an optimal solution. In this paper, we describe the development and first validation studies of a modular framework that allows the creation of user experience questionnaires that fit perfectly to a given research question. The framework contains several scales that measure different UX aspects. These scales can be combined to cover the relevant research questions


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    Digital wallets are the most preferred payment method by Indonesian digital society compared to other payment methods, namely cash payments and bank transfers. Over time, several digital wallet platforms began to create QR codes according to their respective platforms. With each platform having its own QR Code, this can make it difficult for users to make payments. Therefore, Bank Indonesia, which is tasked with regulating and maintaining the smooth running of the payment system, regulates the QR Code to be standardized in accordance with the International Europe Mastercard Visa standard. A product is said to be successful if the product is able to meet user needs to increase user satisfaction. In order for the product to meet the standards, it is necessary to evaluate the quality of the product. One of the evaluations that must be carried out is an evaluation of the User Experience. The sampling technique used is purposive sampling with the criteria that domiciled in Samarinda and has used QRIS as a payment system. Data analysis was carried out using the UEQ Data Analysis Tool. The results of this study are that user experience (attractiveness, perspicuity, efficiency, dependability, stimulation, novelty) has a positive impression on QRIS user satisfaction in Samarinda City

    Analyzing User Experience of Website for the Learning of Programming Language

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    User experience is a term for the experience of users in having an easiness and efficiency in the interaction between humans and computers. CodeSaya is an easy, fun, and free place to learn about coding. There are some Programming Languages which can be learned. This research aimed to analyze the effectiveness of the codesaya.com website to learn the basics of programming by using a measurement method of the User Experience Questionnaire (UEQ). There are six examined scales, namely attractiveness, perspicuity, efficiency, dependability, stimulation, and novelty. The testing results showed that those six scales positively affected the students' attentions to use the programming framework with 1.722 of attractiveness score, 1.456 of perspicuity score, 1.718 of efficiency score, 1.46 of dependability score, and 1.44 of stimulation score, these scores showed that the five scales were at a high level, while novelty was at a moderate level with 1.147 of the score. According to the whole data processing and analysis were done in this study, it can be concluded that CodeSaya Website can improve the learning effectiveness of Programming Languages

    Usability Analysis on Health Tracking Application using User Experience Questionnaire in Jakarta Area

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    The study aims to investigate user satisfaction with the Health Tracking application in Jakarta, which is a vital tool used by the government to monitor the health of Indonesians. The research will employ a User Experience Questionnaire to gather feedback from a minimum of 400 respondents who are users of the Health Tracking application selected through random sampling. The analysis of the survey results will evaluate the User Interface (UI) and User Experience (UX) of the application and provide valuable insights that can be used to enhance the app's future development. The UEQ Data Analysis Tool will be utilized to analyze data. Based on the findings, it can be concluded that users are highly satisfied with the Health Tracking application's UI/UX. However, improvements can be made to enhance the perspicuity aspect of the app, along with maintaining or improving other factors. The results of this study can serve as a benchmark for the future development of the Health Tracking application


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    Technology acceptance is crucial, if newly implemented enterprise systems (ES) in a company are to succeed. This is often addressed by end-user training during the implementation project. Perceived enjoyment and positive user experience (UX) have gained significant importance as technology acceptance factors. Yet, research on the design of such trainings is scarce, and literature with focus on perceived UX of ES even more so. This is in contrast to findings from other contexts which show that perceived UX may heavily impact user attitudes and learning motivation. As a first endavour in this direction, this paper presents an exploratory pre-study on first impressions of main operating ES with regard to expected usability and UX. Results show that ES are rated low, especially when compared to a universal UX benchmark. We discuss how more positive first impressions may positively impact motivation to learn the system, which will be investigated in a follow-up study
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