599 research outputs found

    Moving Learning Machine Towards Fast Real-Time Applications: A High-Speed FPGA-based Implementation of the OS-ELM Training Algorithm

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    Currently, there are some emerging online learning applications handling data streams in real-time. The On-line Sequential Extreme Learning Machine (OS-ELM) has been successfully used in real-time condition prediction applications because of its good generalization performance at an extreme learning speed, but the number of trainings by a second (training frequency) achieved in these continuous learning applications has to be further reduced. This paper proposes a performance-optimized implementation of the OS-ELM training algorithm when it is applied to real-time applications. In this case, the natural way of feeding the training of the neural network is one-by-one, i.e., training the neural network for each new incoming training input vector. Applying this restriction, the computational needs are drastically reduced. An FPGA-based implementation of the tailored OS-ELMalgorithm is used to analyze, in a parameterized way, the level of optimization achieved. We observed that the tailored algorithm drastically reduces the number of clock cycles consumed for the training execution up to approximately the 1%. This performance enables high-speed sequential training ratios, such as 14 KHz of sequential training frequency for a 40 hidden neurons SLFN, or 180 Hz of sequential training frequency for a 500 hidden neurons SLFN. In practice, the proposed implementation computes the training almost 100 times faster, or more, than other applications in the bibliography. Besides, clock cycles follows a quadratic complexity O(N 2), with N the number of hidden neurons, and are poorly influenced by the number of input neurons. However, it shows a pronounced sensitivity to data type precision even facing small-size problems, which force to use double floating-point precision data types to avoid finite precision arithmetic effects. In addition, it has been found that distributed memory is the limiting resource and, thus, it can be stated that current FPGA devices can support OS-ELM-based on-chip learning of up to 500 hidden neurons. Concluding, the proposed hardware implementation of the OS-ELM offers great possibilities for on-chip learning in portable systems and real-time applications where frequent and fast training is required

    Deep Learning in Mobile and Wireless Networking: A Survey

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    The rapid uptake of mobile devices and the rising popularity of mobile applications and services pose unprecedented demands on mobile and wireless networking infrastructure. Upcoming 5G systems are evolving to support exploding mobile traffic volumes, agile management of network resource to maximize user experience, and extraction of fine-grained real-time analytics. Fulfilling these tasks is challenging, as mobile environments are increasingly complex, heterogeneous, and evolving. One potential solution is to resort to advanced machine learning techniques to help managing the rise in data volumes and algorithm-driven applications. The recent success of deep learning underpins new and powerful tools that tackle problems in this space. In this paper we bridge the gap between deep learning and mobile and wireless networking research, by presenting a comprehensive survey of the crossovers between the two areas. We first briefly introduce essential background and state-of-the-art in deep learning techniques with potential applications to networking. We then discuss several techniques and platforms that facilitate the efficient deployment of deep learning onto mobile systems. Subsequently, we provide an encyclopedic review of mobile and wireless networking research based on deep learning, which we categorize by different domains. Drawing from our experience, we discuss how to tailor deep learning to mobile environments. We complete this survey by pinpointing current challenges and open future directions for research

    Long-Term Simultaneous Localization and Mapping in Dynamic Environments.

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    One of the core competencies required for autonomous mobile robotics is the ability to use sensors to perceive the environment. From this noisy sensor data, the robot must build a representation of the environment and localize itself within this representation. This process, known as simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM), is a prerequisite for almost all higher-level autonomous behavior in mobile robotics. By associating the robot's sensory observations as it moves through the environment, and by observing the robot's ego-motion through proprioceptive sensors, constraints are placed on the trajectory of the robot and the configuration of the environment. This results in a probabilistic optimization problem to find the most likely robot trajectory and environment configuration given all of the robot's previous sensory experience. SLAM has been well studied under the assumptions that the robot operates for a relatively short time period and that the environment is essentially static during operation. However, performing SLAM over long time periods while modeling the dynamic changes in the environment remains a challenge. The goal of this thesis is to extend the capabilities of SLAM to enable long-term autonomous operation in dynamic environments. The contribution of this thesis has three main components: First, we propose a framework for controlling the computational complexity of the SLAM optimization problem so that it does not grow unbounded with exploration time. Second, we present a method to learn visual feature descriptors that are more robust to changes in lighting, allowing for improved data association in dynamic environments. Finally, we use the proposed tools in SLAM systems that explicitly models the dynamics of the environment in the map by representing each location as a set of example views that capture how the location changes with time. We experimentally demonstrate that the proposed methods enable long-term SLAM in dynamic environments using a large, real-world vision and LIDAR dataset collected over the course of more than a year. This dataset captures a wide variety of dynamics: from short-term scene changes including moving people, cars, changing lighting, and weather conditions; to long-term dynamics including seasonal conditions and structural changes caused by construction.PhDElectrical Engineering: SystemsUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/111538/1/carlevar_1.pd

