3 research outputs found

    Application of dynamic expansion tree for finding large network motifs in biological networks

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    Network motifs play an important role in the structural analysis of biological networks. Identification of such network motifs leads to many important applications such as understanding the modularity and the large-scale structure of biological networks, classification of networks into super-families, and protein function annotation. However, identification of large network motifs is a challenging task as it involves the graph isomorphism problem. Although this problem has been studied extensively in the literature using different computational approaches, still there is a lot of scope for improvement. Motivated by the challenges involved in this field, an efficient and scalable network motif finding algorithm using a dynamic expansion tree is proposed. The novelty of the proposed algorithm is that it avoids computationally expensive graph isomorphism tests and overcomes the space limitation of the static expansion tree (SET) which makes it enable to find large motifs. In this algorithm, the embeddings corresponding to a child node of the expansion tree are obtained from the embeddings of a parent node, either by adding a vertex or by adding an edge. This process does not involve any graph isomorphism check. The time complexity of vertex addition and edge addition are O(n) and O(1), respectively. The growth of a dynamic expansion tree (DET) depends on the availability of patterns in the target network. Pruning of branches in the DET significantly reduces the space requirement of the SET. The proposed algorithm has been tested on a protein–protein interaction network obtained from the MINT database. The proposed algorithm is able to identify large network motifs faster than most of the existing motif finding algorithms

    Construction and Analysis of Functional Networks in the Gut Microbiome of Type 2 Diabetes Patients

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    Although networks of microbial species have been widely used in the analysis of 16S rRNA sequencing data of a microbiome, the construction and analysis of a complete microbial gene network are in general problematic because of the large number of microbial genes in metagenomics studies. To overcome this limitation, we propose to map microbial genes to functional units, including KEGG orthologous groups and the evolutionary genealogy of genes: Non-supervised Orthologous Groups (eggNOG) orthologous groups, to enable the construction and analysis of a microbial functional network. We devised two statistical methods to infer pairwise relationships between microbial functional units based on a deep sequencing dataset of gut microbiome from type 2 diabetes (T2D) patients as well as healthy controls. Networks containing such functional units and their significant interactions were constructed subsequently. We conducted a variety of analyses of global properties, local properties, and functional modules in the resulting functional networks. Our data indicate that besides the observations consistent with the current knowledge, this study provides novel biological insights into the gut microbiome associated with T2D