11 research outputs found

    Smart operators: How Industry 4.0 is affecting the worker's performance in manufacturing contexts

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    Abstract The fourth industrial revolution is affecting the workforce at strategical, tactical, and operational levels and it is leading to the development of new careers with precise and specific skills and competence. The implementation of enabling technologies in the industrial context involves new types of interactions between operators and machines, interactions that transform the industrial workforce and have significant implications for the nature of the work. The incoming generation of Smart Operators 4.0 is characterised by intelligent and qualified operators who perform the work with the support of machines, interact with collaborative robots and advanced systems, use technologies such as wearable devices and augmented and virtual reality. The correct interaction between the workforce and the various enabling technologies of the 4.0 paradigm represents a crucial aspect of the success of the smart factory. However, this interaction is affected by the variability of human behaviour and its reliability, which can strongly influence the quality, safety, and productivity standards. For this reason, this paper aims to provide a clear and complete analysis of the different types of smart operators and the impact of 4.0 enabling technologies on the performance of operators, evaluating the stakeholders involved, the type of interaction, the changes required for operators in terms of added and removed work, and the new performance achieved by workers

    Trust is Not Enough: Examining the Role of Distrust in Human-Autonomy Teams

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    As automation solutions in manufacturing grow more accessible, there are consistent calls to augment capabilities of humans through the use of autonomous agents, leading to human-autonomy teams (HATs). Many constructs from the human-human teaming literatures are being studied in the context of HATs, such as affective emergent states. Among these, trust has been demonstrated to play a critical role in both human teams and HATs, particularly when considering the reliability of the agent performance. However, the HAT literature fails to account for the distinction between trust and distrust. Consequently, this study investigates the effects of both trust and distrust in HATs in order to broaden the current understanding of trust dynamics in HATs and improve team functioning. Findings were inclusive, but a path forward was discussed regarding self-report and unobtrusive measures of trust and distrust in HATs

    Industry 5.0 for sustainable reliability centered maintenance

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    Industry 5.0 is based on the idea of merging sustainable development goals and digitalization provisions from the fourth industrial revolution through human-centric solutions, bio-inspired technologies, and cyber safe data transmission. Industries are yet the most significant drivers of the integrated sustainability development (economic, environmental, and social) over the design, manufacturing, operation and disposal of products and services. This research investigates Industry 5.0 indicators that are required to achieve sustainable reliability centered maintenance (RCM) for high-value equipment. The research work examines the feasibility of a correlation between sustainable indicators between operation and maintenance phases using fuzzy logic. The fuzzy approach is implemented to measure the impact of RCM technical indicators on sustainability. A broader recommendation to improve sustainable RCM is presented through an academic survey.Cranfield Universit

    Human-centric zero-defect manufacturing: State-of-the-art review, perspectives, and challenges

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    Zero defect manufacturing (ZDM) aims at eliminating defects throughout the value stream as well as the cost of rework and scrap. The ambitious goal of zero defects requires the extensive utilization of emerging technologies. Amidst the major drive for technological advancement, humans are often kept out of the loop because they are perceived as the root cause of error. The report from the European Commission on Industry 5.0 emphasizes that human-centric is a key pillar in building a more resilient industry and is vital to incorporate the human component into the manufacturing sector. However, we did not find any publications that explain what human-centric ZDM is, nor what the roles of humans are in advancing ZDM. As a contribution to bridging this gap, a systematic literature review is conducted using different databases. We collected 36 publications and categorised them into 3 different human roles which are managers, engineers, and operators. From our search, we found out that managers play a vital role in cultivating ZDM in the entire organization to prevent errors despite the fact they often do not have direct contact with the production line as operators. Operators can help advance ZDM through knowledge capturing with feedback functions to the engineer to better design a corrective action to prevent errors. Assistive technologies such as extended reality are efficient tools used by operators to eliminate human errors in production environments. Human-centric is now a goal in the future manufacturing sector, but it could face barriers such as high technological investments and resistance to changes in their work tasks. This paper can contribute to paving the roadmap of human-centric ZDM to bring defects to zero and reposition the manufacturing sector to become more resilient.publishedVersio

    Future touch in industry: exploring sociotechnical imaginaries of tactile (tele)robots

