7 research outputs found

    SoK: Chasing Accuracy and Privacy, and Catching Both in Differentially Private Histogram Publication

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    Histograms and synthetic data are of key importance in data analysis. However, researchers have shown that even aggregated data such as histograms, containing no obvious sensitive attributes, can result in privacy leakage. To enable data analysis, a strong notion of privacy is required to avoid risking unintended privacy violations.Such a strong notion of privacy is differential privacy, a statistical notion of privacy that makes privacy leakage quantifiable. The caveat regarding differential privacy is that while it has strong guarantees for privacy, privacy comes at a cost of accuracy. Despite this trade-off being a central and important issue in the adoption of differential privacy, there exists a gap in the literature regarding providing an understanding of the trade-off and how to address it appropriately. Through a systematic literature review (SLR), we investigate the state-of-the-art within accuracy improving differentially private algorithms for histogram and synthetic data publishing. Our contribution is two-fold: 1) we identify trends and connections in the contributions to the field of differential privacy for histograms and synthetic data and 2) we provide an understanding of the privacy/accuracy trade-off challenge by crystallizing different dimensions to accuracy improvement. Accordingly, we position and visualize the ideas in relation to each other and external work, and deconstruct each algorithm to examine the building blocks separately with the aim of pinpointing which dimension of accuracy improvement each technique/approach is targeting. Hence, this systematization of knowledge (SoK) provides an understanding of in which dimensions and how accuracy improvement can be pursued without sacrificing privacy

    Differential Privacy - A Balancing Act

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    Data privacy is an ever important aspect of data analyses. Historically, a plethora of privacy techniques have been introduced to protect data, but few have stood the test of time. From investigating the overlap between big data research, and security and privacy research, I have found that differential privacy presents itself as a promising defender of data privacy.Differential privacy is a rigorous, mathematical notion of privacy. Nevertheless, privacy comes at a cost. In order to achieve differential privacy, we need to introduce some form of inaccuracy (i.e. error) to our analyses. Hence, practitioners need to engage in a balancing act between accuracy and privacy when adopting differential privacy. As a consequence, understanding this accuracy/privacy trade-off is vital to being able to use differential privacy in real data analyses.In this thesis, I aim to bridge the gap between differential privacy in theory, and differential privacy in practice. Most notably, I aim to convey a better understanding of the accuracy/privacy trade-off, by 1) implementing tools to tweak accuracy/privacy in a real use case, 2) presenting a methodology for empirically predicting error, and 3) systematizing and analyzing known accuracy improvement techniques for differentially private algorithms. Additionally, I also put differential privacy into context by investigating how it can be applied in the automotive domain. Using the automotive domain as an example, I introduce the main challenges that constitutes the balancing act, and provide advice for moving forward

    Efficient estimation of statistical functions while preserving client-side privacy

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    Aggregating service users’ personal data for analytical purposes is a common practice in today’s Internet economy. However, distrust in the data aggregator, data breaches and risks of subpoenas pose significant challenges in the availability of data. The framework of differential privacy is enjoying wide attention due to its scalability and rigour of privacy protection it provides, and has become a de facto standard for facilitating privacy preserving information extraction. In this dissertation, we design and implement resource efficient algorithms for three fundamental data analysis primitives, marginal, range, and count queries while providing strong differential privacy guarantees. The first two queries are studied in the strict scenario of untrusted aggregation (aka local model) in which the data collector is allowed to only access the noisy/perturbed version of users’ data but not their true data. To the best of our knowledge, marginal and range queries have not been studied in detail in the local setting before our works. We show that our simple data transfomation techniques help us achieve great accuracy in practice and can be used for performing more interesting analysis. Finally, we revisit the problem of count queries under trusted aggregation. This setting can also be viewed as a relaxation of the local model called limited precision local differential privacy. We first discover certain weakness in a well-known optimization framework leading to solutions exhibiting pathological behaviours. We then propose more constraints in the framework to remove these weaknesses without compromising too much on utility

    Constrained private mechanisms for count data

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    Concern about how to aggregate sensitive user data without compromising individual privacy is a major barrier to greater availability of data. Differential privacy has emerged as an accepted model to release sensitive information while giving a statistical guarantee for privacy. Many different algorithms are possible to address different target functions. We focus on the core problem of count queries, and seek to design mechanisms to release data associated with a group of n individuals. Prior work has focused on designing mechanisms by raw optimization of a loss function, without regard to the consequences on the results. This can leads to mechanisms with undesirable properties, such as never reporting some outputs (gaps), and overreporting others (spikes). We tame these pathological behaviors by introducing a set of desirable properties that mechanisms can obey. Any combination of these can be satisfied by solving a linear program (LP) which minimizes a cost function, with constraints enforcing the properties. We focus on a particular cost function, and provide explicit constructions that are optimal for certain combinations of properties, and show a closed form for their cost. In the end, there are only a handful of distinct optimal mechanisms to choose between: one is the well-known (truncated) geometric mechanism; the second a novel mechanism that we introduce here, and the remainder are found as the solution to particular LPs. These all avoid the bad behaviors we identify. We demonstrate in a set of experiments on real and synthetic data which is preferable in practice, for different combinations of data distributions, constraints, and privacy parameters

    Constrained Private Mechanisms for Count Data

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