21,928 research outputs found

    Virtual restoration of the Ghent altarpiece using crack detection and inpainting

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    In this paper, we present a new method for virtual restoration of digitized paintings, with the special focus on the Ghent Altarpiece (1432), one of Belgium's greatest masterpieces. The goal of the work is to remove cracks from the digitized painting thereby approximating how the painting looked like before ageing for nearly 600 years and aiding art historical and palaeographical analysis. For crack detection, we employ a multiscale morphological approach, which can cope with greatly varying thickness of the cracks as well as with their varying intensities (from dark to the light ones). Due to the content of the painting (with extremely many fine details) and complex type of cracks (including inconsistent whitish clouds around them), the available inpainting methods do not provide satisfactory results on many parts of the painting. We show that patch-based methods outperform pixel-based ones, but leaving still much room for improvements in this application. We propose a new method for candidate patch selection, which can be combined with different patch-based inpainting methods to improve their performance in crack removal. The results demonstrate improved performance, with less artefacts and better preserved fine details

    A flexible space-variant anisotropic regularisation for image restoration with automated parameter selection

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    We propose a new space-variant anisotropic regularisation term for variational image restoration, based on the statistical assumption that the gradients of the target image distribute locally according to a bivariate generalised Gaussian distribution. The highly flexible variational structure of the corresponding regulariser encodes several free parameters which hold the potential for faithfully modelling the local geometry in the image and describing local orientation preferences. For an automatic estimation of such parameters, we design a robust maximum likelihood approach and report results on its reliability on synthetic data and natural images. For the numerical solution of the corresponding image restoration model, we use an iterative algorithm based on the Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers (ADMM). A suitable preliminary variable splitting together with a novel result in multivariate non-convex proximal calculus yield a very efficient minimisation algorithm. Several numerical results showing significant quality-improvement of the proposed model with respect to some related state-of-the-art competitors are reported, in particular in terms of texture and detail preservation
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