7 research outputs found

    Towards a Simple Relationship to Estimate the Capacity of Static and Mobile Wireless Networks

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    Extensive research has been done on studying the capacity of wireless multi-hop networks. These efforts have led to many sophisticated and customized analytical studies on the capacity of particular networks. While most of the analyses are intellectually challenging, they lack universal properties that can be extended to study the capacity of a different network. In this paper, we sift through various capacity-impacting parameters and present a simple relationship that can be used to estimate the capacity of both static and mobile networks. Specifically, we show that the network capacity is determined by the average number of simultaneous transmissions, the link capacity and the average number of transmissions required to deliver a packet to its destination. Our result is valid for both finite networks and asymptotically infinite networks. We then use this result to explain and better understand the insights of some existing results on the capacity of static networks, mobile networks and hybrid networks and the multicast capacity. The capacity analysis using the aforementioned relationship often becomes simpler. The relationship can be used as a powerful tool to estimate the capacity of different networks. Our work makes important contributions towards developing a generic methodology for network capacity analysis that is applicable to a variety of different scenarios.Comment: accepted to appear in IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communication

    Characterization of the fundamental properties of wireless CSMA multi-hop networks

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    A wireless multi-hop network consists of a group of decentralized and self-organized wireless devices that collaborate to complete their tasks in a distributed way. Data packets are forwarded collaboratively hop-by-hop from source nodes to their respective destination nodes with other nodes acting as intermediate relays. Existing and future applications in wireless multi-hop networks will greatly benefit from better understanding of the fundamental properties of such networks. In this thesis we explore two fundamental properties of distributed wireless CSMA multi-hop networks, connectivity and capacity. A network is connected if and only if there is at least one (multi-hop) path between any pair of nodes. We investigate the critical transmission power for asymptotic connectivity in large wireless CSMA multi-hop networks under the SINR model. The critical transmission power is the minimum transmission power each node needs to transmit to guarantee that the resulting network is connected aas. Both upper bound and lower bound of the critical transmission power are obtained analytically. The two bounds are tight and differ by a constant factor only. Next we shift focus to the capacity property. First, we develop a distributed routing algorithm where each node makes routing decisions based on local information only. This is compatible with the distributed nature of large wireless CSMA multi-hop networks. Second, we show that by carefully choosing controllable parameters of the CSMA protocols, together with the routing algorithm, a distributed CSMA network can achieve the order-optimal throughput scaling law. Scaling laws are only up to order and most network design choices have a significant effect on the constants preceding the order while not affecting the scaling law. Therefore we further to analyze the pre-constant by giving an upper and a lower bound of throughput. The tightness of the bounds is validated using simulations

    Characterization of the fundamental properties of wireless CSMA multi-hop networks

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    A wireless multi-hop network consists of a group of decentralized and self-organized wireless devices that collaborate to complete their tasks in a distributed way. Data packets are forwarded collaboratively hop-by-hop from source nodes to their respective destination nodes with other nodes acting as intermediate relays. Existing and future applications in wireless multi-hop networks will greatly benefit from better understanding of the fundamental properties of such networks. In this thesis we explore two fundamental properties of distributed wireless CSMA multi-hop networks, connectivity and capacity. A network is connected if and only if there is at least one (multi-hop) path between any pair of nodes. We investigate the critical transmission power for asymptotic connectivity in large wireless CSMA multi-hop networks under the SINR model. The critical transmission power is the minimum transmission power each node needs to transmit to guarantee that the resulting network is connected aas. Both upper bound and lower bound of the critical transmission power are obtained analytically. The two bounds are tight and differ by a constant factor only. Next we shift focus to the capacity property. First, we develop a distributed routing algorithm where each node makes routing decisions based on local information only. This is compatible with the distributed nature of large wireless CSMA multi-hop networks. Second, we show that by carefully choosing controllable parameters of the CSMA protocols, together with the routing algorithm, a distributed CSMA network can achieve the order-optimal throughput scaling law. Scaling laws are only up to order and most network design choices have a significant effect on the constants preceding the order while not affecting the scaling law. Therefore we further to analyze the pre-constant by giving an upper and a lower bound of throughput. The tightness of the bounds is validated using simulations

    Connectivity of large-scale CSMA networks

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    Wireless multi-hop networks are being increasingly used in military and civilian applications. Connectivity is a prerequisite in wireless multi-hop networks for providing many network functions. In a wireless network with many concurrent transmissions, signals transmitted at the same time will mutually interfere with each other. In this paper we consider the impact of interference on the connectivity of CSMA networks. Specifically, consider a network with n nodes uniformly and i.i.d. on a square [-√n/2,√n/2] 2 where a node can only transmit if the sensed power from any other active transmitter is below a threshold, i.e. subject to the carrier-sensing constraint, and the transmission is successful if and only if the SINR is greater than or equal to a predefined threshold. We provide a sufficient condition and a necessary condition, i.e. an upper bound and a lower bound on the transmission power, required for the above network to be asymptotically almost surely (a.a.s.)connected as n → ∞. The two bounds differ by a constant factor only as n → ∞. It is shown that the transmission power only needs to be increased by a constant factor to combat interference and maintain connectivity compared with that considering a unit disk model (UDM) without interference. This result is also in stark contrast with previous results considering the connectivity of ALOHA networks under the SINR model. © 2012 IEEE