4,184 research outputs found

    Conjunctive Queries over Trees

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    We study the complexity and expressive power of conjunctive queries over unranked labeled trees represented using a variety of structure relations such as "child'', "descendant'', and "following'' as well as unary relations for node labels. We establish a framework for characterizing structures representing trees for which conjunctive queries can be evaluated efficiently. Then we completely chart the tractability frontier of the problem and establish a dichotomy theorem for our axis relations, i.e., we find all subset-maximal sets of axes for which query evaluation is in polynomial time and show that for all other cases, query evaluation is NP-complete. All polynomial-time results are obtained immediately using the proof techniques from our framework. Finally, we study the expressiveness of conjunctive queries over trees and show that for each conjunctive query, there is an equivalent acyclic positive query (i.e., a set of acyclic conjunctive queries), but that in general this query is not of polynomial size

    Containment of Pattern-Based Queries over Data Trees

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    International audienceWe study static analysis, in particular the containment problem, for analogs of conjunctive queries over XML documents. The problem has been studied for queries based on arbitrary patterns, not necessarily following the tree structure of documents. However, many applications force the syntactic shape of queries to be tree-like, as they are based on proper tree patterns. This renders previous results, crucially based on having non-tree-like features, inapplicable. Thus, we investigate static analysis of queries based on proper tree patterns. We go beyond simple navigational conjunctive queries in two ways: we look at unions and Boolean combinations of such queries as well and, crucially, all our queries handle data stored in documents, i.e., we deal with containment over data trees. We start by giving a general \Pi^p_2 upper bound on the containment of conjunctive queries and Boolean combinations for patterns that involve all types of navigation through documents. We then show matching hardness for conjunctive queries with all navigation, or their Boolean combinations with the simplest form of navigation. After that we look at cases when containment can be witnessed by homomorphisms of analogs of tableaux. These include conjunctive queries and their unions over child and next-sibling axes; however, we show that not all cases of containment can be witnessed by homomorphisms. We look at extending tree patterns used in queries in three possible ways: with wildcard, with schema information, and with data value comparisons. The first one is relatively harmless, the second one tends to increase complexity by an exponential, and the last one quickly leads to undecidability

    Characterizing Tractability of Simple Well-Designed Pattern Trees with Projection

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    We study the complexity of evaluating well-designed pattern trees, a query language extending conjunctive queries with the possibility to define parts of the query to be optional. This possibility of optional parts is important for obtaining meaningful results over incomplete data sources as it is common in semantic web settings. Recently, a structural characterization of the classes of well-designed pattern trees that can be evaluated in polynomial time was shown. However, projection - a central feature of many query languages - was not considered in this study. We work towards closing this gap by giving a characterization of all tractable classes of simple well-designed pattern trees with projection (under some common complexity theoretic assumptions). Since well-designed pattern trees correspond to the fragment of well-designed {AND, OPTIONAL}-SPARQL queries this gives a complete description of the tractable classes of queries with projections in this fragment that can be characterized by the underlying graph structures of the queries

    Conjunctive Query Answering for the Description Logic SHIQ

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    Conjunctive queries play an important role as an expressive query language for Description Logics (DLs). Although modern DLs usually provide for transitive roles, conjunctive query answering over DL knowledge bases is only poorly understood if transitive roles are admitted in the query. In this paper, we consider unions of conjunctive queries over knowledge bases formulated in the prominent DL SHIQ and allow transitive roles in both the query and the knowledge base. We show decidability of query answering in this setting and establish two tight complexity bounds: regarding combined complexity, we prove that there is a deterministic algorithm for query answering that needs time single exponential in the size of the KB and double exponential in the size of the query, which is optimal. Regarding data complexity, we prove containment in co-NP

    An Analytical Study of Large SPARQL Query Logs

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    With the adoption of RDF as the data model for Linked Data and the Semantic Web, query specification from end- users has become more and more common in SPARQL end- points. In this paper, we conduct an in-depth analytical study of the queries formulated by end-users and harvested from large and up-to-date query logs from a wide variety of RDF data sources. As opposed to previous studies, ours is the first assessment on a voluminous query corpus, span- ning over several years and covering many representative SPARQL endpoints. Apart from the syntactical structure of the queries, that exhibits already interesting results on this generalized corpus, we drill deeper in the structural char- acteristics related to the graph- and hypergraph represen- tation of queries. We outline the most common shapes of queries when visually displayed as pseudographs, and char- acterize their (hyper-)tree width. Moreover, we analyze the evolution of queries over time, by introducing the novel con- cept of a streak, i.e., a sequence of queries that appear as subsequent modifications of a seed query. Our study offers several fresh insights on the already rich query features of real SPARQL queries formulated by real users, and brings us to draw a number of conclusions and pinpoint future di- rections for SPARQL query evaluation, query optimization, tuning, and benchmarking

    Eliminating Recursion from Monadic Datalog Programs on Trees

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    We study the problem of eliminating recursion from monadic datalog programs on trees with an infinite set of labels. We show that the boundedness problem, i.e., determining whether a datalog program is equivalent to some nonrecursive one is undecidable but the decidability is regained if the descendant relation is disallowed. Under similar restrictions we obtain decidability of the problem of equivalence to a given nonrecursive program. We investigate the connection between these two problems in more detail