311 research outputs found

    Quasiperiodicity and non-computability in tilings

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    We study tilings of the plane that combine strong properties of different nature: combinatorial and algorithmic. We prove existence of a tile set that accepts only quasiperiodic and non-recursive tilings. Our construction is based on the fixed point construction; we improve this general technique and make it enforce the property of local regularity of tilings needed for quasiperiodicity. We prove also a stronger result: any effectively closed set can be recursively transformed into a tile set so that the Turing degrees of the resulted tilings consists exactly of the upper cone based on the Turing degrees of the later.Comment: v3: the version accepted to MFCS 201

    Microstructural enrichment functions based on stochastic Wang tilings

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    This paper presents an approach to constructing microstructural enrichment functions to local fields in non-periodic heterogeneous materials with applications in Partition of Unity and Hybrid Finite Element schemes. It is based on a concept of aperiodic tilings by the Wang tiles, designed to produce microstructures morphologically similar to original media and enrichment functions that satisfy the underlying governing equations. An appealing feature of this approach is that the enrichment functions are defined only on a small set of square tiles and extended to larger domains by an inexpensive stochastic tiling algorithm in a non-periodic manner. Feasibility of the proposed methodology is demonstrated on constructions of stress enrichment functions for two-dimensional mono-disperse particulate media.Comment: 27 pages, 12 figures; v2: completely re-written after the first revie

    Hierarchy and Expansiveness in Two-Dimensional Subshifts of Finite Type

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    Using a deterministic version of the self-similar (or hierarchical, or fixed-point ) method for constructing 2-dimensional subshifts of finite type (SFTs), we construct aperiodic 2D SFTs with a unique direction of non-expansiveness and prove that the emptiness problem of SFTs is undecidable even in this restricted case. As an additional application of our method, we characterize the sets of directions that can be the set of non-expansive directions of 2D SFTs.Comment: 72 pages, main body of the author's PhD Thesis, most of the results obtained in collaboration with Pierre Guillo

    Hierarchy and Expansiveness in Two-Dimensional Subshifts of Finite Type

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    Subshifts are sets of configurations over an infinite grid defined by a set of forbidden patterns. In this thesis, we study two-dimensional subshifts offinite type (2D SFTs), where the underlying grid is Z2 and the set of for-bidden patterns is finite. We are mainly interested in the interplay between the computational power of 2D SFTs and their geometry, examined through the concept of expansive subdynamics. 2D SFTs with expansive directions form an interesting and natural class of subshifts that lie between dimensions 1 and 2. An SFT that has only one non-expansive direction is called extremely expansive. We prove that in many aspects, extremely expansive 2D SFTs display the totality of behaviours of general 2D SFTs. For example, we construct an aperiodic extremely expansive 2D SFT and we prove that the emptiness problem is undecidable even when restricted to the class of extremely expansive 2D SFTs. We also prove that every Medvedev class contains an extremely expansive 2D SFT and we provide a characterization of the sets of directions that can be the set of non-expansive directions of a 2D SFT. Finally, we prove that for every computable sequence of 2D SFTs with an expansive direction, there exists a universal object that simulates all of the elements of the sequence. We use the so called hierarchical, self-simulating or fixed-point method for constructing 2D SFTs which has been previously used by Ga´cs, Durand, Romashchenko and Shen.Siirretty Doriast

    On Undecidable Dynamical Properties of Reversible One-Dimensional Cellular Automata

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    Cellular automata are models for massively parallel computation. A cellular automaton consists of cells which are arranged in some kind of regular lattice and a local update rule which updates the state of each cell according to the states of the cell's neighbors on each step of the computation. This work focuses on reversible one-dimensional cellular automata in which the cells are arranged in a two-way in_nite line and the computation is reversible, that is, the previous states of the cells can be derived from the current ones. In this work it is shown that several properties of reversible one-dimensional cellular automata are algorithmically undecidable, that is, there exists no algorithm that would tell whether a given cellular automaton has the property or not. It is shown that the tiling problem of Wang tiles remains undecidable even in some very restricted special cases. It follows that it is undecidable whether some given states will always appear in computations by the given cellular automaton. It also follows that a weaker form of expansivity, which is a concept of dynamical systems, is an undecidable property for reversible one-dimensional cellular automata. It is shown that several properties of dynamical systems are undecidable for reversible one-dimensional cellular automata. It shown that sensitivity to initial conditions and topological mixing are undecidable properties. Furthermore, non-sensitive and mixing cellular automata are recursively inseparable. It follows that also chaotic behavior is an undecidable property for reversible one-dimensional cellular automata.Siirretty Doriast

    Computing backwards with Game of Life, part 1: wires and circuits

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    Conway's Game of Life is a two-dimensional cellular automaton. As a dynamical system, it is well-known to be computationally universal, i.e.\ capable of simulating an arbitrary Turing machine. We show that in a sense taking a single backwards step of Game of Life is a computationally universal process, by constructing patterns whose preimage computation encodes an arbitrary circuit-satisfaction problem, or (equivalently) any tiling problem. As a corollary, we obtain for example that the set of orphans is coNP-complete, exhibit a 6210×378006210 \times 37800-periodic configuration that admits a preimage but no periodic one, and prove that the existence of a preimage for a periodic point is undecidable. Our constructions were obtained by a combination of computer searches and manual design.Comment: 28 pages, 10 figures in main text. 11 pages, 20 figures in appendix. Accompanied by two GitHub repositories containing programs and auxiliary dat