33,618 research outputs found

    Sensor Network Architectures for Monitoring Underwater Pipelines

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    This paper develops and compares different sensor network architecture designs that can be used for monitoring underwater pipeline infrastructures. These architectures are underwater wired sensor networks, underwater acoustic wireless sensor networks, RF (Radio Frequency) wireless sensor networks, integrated wired/acoustic wireless sensor networks, and integrated wired/RF wireless sensor networks. The paper also discusses the reliability challenges and enhancement approaches for these network architectures. The reliability evaluation, characteristics, advantages, and disadvantages among these architectures are discussed and compared. Three reliability factors are used for the discussion and comparison: the network connectivity, the continuity of power supply for the network, and the physical network security. In addition, the paper also develops and evaluates a hierarchical sensor network framework for underwater pipeline monitoring

    Coverage and Connectivity Issue in Wireless Sensor Networks

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    Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) are an emerging area of interest in research and development. It finds use in military surveillance, health care, environmental monitoring, forest fire detection and smart environments. An important research issue in WSNs is the coverage since cost, area and lifetime are directly validated to it.In this paper we present an overview of WSNs and try to refine the coverage and connectivity issues in wireless sensor networks

    Coverage Issues in Wireless Ad-Hoc Sensor Networks

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    Wireless Ad-Hoc sensor networks have a broad range of applications in the military,vigilance, environment monitoring, and healthcare fields. Coverage of the sensor networks describes how well an area is monitored. The coverage problem has been studied extensively, especially when combined with connectivity and well-organized. Coverage is a typical problem in the wireless sensor networks to fulfil issued sensing tasks. In general, sensing analysis represents how well an area is monitored by sensors. The quality of the sensor network can be reflected by levels of coverage and connectivity that it offers. The coverage issues have been studied extensively, especially when combined with connectivity and energy efficiency. Constructing a connected fully covered, and energy efficient sensor network is valuable for real world applications due to limited resources of sensor nodes. The survey recent contributions addressing energy efficient coverage problems in the context of static WASNs, networks in which sensor nodes do not move once they are deployed and present in some detail of the algorithms, assumptions, and results. A comprehensive comparison among these approaches is given from perspective of design objectives, assumptions, algorithm attributes and related results

    Energy efficient organization and modeling of wireless sensor networks

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    With their focus on applications requiring tight coupling with the physical world, as opposed to the personal communication focus of conventional wireless networks, wireless sensor networks pose significantly different design, implementation and deployment challenges. Wireless sensor networks can be used for environmental parameter monitoring, boundary surveillance, target detection and classification, and the facilitation of the decision making process. Multiple sensors provide better monitoring capabilities about parameters that present both spatial and temporal variances, and can deliver valuable inferences about the physical world to the end user. In this dissertation, the problem of the energy efficient organization and modeling of dynamic wireless sensor networks is investigated and analyzed. First, a connectivity distribution model that characterizes the corresponding sensor connectivity distribution for a multi-hop sensor networking system is introduced. Based on this model, the impact of node connectivity on system reliability is analyzed, and several tradeoffs among various sleeping strategies, node connectivity and power consumption, are evaluated. Motivated by the commonality encountered in the mobile sensor wireless networks, their self-organizing and random nature, and some concepts developed by the continuum theory, a model is introduced that gives a more realistic description of the various processes and their effects on a large-scale topology as the mobile wireless sensor network evolves. Furthermore, the issue of developing an energy-efficient organization and operation of a randomly deployed multi-hop sensor network, by extending the lifetime of the communication critical nodes and as a result the overall network\u27s operation, is considered and studied. Based on the data-centric characteristic of wireless sensor networks, an efficient Quality of Service (QoS)-constrained data aggregation and processing approach for distributed wireless sensor networks is investigated and analyzed. One of the key features of the proposed approach is that the task QoS requirements are taken into account to determine when and where to perform the aggregation in a distributed fashion, based on the availability of local only information. Data aggregation is performed on the fly at intermediate sensor nodes, while at the same time the end-to-end latency constraints are satisfied. An analytical model to represent the data aggregation and report delivery process in sensor networks, with specific delivery quality requirements in terms of the achievable end-to-end delay and the successful report delivery probability, is also presented. Based on this model, some insights about the impact on the achievable system performance, of the various designs parameters and the tradeoffs involved in the process of data aggregation and the proposed strategy, are gained. Furthermore, a localized adaptive data collection algorithm performed at the source nodes is developed that balances the design tradeoffs of delay, measurement accuracy and buffer overflow, for given QoS requirements. The performance of the proposed approach is analyzed and evaluated, through modeling and simulation, under different data aggregation scenarios and traffic loads. The impact of several design parameters and tradeoffs on various critical network and application related performance metrics, such as energy efficiency, network lifetime, end-to-end latency, and data loss are also evaluated and discussed

