19,347 research outputs found

    Direct numerical simulation of turbulence on a Connection Machine CM-5

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    In this paper we report on our first experiences with direct numerical simulation of turbulent flow on a 16-node Connection Machine CM-5. The CM-5 has been programmed at a global level using data parallel Fortran. A two-dimensional direct simulation, where the pressure is solved using a Conjugate Gradient method without preconditioning, runs at 23% of the peak. Due to higher communication costs, 3D simulations run at 13% of the peak. A diagonalwise re-ordered Incomplete Choleski Conjugate Gradient method cannot compete with a standard CG-method on the CM-5.

    Solving the shallow water equations on the Cray X-MP/48 and the connection machine 2

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    The shallow water equations in Cartesian coordinates and 2-D are solved on the Connection Machine 2 (CM-2) using both the spectral and finite difference methods. A description of these implementations is presented together with a brief discussion of the CM-2 as it relates to these specific computations. The finite difference code was written both in C* and *LISP and the spectral code was written in *LISP. The performance of the codes is compared with a FORTRAN version that was optimized for the Cray X-MP/48

    An assessment of the connection machine

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    The CM-2 is an example of a connection machine. The strengths and problems of this implementation are considered as well as important issues in the architecture and programming environment of connection machines in general. These are contrasted to the same issues in Multiple Instruction/Multiple Data (MIMD) microprocessors and multicomputers

    The FORCE: A portable parallel programming language supporting computational structural mechanics

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    This project supports the conversion of codes in Computational Structural Mechanics (CSM) to a parallel form which will efficiently exploit the computational power available from multiprocessors. The work is a part of a comprehensive, FORTRAN-based system to form a basis for a parallel version of the NICE/SPAR combination which will form the CSM Testbed. The software is macro-based and rests on the force methodology developed by the principal investigator in connection with an early scientific multiprocessor. Machine independence is an important characteristic of the system so that retargeting it to the Flex/32, or any other multiprocessor on which NICE/SPAR might be imnplemented, is well supported. The principal investigator has experience in producing parallel software for both full and sparse systems of linear equations using the force macros. Other researchers have used the Force in finite element programs. It has been possible to rapidly develop software which performs at maximum efficiency on a multiprocessor. The inherent machine independence of the system also means that the parallelization will not be limited to a specific multiprocessor

    Parallel processors and nonlinear structural dynamics algorithms and software

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    The adaptation of a finite element program with explicit time integration to a massively parallel SIMD (single instruction multiple data) computer, the CONNECTION Machine is described. The adaptation required the development of a new algorithm, called the exchange algorithm, in which all nodal variables are allocated to the element with an exchange of nodal forces at each time step. The architectural and C* programming language features of the CONNECTION Machine are also summarized. Various alternate data structures and associated algorithms for nonlinear finite element analysis are discussed and compared. Results are presented which demonstrate that the CONNECTION Machine is capable of outperforming the CRAY XMP/14

    R behind the scenes: Using S the (un)usual way

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    R is not only a program for analyzing and visualizing data, it is an open and programmable software environment. It can not only easily access other programs written in a wide variety of languages, but also be accessed itself from other programs. As such, it can be seen as the computational Swiss army knife of statistics. Connecting a program to R can be surprisingly simple, and once the connection is established, the perhaps largest existing collection of statistical methodology is available through a unified interface. Embedding R can save a lot of human time by automating routine tasks, but more importantly, it often gives a simple way of making our methods accessible to a much wider audience

    Ordered fast fourier transforms on a massively parallel hypercube multiprocessor

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    Design alternatives for ordered Fast Fourier Transformation (FFT) algorithms were examined on massively parallel hypercube multiprocessors such as the Connection Machine. Particular emphasis is placed on reducing communication which is known to dominate the overall computing time. To this end, the order and computational phases of the FFT were combined, and the sequence to processor maps that reduce communication were used. The class of ordered transforms is expanded to include any FFT in which the order of the transform is the same as that of the input sequence. Two such orderings are examined, namely, standard-order and A-order which can be implemented with equal ease on the Connection Machine where orderings are determined by geometries and priorities. If the sequence has N = 2 exp r elements and the hypercube has P = 2 exp d processors, then a standard-order FFT can be implemented with d + r/2 + 1 parallel transmissions. An A-order sequence can be transformed with 2d - r/2 parallel transmissions which is r - d + 1 fewer than the standard order. A parallel method for computing the trigonometric coefficients is presented that does not use trigonometric functions or interprocessor communication. A performance of 0.9 GFLOPS was obtained for an A-order transform on the Connection Machine