888 research outputs found

    Modeling variation of human motion

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    The synthesis of realistic human motion with large variations and different styles has a growing interest in simulation applications such as the game industry, psychological experiments, and ergonomic analysis. The statistical generative models are used by motion controllers in our motion synthesis framework to create new animations for different scenarios. Data-driven motion synthesis approaches are powerful tools for producing high-fidelity character animations. With the development of motion capture technologies, more and more motion data are publicly available now. However, how to efficiently reuse a large amount of motion data to create new motions for arbitrary scenarios poses challenges, especially for unsupervised motion synthesis. This thesis presents a series of works that analyze and model the variations of human motion data. The goal is to learn statistical generative models to create any number of new human animations with rich variations and styles. The work of the thesis will be presented in three main chapters. We first explore how variation is represented in motion data. Learning a compact latent space that can expressively contain motion variation is essential for modeling motion data. We propose a novel motion latent space learning approach that can intrinsically tackle the spatialtemporal properties of motion data. Secondly, we present our Morphable Graph framework for human motion modeling and synthesis for assembly workshop scenarios. A series of studies have been conducted to apply statistical motion modeling and synthesis approaches for complex assembly workshop use cases. Learning the distribution of motion data can provide a compact representation of motion variations and convert motion synthesis tasks to optimization problems. Finally, we show how the style variations of human activities can be modeled with a limited number of examples. Natural human movements display a rich repertoire of styles and personalities. However, it is difficult to get enough examples for data-driven approaches. We propose a conditional variational autoencoder (CVAE) to combine large variations in the neutral motion database and style information from a limited number of examples.Die Synthese realistischer menschlicher Bewegungen mit großen Variationen und unterschiedlichen Stilen ist für Simulationsanwendungen wie die Spieleindustrie, psychologische Experimente und ergonomische Analysen von wachsendem Interesse. Datengetriebene Bewegungssyntheseansätze sind leistungsstarke Werkzeuge für die Erstellung realitätsgetreuer Charakteranimationen. Mit der Entwicklung von Motion-Capture-Technologien sind nun immer mehr Motion-Daten öffentlich verfügbar. Die effiziente Wiederverwendung einer großen Menge von Motion-Daten zur Erstellung neuer Bewegungen für beliebige Szenarien stellt jedoch eine Herausforderung dar, insbesondere für die unüberwachte Bewegungssynthesemethoden. Das Lernen der Verteilung von Motion-Daten kann eine kompakte Repräsentation von Bewegungsvariationen liefern und Bewegungssyntheseaufgaben in Optimierungsprobleme umwandeln. In dieser Dissertation werden eine Reihe von Arbeiten vorgestellt, die die Variationen menschlicher Bewegungsdaten analysieren und modellieren. Das Ziel ist es, statistische generative Modelle zu erlernen, um eine beliebige Anzahl neuer menschlicher Animationen mit reichen Variationen und Stilen zu erstellen. In unserem Bewegungssynthese-Framework werden die statistischen generativen Modelle von Bewegungscontrollern verwendet, um neue Animationen für verschiedene Szenarien zu erstellen. Die Arbeit in dieser Dissertation wird in drei Hauptkapiteln vorgestellt. Wir untersuchen zunächst, wie Variation in Bewegungsdaten dargestellt wird. Das Erlernen eines kompakten latenten Raums, der Bewegungsvariationen ausdrucksvoll enthalten kann, ist für die Modellierung von Bewegungsdaten unerlässlich. Wir schlagen einen neuartigen Ansatz zum Lernen des latenten Bewegungsraums vor, der die räumlich-zeitlichen Eigenschaften von Bewegungsdaten intrinsisch angehen kann. Zweitens stellen wir unser Morphable Graph Framework für die menschliche Bewegungsmodellierung und -synthese für Montage-Workshop- Szenarien vor. Es wurde eine Reihe von Studien durchgeführt, um statistische Bewegungsmodellierungs und syntheseansätze für komplexe Anwendungsfälle in Montagewerkstätten anzuwenden. Schließlich zeigen wir anhand einer begrenzten Anzahl von Beispielen, wie die Stilvariationen menschlicher Aktivitäten modelliertwerden können. Natürliche menschliche Bewegungen weisen ein reiches Repertoire an Stilen und Persönlichkeiten auf. Es ist jedoch schwierig, genügend Beispiele für datengetriebene Ansätze zu erhalten. Wir schlagen einen Conditional Variational Autoencoder (CVAE) vor, um große Variationen in der neutralen Bewegungsdatenbank und Stilinformationen aus einer begrenzten Anzahl von Beispielen zu kombinieren. Wir zeigen, dass unser Ansatz eine beliebige Anzahl von natürlich aussehenden Variationen menschlicher Bewegungen mit einem ähnlichen Stil wie das Ziel erzeugen kann

