6,706 research outputs found

    Regime Shifts and Uncertainty in Pollution Control

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    We develop a simple model of managing a system subject to pollution damage under risk of an abrupt and random jump in the damage coefficient. The model allows the full dynamic characterization of the optimal emission policies under uncertainty. The results, that imply prudent behavior due to uncertainty, are compared with the ambiguous outcomes reported in the literature for similar models. The differences are explained in terms of the properties of the damage function associated with each model. The framework is used to analyze the adaptation vs. mitigation dilemma and provides a simple criterion to determine whether adaptation activities should be undertaken promptly, delayed to some future date, or avoided altogether.environmental pollution, optimal management, catastrophic transitions, uncertainty, adaptation, mitigation

    Event-based State Estimation: An Emulation-based Approach

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    An event-based state estimation approach for reducing communication in a networked control system is proposed. Multiple distributed sensor agents observe a dynamic process and sporadically transmit their measurements to estimator agents over a shared bus network. Local event-triggering protocols ensure that data is transmitted only when necessary to meet a desired estimation accuracy. The event-based design is shown to emulate the performance of a centralised state observer design up to guaranteed bounds, but with reduced communication. The stability results for state estimation are extended to the distributed control system that results when the local estimates are used for feedback control. Results from numerical simulations and hardware experiments illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach in reducing network communication.Comment: 21 pages, 8 figures, this article is based on the technical report arXiv:1511.05223 and is accepted for publication in IET Control Theory & Application

    Event-triggered control cannot improve the ℓ2\ell_2 gain of h∞h_\infty optimal periodic control and transmit at a smaller average rate

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    We consider a standard discrete-time event-triggered control setting by which a scheduler collocated with the plant's sensors decides when to transmit sensor data to a remote controller collocated with the plant's actuators. When the scheduler transmits periodically with period larger than or equal to one, the h∞h_\infty optimal controller guarantees an optimal attenuation bound (ℓ2\ell_2 gain) from any square-summable disturbance input to a plant's output. We show that, under mild assumptions, there does not exist a controller and scheduler pair that strictly improves the optimal attenuation bound of periodic control with a smaller average transmission rate. Equivalently, given any controller and scheduler pair, there exists a square-summable disturbance such that either the attenuation bound or the average transmission rate are larger than or equal to those of optimal periodic control

    The management of de-cumulation risks in a defined contribution environment

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    The aim of the paper is to lay the theoretical foundations for the construction of a flexible tool that can be used by pensioners to find optimal investment and consumption choices in the distribution phase of a defined contribution pension scheme. The investment/consumption plan is adopted until the time of compulsory annuitization, taking into account the possibility of earlier death. The effect of the bequest motive and the desire to buy a higher annuity than the one purchasable at retirement are included in the objective function. The mathematical tools provided by dynamic programming techniques are applied to find closed form solutions: numer-ical examples are also presented. In the model, the trade-off between the different desires of the individual regarding consumption and final annuity can be dealt with by choosing appropriate weights for these factors in the setting of the problem. Conclusions are twofold. Firstly, we find that there is a natural time-varying target for the size of the fund, which acts as a sort of safety level for the needs of the pensioner. Secondly, the personal preferences of the pensioner can be translated into optimal choices, which in turn affect the distribution of the consumption path and of the final annuity
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