    A Survey on Monocular Re-Localization: From the Perspective of Scene Map Representation

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    Monocular Re-Localization (MRL) is a critical component in autonomous applications, estimating 6 degree-of-freedom ego poses w.r.t. the scene map based on monocular images. In recent decades, significant progress has been made in the development of MRL techniques. Numerous algorithms have accomplished extraordinary success in terms of localization accuracy and robustness. In MRL, scene maps are represented in various forms, and they determine how MRL methods work and how MRL methods perform. However, to the best of our knowledge, existing surveys do not provide systematic reviews about the relationship between MRL solutions and their used scene map representation. This survey fills the gap by comprehensively reviewing MRL methods from such a perspective, promoting further research. 1) We commence by delving into the problem definition of MRL, exploring current challenges, and comparing ours with existing surveys. 2) Many well-known MRL methods are categorized and reviewed into five classes according to the representation forms of utilized map, i.e., geo-tagged frames, visual landmarks, point clouds, vectorized semantic map, and neural network-based map. 3) To quantitatively and fairly compare MRL methods with various map, we introduce some public datasets and provide the performances of some state-of-the-art MRL methods. The strengths and weakness of MRL methods with different map are analyzed. 4) We finally introduce some topics of interest in this field and give personal opinions. This survey can serve as a valuable referenced materials for MRL, and a continuously updated summary of this survey is publicly available to the community at: https://github.com/jinyummiao/map-in-mono-reloc.Comment: 33 pages, 10 tables, 16 figures, under revie

    A Comprehensive Review on Autonomous Navigation

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    The field of autonomous mobile robots has undergone dramatic advancements over the past decades. Despite achieving important milestones, several challenges are yet to be addressed. Aggregating the achievements of the robotic community as survey papers is vital to keep the track of current state-of-the-art and the challenges that must be tackled in the future. This paper tries to provide a comprehensive review of autonomous mobile robots covering topics such as sensor types, mobile robot platforms, simulation tools, path planning and following, sensor fusion methods, obstacle avoidance, and SLAM. The urge to present a survey paper is twofold. First, autonomous navigation field evolves fast so writing survey papers regularly is crucial to keep the research community well-aware of the current status of this field. Second, deep learning methods have revolutionized many fields including autonomous navigation. Therefore, it is necessary to give an appropriate treatment of the role of deep learning in autonomous navigation as well which is covered in this paper. Future works and research gaps will also be discussed

    Towards Multimodal Open-World Learning in Deep Neural Networks

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    Over the past decade, deep neural networks have enormously advanced machine perception, especially object classification, object detection, and multimodal scene understanding. But, a major limitation of these systems is that they assume a closed-world setting, i.e., the train and the test distribution match exactly. As a result, any input belonging to a category that the system has never seen during training will not be recognized as unknown. However, many real-world applications often need this capability. For example, self-driving cars operate in a dynamic world where the data can change over time due to changes in season, geographic location, sensor types, etc. Handling such changes requires building models with open-world learning capabilities. In open-world learning, the system needs to detect novel examples which are not seen during training and update the system with new knowledge, without retraining from scratch. In this dissertation, we address gaps in the open-world learning literature and develop methods that enable efficient multimodal open-world learning in deep neural networks

    The Revisiting Problem in Simultaneous Localization and Mapping: A Survey on Visual Loop Closure Detection

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    Where am I? This is one of the most critical questions that any intelligent system should answer to decide whether it navigates to a previously visited area. This problem has long been acknowledged for its challenging nature in simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM), wherein the robot needs to correctly associate the incoming sensory data to the database allowing consistent map generation. The significant advances in computer vision achieved over the last 20 years, the increased computational power, and the growing demand for long-term exploration contributed to efficiently performing such a complex task with inexpensive perception sensors. In this article, visual loop closure detection, which formulates a solution based solely on appearance input data, is surveyed. We start by briefly introducing place recognition and SLAM concepts in robotics. Then, we describe a loop closure detection system's structure, covering an extensive collection of topics, including the feature extraction, the environment representation, the decision-making step, and the evaluation process. We conclude by discussing open and new research challenges, particularly concerning the robustness in dynamic environments, the computational complexity, and scalability in long-term operations. The article aims to serve as a tutorial and a position paper for newcomers to visual loop closure detection.Comment: 25 pages, 15 figure
