7,834 research outputs found

    Constraint satisfaction parameterized by solution size

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    In the constraint satisfaction problem (CSP) corresponding to a constraint language (i.e., a set of relations) Γ\Gamma, the goal is to find an assignment of values to variables so that a given set of constraints specified by relations from Γ\Gamma is satisfied. The complexity of this problem has received substantial amount of attention in the past decade. In this paper we study the fixed-parameter tractability of constraint satisfaction problems parameterized by the size of the solution in the following sense: one of the possible values, say 0, is "free," and the number of variables allowed to take other, "expensive," values is restricted. A size constraint requires that exactly kk variables take nonzero values. We also study a more refined version of this restriction: a global cardinality constraint prescribes how many variables have to be assigned each particular value. We study the parameterized complexity of these types of CSPs where the parameter is the required number kk of nonzero variables. As special cases, we can obtain natural and well-studied parameterized problems such as Independent Set, Vertex Cover, d-Hitting Set, Biclique, etc. In the case of constraint languages closed under substitution of constants, we give a complete characterization of the fixed-parameter tractable cases of CSPs with size constraints, and we show that all the remaining problems are W[1]-hard. For CSPs with cardinality constraints, we obtain a similar classification, but for some of the problems we are only able to show that they are Biclique-hard. The exact parameterized complexity of the Biclique problem is a notorious open problem, although it is believed to be W[1]-hard.Comment: To appear in SICOMP. Conference version in ICALP 201

    Guarantees and Limits of Preprocessing in Constraint Satisfaction and Reasoning

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    We present a first theoretical analysis of the power of polynomial-time preprocessing for important combinatorial problems from various areas in AI. We consider problems from Constraint Satisfaction, Global Constraints, Satisfiability, Nonmonotonic and Bayesian Reasoning under structural restrictions. All these problems involve two tasks: (i) identifying the structure in the input as required by the restriction, and (ii) using the identified structure to solve the reasoning task efficiently. We show that for most of the considered problems, task (i) admits a polynomial-time preprocessing to a problem kernel whose size is polynomial in a structural problem parameter of the input, in contrast to task (ii) which does not admit such a reduction to a problem kernel of polynomial size, subject to a complexity theoretic assumption. As a notable exception we show that the consistency problem for the AtMost-NValue constraint admits a polynomial kernel consisting of a quadratic number of variables and domain values. Our results provide a firm worst-case guarantees and theoretical boundaries for the performance of polynomial-time preprocessing algorithms for the considered problems.Comment: arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1104.2541, arXiv:1104.556

    Limits of Preprocessing

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    We present a first theoretical analysis of the power of polynomial-time preprocessing for important combinatorial problems from various areas in AI. We consider problems from Constraint Satisfaction, Global Constraints, Satisfiability, Nonmonotonic and Bayesian Reasoning. We show that, subject to a complexity theoretic assumption, none of the considered problems can be reduced by polynomial-time preprocessing to a problem kernel whose size is polynomial in a structural problem parameter of the input, such as induced width or backdoor size. Our results provide a firm theoretical boundary for the performance of polynomial-time preprocessing algorithms for the considered problems.Comment: This is a slightly longer version of a paper that appeared in the proceedings of AAAI 201

    Improved Parameterized Algorithms for Constraint Satisfaction

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    For many constraint satisfaction problems, the algorithm which chooses a random assignment achieves the best possible approximation ratio. For instance, a simple random assignment for {\sc Max-E3-Sat} allows 7/8-approximation and for every \eps >0 there is no polynomial-time (7/8+\eps)-approximation unless P=NP. Another example is the {\sc Permutation CSP} of bounded arity. Given the expected fraction ρ\rho of the constraints satisfied by a random assignment (i.e. permutation), there is no (\rho+\eps)-approximation algorithm for every \eps >0, assuming the Unique Games Conjecture (UGC). In this work, we consider the following parameterization of constraint satisfaction problems. Given a set of mm constraints of constant arity, can we satisfy at least ρm+k\rho m +k constraint, where ρ\rho is the expected fraction of constraints satisfied by a random assignment? {\sc Constraint Satisfaction Problems above Average} have been posed in different forms in the literature \cite{Niedermeier2006,MahajanRamanSikdar09}. We present a faster parameterized algorithm for deciding whether m/2+k/2m/2+k/2 equations can be simultaneously satisfied over F2{\mathbb F}_2. As a consequence, we obtain O(k)O(k)-variable bikernels for {\sc boolean CSPs} of arity cc for every fixed cc, and for {\sc permutation CSPs} of arity 3. This implies linear bikernels for many problems under the "above average" parameterization, such as {\sc Max-cc-Sat}, {\sc Set-Splitting}, {\sc Betweenness} and {\sc Max Acyclic Subgraph}. As a result, all the parameterized problems we consider in this paper admit 2O(k)2^{O(k)}-time algorithms. We also obtain non-trivial hybrid algorithms for every Max cc-CSP: for every instance II, we can either approximate II beyond the random assignment threshold in polynomial time, or we can find an optimal solution to II in subexponential time.Comment: A preliminary version of this paper has been accepted for IPEC 201

    Structural Decompositions for Problems with Global Constraints

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    A wide range of problems can be modelled as constraint satisfaction problems (CSPs), that is, a set of constraints that must be satisfied simultaneously. Constraints can either be represented extensionally, by explicitly listing allowed combinations of values, or implicitly, by special-purpose algorithms provided by a solver. Such implicitly represented constraints, known as global constraints, are widely used; indeed, they are one of the key reasons for the success of constraint programming in solving real-world problems. In recent years, a variety of restrictions on the structure of CSP instances have been shown to yield tractable classes of CSPs. However, most such restrictions fail to guarantee tractability for CSPs with global constraints. We therefore study the applicability of structural restrictions to instances with such constraints. We show that when the number of solutions to a CSP instance is bounded in key parts of the problem, structural restrictions can be used to derive new tractable classes. Furthermore, we show that this result extends to combinations of instances drawn from known tractable classes, as well as to CSP instances where constraints assign costs to satisfying assignments.Comment: The final publication is available at Springer via http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10601-015-9181-