4 research outputs found

    Final overview of COST Action TU1406 – Quality control of existing bridges

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    Across Europe, the need to manage roadway bridges efficiently led to the development of multiple management systems. Despite presenting similar system frameworks, the condition assessment procedure is one of the difference that distinguishes them. This dissimilarity constitutes a divergent mechanism that has direct interference in the decision making process leading to considerable variations in roadway bridges quality. COST Action TU1406 aims to institute a standardized roadway bridges condition assessment procedure. Such purpose requires the establishment of recommendations for the quantification of performance indicators, the definition of performance goals and a guideline for the standardization of quality control plans for bridges. By developing new approaches to quantify and assess bridge performance, as well as quality specifications to assure expected performance levels, bridge management strategies will be significantly improved, enhancing asset management of ageing structures in Europe. The work developed and achieved by COST Action TU1406 will be presented.COST - European Cooperation in Science and Technology(undefined

    Avaliação do grau de competitividade das PMEs: uma abordagem multicritério

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    As pequenas e médias empresas (PMEs) têm vindo a ganhar importância nos mercados nacionais e internacionais, não só pelo contributo que têm no desenvolvimento das economias locais e nacionais, mas também pelos desafios que enfrentam ao competir com empresas multinacionais. A presente dissertação pretende desenvolver um modelo de avaliação da competitividade das PMEs, assente numa base epistemológica construtivista e fazendo uso de técnicas de mapeamento cognitivo e da abordagem Measuring Attactiveness by a Categorical-Based Evaluation Technique (MACBETH). Para o efeito, foram desenvolvidas sessões de trabalho presenciais com um painel de empreendedores e gestores seniores que enfrentam diariamente o desafio da competitividade das PMEs. O sistema desenvolvido foi testado e validado pelos membros do painel e os resultados alcançados reforçam, entre outros pontos, a importância da inovação e da dimensão humana na obtenção de vantagem competitiva. Verificou-se também que a abordagem metodológica seguida pode ser crucial para o desenvolvimento de sistemas de avaliação de performance das PMEs que incluam diferentes pontos de vistas e abordagens subjetivas no processo de apoio à tomada de decisão. Vantagens, limitações e implicações práticas do sistema desenvolvido serão também objeto de análise e discussão.Small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) have become increasingly important in national and international markets because they contribute to the development of local and national economies. SMEs often face serious challenges when competing with multinational companies. This study sought to develop a method for assessing SMEs’ competitiveness based on a constructivist epistemology, which makes an integrated use of cognitive mapping and the measuring attractiveness by a categorical-based evaluation technique (MACBETH). To this end, faceto-face sessions were conducted with a panel of entrepreneurs and senior managers who deal with the challenges of maintaining SME competitiveness every day. The proposed assessment system was tested and validated by the panel members. The results emphasize, among other points, the importance of innovation and the human dimension to gaining competitive advantages. The proposed method can be valuable to researchers seeking to develop mechanisms for evaluating SMEs’ entrepreneurial performance and include sensemaking in organizational decision-making processes. The advantages, limitations and managerial implications of the proposed system are also analyzed and discusse

    Composting modelling : towards a better understanding of the fundamentals, applications for enhanced nutrient recycling, greenhouse gas reduction, and improved decision-making

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    Cette thèse de doctorat vise à consolider, développer et appliquer nos connaissances sur la modélisation du compostage, dans le but de fournir des informations, des outils et des perspectives accessibles et utilisables pour les chercheurs et les décideurs. L'espoir est que les travaux développés tout au long de cette thèse puissent aider à optimiser les procédés de compostage, notamment en réduisant les émissions de gaz à effet de serre (GES) et en améliorant le recyclage des nutriments. A ce titre, la thèse est divisée en trois phases : (1) la phase 1 est une consolidation et un développement des notions fondamentales de la modélisation du compostage, (2) suivie de la phase 2, où la modélisation de la perte de nutriments et des émissions de GES est étudiée, (3) avec la phase 3 qui est axée sur la manière d'assurer que ce travail puisse être utilisé par les décideurs et acteurs dans le milieu de compostage. Dans la première phase, une revue complète et systématique de l'ensemble de la littérature sur la modélisation du compostage a été entreprise (chapitre 2), cherchant à fournir une meilleure compréhension du travail qui a été fait et sur la direction des travaux futurs. Ceci a été suivi d'une étudie détaillée des approches de modélisation cinétique actuelles, notamment par rapport aux facteurs de corrections cinétiques appliqués à travers le domaine (chapitre 3). La phase 2 s'est ensuite focalisée sur les notions spécifiques relatives aux émissions de GES et aux pertes de nutriments lors du compostage, et à la modélisation de ces phénomènes. Cette thèse présente les réacteurs expérimentaux et le plan conçu pour suivre et évaluer le processus de compostage (chapitre 4), ainsi que le modèle de compostage compréhensif développé pour prédire avec précision les émissions et la transformation des nutriments pendant le compostage (chapitre 5). Enfin, la phase 3 visait à rendre ces informations facilement et largement utilisables. Cela a commencé par une évaluation des meilleures pratiques pour développer des modèles et des systèmes d'aide à la décision pour la prise de décision environnementale (chapitre 6), suivi par le développement de nouvelles approches de modélisation cinétique simples (chapitre 7), culminant avec le développement, l'ajustement paramétrique et la validation d'un modèle de compostage parcimonieux (chapitre 8). Grâce à ce travail, une base consolidée de l'état actuel de la modélisation du compostage a été développée, suivie par l'exploration et le développement de connaissances et d'outils à la fois fondamentaux et applicables.This PhD thesis aims consolidating, developing, and applying our knowledge on composting modelling, with the goal of providing accessible and usable information, tools, and perspectives for researchers and decision-makers alike. The hope is that the work developed throughout this dissertation can help in optimizing composting, notably by reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and improving nutrient recycling. As such, the thesis is divided into three phases: (1) phase 1 is a consolidation and development of the fundamentals of composting modelling, (2) followed by phase 2, where the modelling of nutrient loss and GHG emissions is investigated, (3) with phase 3 focusing on how to ensure that this work can be used by decision-makers. In the first phase, a comprehensive and systematic review of the entirety of the literature on composting modelling was undertaken (chapter 2), seeking to provide a better understanding on the work that has been done and guidance on where future work should focus and how it should be approached. This review then raised some interesting questions regarding modelling approaches, notably regarding modelling of composting kinetics, which was studied in detail through the evaluation of current modelling approaches (chapter 3). Phase 2 then focused on the specific notions relating to GHG emissions and nutrient loss during composting, and how to model these phenomena. This section starts with a presentation of the experimental reactors and plan designed to monitor and evaluate the composting process (chapter 4), followed by the comprehensive composting model developed to accurately predict emissions and nutrient transformation during composting (chapter 5). Finally, phase 3 aimed to make this information easily and widely usable, especially for decision-makers. This started with a review on the best practices to develop models and decision support systems for environmental decision-making (chapter 6), followed by the development of novel simple kinetic modelling approaches (chapter 7), culminating with the development, calibration, and validation of a parsimonious composting model (chapter 8). Through this work, a consolidated basis of the current state on composting modelling has been developed, followed-up by the exploration and development of both fundamental and applicable knowledge and tools