    Development of security in wireless sensor network using IPv6

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    The Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) is one of core technologies expected to become a potential basis of future ever-present networks. WSN consists of multiple low cost sensor nodes, which could either, have a fixed location or randomly deployed that can communicate with each other for monitoring environments, medical systems, home network, industry automation and so on. However, most of the application scenarios require connectivity between WSNs and the Internet. Though WSN is typically not IP-enabled, connection to the IP network makes it easy to monitor sensors everywhere in the world. One of the purposes of the research work is to incorporate the IPv6 with WSNs, where IPv6 offers a larger address space. Therefore each of the sensor nodes will have their own IP address compare to IPv4, which has limited address space.The main objective of this research is to implement security in WSNs. Sensor networks are typically characterized by limited power supplies, low bandwidth, small memory sizes and limited energy. In addition, unlike traditional networks, sensor nodes are often deployed in accessible areas, presenting the added risk of physical attack. This leads to a very demanding environment in providing security. The research proposed XOR encryption algorithm that possesses built-in and enhanced security measure. The encryption and decryption of the payload secure the data's of the packet transfer. Other than that the XOR encryption is meant to realize the real time routing where the packets will be delivered within their end-to-end deadlines.XOR encryption security has been implemented in the 61owpan/IPv6 stack for TinyOS 2.1. TinyOS 2.1 an embedded operating system commonly used in wireless sensor networks. The hardware platforms used in this project, the TelosB motes, the 802.15.4 wireless communication standard and the TinyOS 2.1 operating syste


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    Large-scale networks of wireless sensors are becoming an active topic of research.. We review the key elements of the emergent technology of “Smart Dust” and outline the research challenges they present to the mobile networking and systems community, which must provide coherent connectivity to large numbers of mobile network nodes co-located within a small volume. Smart Dust sensor networks – consisting of cubic millimetre scale sensor nodes capable of limited computation, sensing, and passive optical communication with a base station – are envisioned to fulfil complex large scale monitoring tasks in a wide variety of application areas. RFID technology can realize “smart-dust” applications for the sensor network community. RFID sensor networks (RSNs), which consist of RFID readers and RFID sensor nodes (WISPs), extend RFID to include sensing and bring the advantages of small, inexpensive and long-lived RFID tags to wireless sensor networks. In many potential Smart Dust applications such as object detection and tracking, fine-grained node localization plays a key role

    Novel Approach using Robust Routing Protocol in Underwater Acoustic Wireless Sensor Network with Network Simulator 2: A Review

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    In recent year wireless sensor network has been an emerging technology and promising technology in unveiling the riddle of the marine life and other underwater applications. As it is a permutation of computation, sensing and communication. In the 70% of the earth a huge amount of unexploited resources lies covered by oceans. To coordinate interact and share information among themselves to carry out sensing and monitoring function underwater sensor network consists number of various sensors and autonomous underwater vehicles deployed underwater. The two most fundamental problems in underwater sensor network are sensing coverage and network connectivity. The coverage problem reflects how well a sensor network is tracked or monitored by sensors. An underwater wireless sensor networks is the emerging field that is having the challenges in each field such as the deployment of nodes, routing, floating movement of sensors etc. This paper is concerned about the underwater acoustic wireless sensor network of routing protocol applications and UW-ASNs deployments for monitoring and control of underwater domains

    A Survey on Communication Networks for Electric System Automation

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    Published in Computer Networks 50 (2006) 877–897, an Elsevier journal. The definitive version of this publication is available from Science Direct. Digital Object Identifier:10.1016/j.comnet.2006.01.005In today’s competitive electric utility marketplace, reliable and real-time information become the key factor for reliable delivery of power to the end-users, profitability of the electric utility and customer satisfaction. The operational and commercial demands of electric utilities require a high-performance data communication network that supports both existing functionalities and future operational requirements. In this respect, since such a communication network constitutes the core of the electric system automation applications, the design of a cost-effective and reliable network architecture is crucial. In this paper, the opportunities and challenges of a hybrid network architecture are discussed for electric system automation. More specifically, Internet based Virtual Private Networks, power line communications, satellite communications and wireless communications (wireless sensor networks, WiMAX and wireless mesh networks) are described in detail. The motivation of this paper is to provide a better understanding of the hybrid network architecture that can provide heterogeneous electric system automation application requirements. In this regard, our aim is to present a structured framework for electric utilities who plan to utilize new communication technologies for automation and hence, to make the decision making process more effective and direct.This work was supported by NEETRAC under Project #04-157
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