2 research outputs found

    Regression Test Selection by Exclusion

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    This thesis addresses the research in the area of regression testing. Software systems change and evolve over time. Each time a system is changed regression tests have to be run to validate these changes. An important issue in regression testing is how to minimise reuse the existing test cases of original program for modied program. One of the techniques to tackle this issue is called regression test selection technique. The aim of this research is to signicantly reduce the number of test cases that need to be run after changes have been made. Specically, this thesis focuses on developing a model for regression test selection using the decomposition slicing technique. Decomposition slicing provides a technique that is capable of identifying the unchanged parts of the system. The model of regression test selection based on decomposition slicing and exclusion of test cases was developed in this thesis. The model is called Regression Test Selection by Exclusion (ReTSE) and has four main phases. They are Program Analysis, Comparison, Exclusion and Optimisation phases. The validity of the ReTSE model is explored through the application of a number of case studies. The case studies tackle all types of modication such as change, delete and add statements. The case studies have covered a single and combination types of modication at a time. The application of the proposed model has shown that signicant reductions in the number of test cases can be achieved. The evaluation of the model based on an existing framework and comparison with another model also has shown promising results. The case studies have limited themselves to relatively small programs and the next step is to apply the model to larger systems with more complex changes to ascertain if it scales up. While some parts of the model have been automated tools will be required for the rest when carrying out the larger case studies

    Constraint Based Criteria: An Approach For Test Case Selection In The Structural Testing

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    The selection of test cases to satisfy a structural testing criterion is a very important task because it concerns the quality of the generated test cases. The question is "How to select a test case or path to cover an element required by a structural criterion?" The Constraint Based Criteria are proposed with the goal of answering this question and improving the efficacy, that is, the number of revealed faults. These criteria permit the use of different testing strategies by associating constraints to the required elements. The constraints describe faults generally not revealed by the structural technique. The Constraint Based Criteria can also be used to assess test data sets adequacy.172175183Chaim, M.L., POKE-TOOL-Uma Ferramenta para Suporte ao Teste Estrutural de Programas Baseado em Análise de Fluxo de Dados (1991), Master Thesis, DCA/FEEC/Unicamp, Campinas-SP, Brazil, April(in Portuguese)Delamaro, M.E., Maldonado, J.C., A tool for the assesment of test adequacy for C programs (1996) Proceedings of the Conference on Performability in Computing Systems, East Brunswick, NJ, USA, July, pp. 79-95De Millo, R.A., Offutt, A.J., Constraint-based automatic test data generation (1991) IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 17 SE (9), pp. 900-910. , SeptemberDe Millo, R.A., Offutt, A.J., Experimental results on automatic test case generation (1993) ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology, 2 SE (2), pp. 109-127. , AprilFrankl, F.G., Weyuker, E.J., Data flow testing in the presence of unexecutable paths Proceedings of the Workshop on Software Testing, July 1986, pp. 4-13. , Banff, Canada Computer Science PressFrankl, P.G., Weyuker, E.J., A formal analysis of the fault-detecting ability of testing methods (1993) IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 19 SE (3), pp. 202-213. , MarchHorgan, J.R., London, S., (1990) ATAC - Automatic Test Coverage Analysis for C Programs, , JuneLaski, J.W., Korel, B., A data flow oriented program testing strategy (1983) IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 9 SE (3), pp. 347-354. , MayMaldonado, J.C., Critérios Potenciais Usos: Uma Contribuição ao Teste Estrutural de Software (1991), Doctorate Dissertation, DCA/FEEC/Unicamp, Campinas-SP, Brazil, July(in Portuguese)Maldonado, J.C., Chaim, M.L., Jino, M., Briding the Gap in the presence of infeasible paths: Potential uses testing criteria XII International Conference of the Chilean Science Computer Society, Santiago, Chile, October 1992, pp. 323-340Ntafos, S.C., On required element testing (1984) IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 10 SE (6), pp. 795-803. , NovemberPressman, R.B., (1992) Software Engineering: A Practitioner's Approach, 3rd Ed., , New-York: McGraw-Hill, EUARapps, S., Weyuker, E.J., Selecting software test data using data flow information (1985) IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 11 SE (4), pp. 367-375. , AprilSouza, S.R.S., Maldonado, J.C., Vergilio, S.R., Análise de Mutantes e Potenciais-usos: Uma Avaliação Empírica VIII Cconferência Internacional de Tecnologia de Software: Qualidade de Software, Curitiba-PR, June 1997, , (in Portuguese)Tai, K.C., Predicate-based test generation for computer programs Proceedings of International Conference on Software Engineering, May 1993, pp. 267-276. , IEEE PressTai, K.C., Theory of fault-based predicate testing for computer programs (1996) IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 22 (8), pp. 552-562. , AugustUral, H., Yang, B., A structural test selection criterion (1988) Information Processing Letters, 28 (3), pp. 157-163. , JulyVergilio, S.R., Critérios Restritos de Teste de Software: Uma Contribuição para Gerar Dados de Teste mais Eficazes (1997), Doctorate Dissertation, DCA/FEEC/Unicamp, Campinas-SP, Brazil, July(in Portuguese)Vergilio, S.R., Maldonado, J.C., Jino, M., Resultados da Aplicação de Diferentes Técnicas de Geração de Dados de Teste Sensíveis a Erros (1996), Technical Report, DCA/FEEC/Unicamp, Campinas-SP, Brazil(in Portuguese)Vergilio, S.R., Maldonado, J.C., Jino, M., An experimental evaluation of different testing techniques (1996), Technical Report, DCA/FEEC/Unicamp, Campinas-SP, BrazilVergilio, S.R., Maldonado, J.C., Jino, M., Infeasible paths within the context of data flow based criteria VI International Conference on Software Quality, October 1996, Ottawa-Canada, pp. 310-321Vergilio, S.R., Maldonado, J.C., Jino, M., Constraint based selection of test sets to satisfy structural software testing criteria XVII International Conference of the Chilean Computer Science Society, Valparaiso, Chile, November 1997, Los Alamitos, CA: IEEE-PressWeyuker, E.J., An empirical study of the complexity of data flow testing Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Software Testing, Verification and Analysis, July 1988, pp. 188-195. , Banff, Canada: Computer Science PressWeyuker, E.J., The cost of data flow testing: An empirical study (1990) IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 16 SE (2), pp. 121-128. , FebruaryWhite, L.J., Cohen, E.I., A domain strategy for computer program testing (1980) IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 6 SE (3), pp. 247-257. , MayWong, W.E., Mathur, A.P., Maldonado, J.C., Mutation versus all-uses: An empirical evaluation of cost, strength and effectiveness (1994) Software Quality and Productivity-Theory, Practice, Education and Training, , Hong Kong, Decembe