2 research outputs found

    Replication-Aware Data Dissemination for Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks using Location Determination

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    Location determination is one of the most dif- ficult tasks to be achieved in Vehicular Ad Hoc networks (VANETs), as the nodes change their positions quickly due to high velocity. So, data dissemination to the vehicles in presence of high node mobility is one of the challenging issues to be resolved. To address these issues, in this paper, we propose a new Replication-Aware Data Dissemination (RADD) scheme for VANETs by estimating the location of the nodes. Separate algorithms are designed for position estimation, accessing the message from the remote vehicles, and route the packets to the destination. Also, vehicles on the road are sparsely distributed in some regions, so finding an appropriate vehicle for replica placement is also difficult as it needs a specialized approach. To search the suitable vehicle for replica placement, Bloom filters are used using which searching becomes fast and improves the overall per- formance of the system. Moreover, passive RFID tags are used on the vehicles and the RFID readers are placed on the RSUs to collect the data from these tags. These tags and readers are used to determine the vehicles positions in short range communication where GPS system does not work well. Hence, in the proposed scheme, there is no need of placement of access points on the either side of the road which reduces the complexity of the message dissemina- tion in the proposed scheme. The complexity analysis of the proposed scheme is evaluated in different network con- ditions with respect to data dissemination from source to destination. The performance of the proposed scheme was evaluated using different evaluation metrics in comparison to the other existing state-of-the-art schemes. The results obtained show that the proposed scheme performs better than the other existing schemes of its category with respect to various metrics. Specifically, there are improvements of 18 % in reliability, 27 % in replication cost, and 7 % in PDR with respect to the existing state-of-art protocolsThe work has been funded by grant from Instituto de Telecomunicacoes, Next Generation Networks and Applications Group (NetGNA), Covilha Delegation, by Government of Russian Federation, Grant 074-U01, by National Funding from the FCT - Fundacao para a Ciencia e a Tecnologia through the UID/EEA/50008/2013 Project.Kumar, N.; Rodrigues, JJPC.; Lloret, J.; Dua, A. (2015). Replication-Aware Data Dissemination for Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks using Location Determination. Mobile Networks and Applications. 20(2):251-267. doi:10.1007/s11036-015-0572-9S251267202Ghafoor KZ, Mohammed MA, Lloret J, Bakar KA, Zainuddin ZM (2013) Routing protocols in vehicular ad hoc networks: survey and research challenges. Netw Protoc Algorithm 5(4):39–83Dua A, Kumar N, Bawa S (2014) A systematic review on routing protocols for vehicular ad hoc networks. 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