12,859 research outputs found

    Integrating Olfaction in a Robotic Telepresence Loop

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    In this work we propose enhancing a typical robotic telepresence architecture by considering olfactory and wind flow information in addition to the common audio and video channels. The objective is to expand the range of applications where robotics telepresence can be applied, including those related to the detection of volatile chemical substances (e.g. land-mine detection, explosive deactivation, operations in noxious environments, etc.). Concretely, we analyze how the sense of smell can be integrated in the telepresence loop, covering the digitization of the gases and wind flow present in the remote environment, the transmission through the communication network, and their display at the user location. Experiments under different environmental conditions are presented to validate the proposed telepresence system when localizing a gas emission leak at the remote environment.Universidad de MĂĄlaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional AndalucĂ­a Tech

    The use of UTAUT and Post Acceptance models to investigate the attitude towards a telepresence robot in an educational setting

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    (1) Background: In the last decade, various investigations into the field of robotics have created several opportunities for further innovation to be possible in student education. However, despite scientific evidence, there is still strong scepticism surrounding the use of robots in some social fields, such as personal care and education; (2) Methods: In this research, we present a new tool named: HANCON model that was developed merging and extending the constructs of two solid and proven models: the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) model to examine the factors that may influence the decision to use a telepresence robot as an instrument in educational practice, and the Post Acceptance Model to evaluate acceptability after the actual use of a telepresence robot. The new tool is implemented and used to study the acceptance of a Double telepresence robot by 112 pre-service teachers in an educational setting; (3) Results: The analysis of the experimental results predicts and demonstrate a positive attitude towards the use of telepresence robot in a school setting and confirm the applicability of the model in an educational context; (4) Conclusions: The constructs of the HANCON model could predict and explain the acceptance of social telepresence robots in social contexts

    Robotics in the Modern World of Work - Results From an Empirical Study Regarding Business Ethics

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    The digital revolution is changing the world. Robots, big data and artificial intelligence are the key technologies of the future and the basis of important innovations for the future development of the economy and society. In companies, this fact requires strategic rethinking and adjustments in ever-shorter time cycles. The creation of an agile and collaborative production to achieve the goals is often a basic requirement. With adaptation to technical progress, requirements and goals change continuously. To be and remain competitive, companies are forced to have at least the same technological standard as their competitors. In order to meet these challenges today, the use of highly efficient mechatronic systems such as robots is necessary. The paper analyses business ethics relevant aspects of robotics by using a survey with 88 respondents


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    Purpose of the study: To propose a new framework on integrated 21st century STEM education through Robotics Project-based Learning, and secondly, to outline a Robotics Project-based Learning curriculum in the perspective of integrated 21st century STEM education. Methodology: Content analysis was carried out to design a new framework. Secondary data collection technique was used. Main Findings: The proposed framework can identify itself with each STEM curriculum in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics. Educational robotics as a tool to integrate the fours discipline through project-based learning. Applications of this study: The proposed framework is applicable in 21st century learning environment using student-centered approach. 21st century skills are enhanced through collaboration, creativity, critical thinking and communication while students carry out robotics project-based learning. Novelty/Originality of this study: A new pedagogy of STEM integration in Malaysia education system. Hands-on and minds-on activities through robotics project-based learning promote higher order thinking in students

    SciTech News Volume 70, No. 4 (2016)

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    Columns and Reports From the Editor 3 Division News Science-Technology Division 4 SLA Annual Meeting 2016 Report (S. Kirk Cabeen Travel Stipend Award recipient) 6 Reflections on SLA Annual Meeting (Diane K. Foster International Student Travel Award recipient) 8 SLA Annual Meeting Report (Bonnie Hilditch International Librarian Award recipient)10 Chemistry Division 12 Engineering Division 15 Reflections from the 2016 SLA Conference (SPIE Digital Library Student Travel Stipend recipient)15 Fundamentals of Knowledge Management and Knowledge Services (IEEE Continuing Education Stipend recipient) 17 Makerspaces in Libraries: The Big Table, the Art Studio or Something Else? (by Jeremy Cusker) 19 Aerospace Section of the Engineering Division 21 Reviews Sci-Tech Book News Reviews 22 Advertisements IEEE 17 WeBuyBooks.net 2

    Human-Machine Interaction and Human Resource Management Perspective for Collaborative Robotics Implementation and Adoption

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    The shift towards human-robot collaboration (HRC) has the potential to increase productivity and sustainability, while reducing costs for the manufacturing industries. Indeed, it holds great potential for workplaces, allowing individuals to forsake repetitive or physically demanding jobs to focus on safer and more fulfilling ones. Still, integration of humans and machines in organizations presents great challenges to IS scholars due to the complexity of aligning digitalization and human resources. A knowledge gap does persist about organizational implications when it comes to implement collaborative robotics in the workplace and to support proper HRC. Thus, this paper aims to identify recommended human resources management (HRM) practices from previous research about human-robot interaction (HRI). As our results highlight that few studies attempted to fill the gap, a conceptual framework is proposed. It integrates HRM practices, technology adoption dimensions and main determinants of HRC, in the objective to support collaborative robotics implementation in organizations

    Collaborative Robots and Tangled Passages of Tactile-Affects

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    Collaborative robots are increasingly entering industrial contexts and workflows. These contexts are not just locations for production, they are vibrant social and sensory environments. For better or for worse their entry brings potential to reorganize established tactile and affective dynamics that encompass production processes. There is still much to be learned about these highly contextual and complex dynamics in HRI research and the design of industrial robotics; common approaches in industrial collaborative robotics are restricted to evaluating ‘effective interface design’ whereas methods that seek to measure ‘affective touch’ have limited application to these industrial domains. This paper offers an extended analytical framework and methodological approach to deepen understandings of affect and touch beyond emotional responses to direct human-robot interactions. These distinct contributions are grounded in fieldwork in a glass factory with newly installed collaborative robots. They are illustrated through an ethnographic narrative that traces the emergence and circulation of affect, across material, experiential and social planes. Beyond this single case ‘tangled passages of tactile-affects’ is offered as novel and valuable concept, that is distinct from the notion of ‘affective touch’, and holds potential to generate holistic and nuanced understandings of how human experiences can be affected by the introduction of new robots in ‘the wild’
