6 research outputs found

    Material Recognition Meets 3D Reconstruction : Novel Tools for Efficient, Automatic Acquisition Systems

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    For decades, the accurate acquisition of geometry and reflectance properties has represented one of the major objectives in computer vision and computer graphics with many applications in industry, entertainment and cultural heritage. Reproducing even the finest details of surface geometry and surface reflectance has become a ubiquitous prerequisite in visual prototyping, advertisement or digital preservation of objects. However, today's acquisition methods are typically designed for only a rather small range of material types. Furthermore, there is still a lack of accurate reconstruction methods for objects with a more complex surface reflectance behavior beyond diffuse reflectance. In addition to accurate acquisition techniques, the demand for creating large quantities of digital contents also pushes the focus towards fully automatic and highly efficient solutions that allow for masses of objects to be acquired as fast as possible. This thesis is dedicated to the investigation of basic components that allow an efficient, automatic acquisition process. We argue that such an efficient, automatic acquisition can be realized when material recognition "meets" 3D reconstruction and we will demonstrate that reliably recognizing the materials of the considered object allows a more efficient geometry acquisition. Therefore, the main objectives of this thesis are given by the development of novel, robust geometry acquisition techniques for surface materials beyond diffuse surface reflectance, and the development of novel, robust techniques for material recognition. In the context of 3D geometry acquisition, we introduce an improvement of structured light systems, which are capable of robustly acquiring objects ranging from diffuse surface reflectance to even specular surface reflectance with a sufficient diffuse component. We demonstrate that the resolution of the reconstruction can be increased significantly for multi-camera, multi-projector structured light systems by using overlappings of patterns that have been projected under different projector poses. As the reconstructions obtained by applying such triangulation-based techniques still contain high-frequency noise due to inaccurately localized correspondences established for images acquired under different viewpoints, we furthermore introduce a novel geometry acquisition technique that complements the structured light system with additional photometric normals and results in significantly more accurate reconstructions. In addition, we also present a novel method to acquire the 3D shape of mirroring objects with complex surface geometry. The aforementioned investigations on 3D reconstruction are accompanied by the development of novel tools for reliable material recognition which can be used in an initial step to recognize the present surface materials and, hence, to efficiently select the subsequently applied appropriate acquisition techniques based on these classified materials. In the scope of this thesis, we therefore focus on material recognition for scenarios with controlled illumination as given in lab environments as well as scenarios with natural illumination that are given in photographs of typical daily life scenes. Finally, based on the techniques developed in this thesis, we provide novel concepts towards efficient, automatic acquisition systems

    Photometric Reconstruction from Images: New Scenarios and Approaches for Uncontrolled Input Data

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    The changes in surface shading caused by varying illumination constitute an important cue to discern fine details and recognize the shape of textureless objects. Humans perform this task subconsciously, but it is challenging for a computer because several variables are unknown and intermix in the light distribution that actually reaches the eye or camera. In this work, we study algorithms and techniques to automatically recover the surface orientation and reflectance properties from multiple images of a scene. Photometric reconstruction techniques have been investigated for decades but are still restricted to industrial applications and research laboratories. Making these techniques work on more general, uncontrolled input without specialized capture setups has to be the next step but is not yet solved. We explore the current limits of photometric shape recovery in terms of input data and propose ways to overcome some of its restrictions. Many approaches, especially for non-Lambertian surfaces, rely on the illumination and the radiometric response function of the camera to be known. The accuracy such algorithms are able to achieve depends a lot on the quality of an a priori calibration of these parameters. We propose two techniques to estimate the position of a point light source, experimentally compare their performance with the commonly employed method, and draw conclusions which one to use in practice. We also discuss how well an absolute radiometric calibration can be performed on uncontrolled consumer images and show the application of a simple radiometric model to re-create night-time impressions from color images. A focus of this thesis is on Internet images which are an increasingly important source of data for computer vision and graphics applications. Concerning reconstructions in this setting we present novel approaches that are able to recover surface orientation from Internet webcam images. We explore two different strategies to overcome the challenges posed by this kind of input data. One technique exploits orientation consistency and matches appearance profiles on the target with a partial reconstruction of the scene. This avoids an explicit light calibration and works for any reflectance that is observed on the partial reference geometry. The other technique employs an outdoor lighting model and reflectance properties represented as parametric basis materials. It yields a richer scene representation consisting of shape and reflectance. This is very useful for the simulation of new impressions or editing operations, e.g. relighting. The proposed approach is the first that achieves such a reconstruction on webcam data. Both presentations are accompanied by evaluations on synthetic and real-world data showing qualitative and quantitative results. We also present a reconstruction approach for more controlled data in terms of the target scene. It relies on a reference object to relax a constraint common to many photometric stereo approaches: the fixed camera assumption. The proposed technique allows the camera and light source to vary freely in each image. It again avoids a light calibration step and can be applied to non-Lambertian surfaces. In summary, this thesis contributes to the calibration and to the reconstruction aspects of photometric techniques. We overcome challenges in both controlled and uncontrolled settings, with a focus on the latter. All proposed approaches are shown to operate also on non-Lambertian objects

    Consensus multi-view photometric stereo

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    We propose a multi-view photometric stereo technique that uses photometric normal consistency to jointly estimate surface position and orientation. The underlying scene representation is based on oriented points, yielding more flexibility compared to smoothly varying surfaces. We demonstrate that the often employed least squares error of the Lambertian image formation model fails for wide-baseline settings without known visibility information. We then introduce a multi-view normal consistency approach and demonstrate its efficiency on synthetic and real data. In particular, our approach is able to handle occlusion, shadows, and other sources of outliers