166 research outputs found

    Closed constraint algebras and path integrals for loop group actions

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    In this note we study systems with a closed algebra of second class constraints. We describe a construction of the reduced theory that resembles the conventional treatment of first class constraints. It suggests, in particular, to compute the symplectic form on the reduced space by a fiber integral of the symplectic form on the original space. This approach is then applied to a class of systems with loop group symmetry. The chiral anomaly of the loop group action spoils the first class character of the constraints but not their closure. Proceeding along the general lines described above, we obtain a 2-form from a fiber (path)integral. This form is not closed as a relict of the anomaly. Examples of such reduced spaces are provided by D-branes on group manifolds with WZW action.Comment: 16 page

    Detours and Paths: BRST Complexes and Worldline Formalism

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    We construct detour complexes from the BRST quantization of worldline diffeomorphism invariant systems. This yields a method to efficiently extract physical quantum field theories from particle models with first class constraint algebras. As an example, we show how to obtain the Maxwell detour complex by gauging N=2 supersymmetric quantum mechanics in curved space. Then we concentrate on first class algebras belonging to a class of recently introduced orthosymplectic quantum mechanical models and give generating functions for detour complexes describing higher spins of arbitrary symmetry types. The first quantized approach facilitates quantum calculations and we employ it to compute the number of physical degrees of freedom associated to the second quantized, field theoretical actions.Comment: 1+35 pages, 1 figure; typos corrected and references added, published versio

    Discrete Hamiltonian evolution and quantum gravity

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    We study constrained Hamiltonian systems by utilizing general forms of time discretization. We show that for explicit discretizations, the requirement of preserving the canonical Poisson bracket under discrete evolution imposes strong conditions on both allowable discretizations and Hamiltonians. These conditions permit time discretizations for a limited class of Hamiltonians, which does not include homogeneous cosmological models. We also present two general classes of implicit discretizations which preserve Poisson brackets for any Hamiltonian. Both types of discretizations generically do not preserve first class constraint algebras. Using this observation, we show that time discretization provides a complicated time gauge fixing for quantum gravity models, which may be compared with the alternative procedure of gauge fixing before discretization.Comment: 8 pages, minor changes, to appear in CQ

    BRST Detour Quantization

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    We present the BRST cohomologies of a class of constraint (super) Lie algebras as detour complexes. By giving physical interpretations to the components of detour complexes as gauge invariances, Bianchi identities and equations of motion we obtain a large class of new gauge theories. The pivotal new machinery is a treatment of the ghost Hilbert space designed to manifest the detour structure. Along with general results, we give details for three of these theories which correspond to gauge invariant spinning particle models of totally symmetric, antisymmetric and K\"ahler antisymmetric forms. In particular, we give details of our recent announcement of a (p,q)-form K\"ahler electromagnetism. We also discuss how our results generalize to other special geometries.Comment: 43 pages, LaTeX, added reference

    Non-Trivial Non-Canonical W-Algebras from Kac-Moody Reductions

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    By reducing a split G2G_2 Kac-Moody algebra by a non-maximal set of first-class constraints we produce W-algebras which (i) contain fields of negative conformal spin and (ii) are not trivial extensions of canonical W-algebras.Comment: 12 pages,Tex,DIAS-STP-94-1

    Deformation of Super Virasoro Algebra in Noncommutative Quantum Superspace

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    We present a twisted commutator deformation for N=1,2N=1,2 super Virasoro algebras based on GLq(1,1)GL_q(1,1) covariant noncommutative superspace.Comment: 10 pages, Late

    Sugawara-type constraints in hyperbolic coset models

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    In the conjectured correspondence between supergravity and geodesic models on infinite-dimensional hyperbolic coset spaces, and E10/K(E10) in particular, the constraints play a central role. We present a Sugawara-type construction in terms of the E10 Noether charges that extends these constraints infinitely into the hyperbolic algebra, in contrast to the truncated expressions obtained in arXiv:0709.2691 that involved only finitely many generators. Our extended constraints are associated to an infinite set of roots which are all imaginary, and in fact fill the closed past light-cone of the Lorentzian root lattice. The construction makes crucial use of the E10 Weyl group and of the fact that the E10 model contains both D=11 supergravity and D=10 IIB supergravity. Our extended constraints appear to unite in a remarkable manner the different canonical constraints of these two theories. This construction may also shed new light on the issue of `open constraint algebras' in traditional canonical approaches to gravity.Comment: 49 page

    Schwinger terms from geometric quantization of field theories

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    Geometric quantization is applied to infinite (countable) dimensional linear Kähler manifolds to obtain a closed expression for the anomalous commutator of arbitrary polynomial observables. Examples for the physical relevance of the result are given, including the polarization dependence of Schwinger terms in bilinear constraint algebras, the central terms of Virasoro and Kac-Moody algebras and the determination of the critical dimension of the bosonic string
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