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    This paper explores sociotechnical imaginaries for industrial robotics. It is motivated by the prospect of promoting human-centred industrial futures. Investigating the tactility of labour through a critical social perspective the research attends to the future of tactile (tele)robots and elaborates on the concepts of pedagogic, collaborative and superhuman touch. These concepts are offered as starting points to foster productive dialogues between social scientists, roboticists, environmentalists, policy makers, industrial leaders and labourers (e.g. union representatives). This paper is framed through literature and ethnographic fieldwork that contextualises and maps the dominant sociotechnical imaginaries for a future touch in industry, identifying the role of a comparative-competitive frame in sustaining a splintering of the imaginary towards utopic and dystopic extremes. Against this, the paper draws on interviews with leading roboticists to chart alternative futures where humans and robots may work together as collaborators, not competitors

    Collaborative Robots and Tangled Passages of Tactile-Affects

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    Collaborative robots are increasingly entering industrial contexts and workflows. These contexts are not just locations for production, they are vibrant social and sensory environments. For better or for worse their entry brings potential to reorganize established tactile and affective dynamics that encompass production processes. There is still much to be learned about these highly contextual and complex dynamics in HRI research and the design of industrial robotics; common approaches in industrial collaborative robotics are restricted to evaluating ‘effective interface design’ whereas methods that seek to measure ‘affective touch’ have limited application to these industrial domains. This paper offers an extended analytical framework and methodological approach to deepen understandings of affect and touch beyond emotional responses to direct human-robot interactions. These distinct contributions are grounded in fieldwork in a glass factory with newly installed collaborative robots. They are illustrated through an ethnographic narrative that traces the emergence and circulation of affect, across material, experiential and social planes. Beyond this single case ‘tangled passages of tactile-affects’ is offered as novel and valuable concept, that is distinct from the notion of ‘affective touch’, and holds potential to generate holistic and nuanced understandings of how human experiences can be affected by the introduction of new robots in ‘the wild’

    Towards Supply Chain 5.0: Redesigning Supply Chains as Resilient, Sustainable, and Human-Centric Systems in a Post-pandemic World

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    From Springer Nature via Jisc Publications RouterHistory: received 2023-03-19, registration 2023-06-08, accepted 2023-06-08, epub 2023-07-29, online 2023-07-29, collection 2023-09Publication status: PublishedStefania Paladini - ORCID: 0000-0002-1526-3589 https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1526-3589The purpose was to investigate the impact of the Industry 5.0 paradigm on the supply chain research field. Our study contributes to the conceptualization of supply chain 5.0, a term that has been receiving increased attention as supply chains adapt to the fifth industrial revolution. We conducted a systematic literature network analysis (SLNA) to examine the research landscape of Industry 5.0 supply chains. We used VOSViewer software and Bibliometrix R-package for multiple bibliometric analyses using 682 documents published between 2016 and 2022. We present a comprehensive framework of supply chain 5.0, including its key concepts, technologies, and trends. Additionally, this research offers a future research agenda to inspire and support further development in this field. We utilized three academic databases for bibliometric analyses: Dimension, Scopus and Lens. Additional databases could provide a wider research landscape and better field representation. We demonstrate how Industry 5.0 enables supply chain evaluation and optimization to assist companies in navigating disruptions without compromising competitiveness and profitability and provide a unique contribution to the field of supply chain 5.0 by exploring promising research areas and guiding the transition to this new paradigm for practitioners and scholars.pubpu

    Consider the human work experience when integrating robotics in the workplace

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    Worldwide, manufacturers are reimagining the future of their workforce and its connection to technology. Rather than replacing humans, Industry 5.0 explores how humans and robots can best complement one another's unique strengths. However, realizing this vision requires an in-depth understanding of how workers view the positive and negative attributes of their jobs, and the place of robots within it. In this paper, we explore the relationship between work attributes and automation goals by engaging in field research at a manufacturing plant. We conducted 50 face-to-face interviews with assembly-line workers (n=50), which we analyzed using discourse analysis and social constructivist methods. We found that the work attributes deemed most positive by participants include social interaction, movement and exercise, (human) autonomy, problem solving, task variety, and building with their hands. The main negative work attributes included health and safety issues, feeling rushed, and repetitive work. We identified several ways robots could help reduce negative work attributes and enhance positive ones, such as reducing work interruptions and cultivating physical and psychological well-being. Based on our findings, we created a set of integration considerations for organizations planning to deploy robotics technology, and discuss how the manufacturing and HRI communities can explore these ideas in the future.National Science Foundation (grant no. IIP-1724982