    Surface Networks

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    We study data-driven representations for three-dimensional triangle meshes, which are one of the prevalent objects used to represent 3D geometry. Recent works have developed models that exploit the intrinsic geometry of manifolds and graphs, namely the Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) and its spectral variants, which learn from the local metric tensor via the Laplacian operator. Despite offering excellent sample complexity and built-in invariances, intrinsic geometry alone is invariant to isometric deformations, making it unsuitable for many applications. To overcome this limitation, we propose several upgrades to GNNs to leverage extrinsic differential geometry properties of three-dimensional surfaces, increasing its modeling power. In particular, we propose to exploit the Dirac operator, whose spectrum detects principal curvature directions --- this is in stark contrast with the classical Laplace operator, which directly measures mean curvature. We coin the resulting models \emph{Surface Networks (SN)}. We prove that these models define shape representations that are stable to deformation and to discretization, and we demonstrate the efficiency and versatility of SNs on two challenging tasks: temporal prediction of mesh deformations under non-linear dynamics and generative models using a variational autoencoder framework with encoders/decoders given by SNs

    Towards Molecule Generation with Heterogeneous States via Reinforcement Learning

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    De novo molecular design and generation are frequently prescribed in the field of chemistry and biology, for it plays a critical role in maintaining the prosperity of the chemical industry and benefiting the drug discovery. Nowadays, many significant problems in this field are based on the philosophy of designing molecular structures towards specific desired properties. This research is very meaningful in both medical and AI fields, which can benefits novel drug discovery for some diseases. However, It remains a challenging task due to the large size of chemical space. In recent years, reinforcement learning-based methods leverage graphs to represent molecules and generate molecules as a decision making process. However, this vanilla graph representation may neglect the intrinsic context information with molecules and limits the generation performance accordingly. In this paper, we propose to augment the original graph states with the SMILES context vectors. As a result, SMILES representations are easily processed by a simple language model such that the general semantic features of a molecule can be extracted; and the graph representations perform better in handling the topology relationship of each atom. Moreover, we propose a framework that combines supervised learning and reinforcement learning algorithm to take a solid consideration of these two heterogeneous state representations of a molecule, which can fuse the information from both of them and extract more comprehensive features so that more sophisticated decisions can be made by the policy network. Our model also introduces two attention mechanisms, i.e., action-attention, and graph-attention, to further improve the performance. We conduct our experiments on a practical dataset, ZINC, and the experiment results demonstrate that our framework can outperform other baselines in the learning performance of molecule generation and chemical property optimization

    Hyperbolic Deep Neural Networks: A Survey

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    Recently, there has been a rising surge of momentum for deep representation learning in hyperbolic spaces due to theirhigh capacity of modeling data like knowledge graphs or synonym hierarchies, possessing hierarchical structure. We refer to the model as hyperbolic deep neural network in this paper. Such a hyperbolic neural architecture potentially leads to drastically compact model withmuch more physical interpretability than its counterpart in Euclidean space. To stimulate future research, this paper presents acoherent and comprehensive review of the literature around the neural components in the construction of hyperbolic deep neuralnetworks, as well as the generalization of the leading deep approaches to the Hyperbolic space. It also presents current applicationsaround various machine learning tasks on several publicly available datasets, together with insightful observations and identifying openquestions and promising future directions