2,172 research outputs found

    Geometric deep learning: going beyond Euclidean data

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    Many scientific fields study data with an underlying structure that is a non-Euclidean space. Some examples include social networks in computational social sciences, sensor networks in communications, functional networks in brain imaging, regulatory networks in genetics, and meshed surfaces in computer graphics. In many applications, such geometric data are large and complex (in the case of social networks, on the scale of billions), and are natural targets for machine learning techniques. In particular, we would like to use deep neural networks, which have recently proven to be powerful tools for a broad range of problems from computer vision, natural language processing, and audio analysis. However, these tools have been most successful on data with an underlying Euclidean or grid-like structure, and in cases where the invariances of these structures are built into networks used to model them. Geometric deep learning is an umbrella term for emerging techniques attempting to generalize (structured) deep neural models to non-Euclidean domains such as graphs and manifolds. The purpose of this paper is to overview different examples of geometric deep learning problems and present available solutions, key difficulties, applications, and future research directions in this nascent field

    Localized Manifold Harmonics for Spectral Shape Analysis

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    The use of Laplacian eigenfunctions is ubiquitous in a wide range of computer graphics and geometry processing applications. In particular, Laplacian eigenbases allow generalizing the classical Fourier analysis to manifolds. A key drawback of such bases is their inherently global nature, as the Laplacian eigenfunctions carry geometric and topological structure of the entire manifold. In this paper, we introduce a new framework for local spectral shape analysis. We show how to efficiently construct localized orthogonal bases by solving an optimization problem that in turn can be posed as the eigendecomposition of a new operator obtained by a modification of the standard Laplacian. We study the theoretical and computational aspects of the proposed framework and showcase our new construction on the classical problems of shape approximation and correspondence. We obtain significant improvement compared to classical Laplacian eigenbases as well as other alternatives for constructing localized bases

    (MS)SM-like models on smooth Calabi-Yau manifolds from all three heterotic string theories

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    We perform model searches on smooth Calabi-Yau compactifications for both the supersymmetric E8xE8 and SO(32) as well as for the non-supersymmetric SO(16)xSO(16) heterotic strings simultaneously. We consider line bundle backgrounds on both favorable CICYs with relatively small h_11 and the Schoen manifold. Using Gram matrices we systematically analyze the combined consequences of the Bianchi identities and the tree-level Donaldson-Uhlenbeck-Yau equations inside the Kahler cone. In order to evaluate the model building potential of the three heterotic theories on the various geometries, we perform computer-aided scans. We have generated a large number of GUT-like models (up to over a few hundred thousand on the various geometries for the three heterotic theories) which become (MS)SM-like upon using a freely acting Wilson line. For all three heterotic theories we present tables and figures summarizing the potentially phenomenologically interesting models which were obtained during our model scans.Comment: 1+39 pages latex, 4 figures, 16 tables. v3: Scans and statistics for the non-supersymmetric models redone in light of the corrected flux quantization conditio

    Representation Learning: A Review and New Perspectives

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    The success of machine learning algorithms generally depends on data representation, and we hypothesize that this is because different representations can entangle and hide more or less the different explanatory factors of variation behind the data. Although specific domain knowledge can be used to help design representations, learning with generic priors can also be used, and the quest for AI is motivating the design of more powerful representation-learning algorithms implementing such priors. This paper reviews recent work in the area of unsupervised feature learning and deep learning, covering advances in probabilistic models, auto-encoders, manifold learning, and deep networks. This motivates longer-term unanswered questions about the appropriate objectives for learning good representations, for computing representations (i.e., inference), and the geometrical connections between representation learning, density estimation and manifold learning

    PyDEC: Software and Algorithms for Discretization of Exterior Calculus

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    This paper describes the algorithms, features and implementation of PyDEC, a Python library for computations related to the discretization of exterior calculus. PyDEC facilitates inquiry into both physical problems on manifolds as well as purely topological problems on abstract complexes. We describe efficient algorithms for constructing the operators and objects that arise in discrete exterior calculus, lowest order finite element exterior calculus and in related topological problems. Our algorithms are formulated in terms of high-level matrix operations which extend to arbitrary dimension. As a result, our implementations map well to the facilities of numerical libraries such as NumPy and SciPy. The availability of such libraries makes Python suitable for prototyping numerical methods. We demonstrate how PyDEC is used to solve physical and topological problems through several concise examples.Comment: Revised as per referee reports. Added information on scalability, removed redundant text, emphasized the role of matrix based algorithms, shortened length of pape

    Vector-valued Gaussian Processes on Riemannian Manifolds via Gauge Equivariant Projected Kernels

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    Gaussian processes are machine learning models capable of learning unknown functions in a way that represents uncertainty, thereby facilitating construction of optimal decision-making systems. Motivated by a desire to deploy Gaussian processes in novel areas of science, a rapidly-growing line of research has focused on constructively extending these models to handle non-Euclidean domains, including Riemannian manifolds, such as spheres and tori. We propose techniques that generalize this class to model vector fields on Riemannian manifolds, which are important in a number of application areas in the physical sciences. To do so, we present a general recipe for constructing gauge equivariant kernels, which induce Gaussian vector fields, i.e. vector-valued Gaussian processes coherent with geometry, from scalar-valued Riemannian kernels. We extend standard Gaussian process training methods, such as variational inference, to this setting. This enables vector-valued Gaussian processes on Riemannian manifolds to be trained using standard methods and makes them accessible to machine learning practitioners