4,057 research outputs found

    M-step preconditioned conjugate gradient methods

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    Preconditioned conjugate gradient methods for solving sparse symmetric and positive finite systems of linear equations are described. Necessary and sufficient conditions are given for when these preconditioners can be used and an analysis of their effectiveness is given. Efficient computer implementations of these methods are discussed and results on the CYBER 203 and the Finite Element Machine under construction at NASA Langley Research Center are included

    Kernel Conjugate Gradient Methods with Random Projections

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    We propose and study kernel conjugate gradient methods (KCGM) with random projections for least-squares regression over a separable Hilbert space. Considering two types of random projections generated by randomized sketches and Nystr\"{o}m subsampling, we prove optimal statistical results with respect to variants of norms for the algorithms under a suitable stopping rule. Particularly, our results show that if the projection dimension is proportional to the effective dimension of the problem, KCGM with randomized sketches can generalize optimally, while achieving a computational advantage. As a corollary, we derive optimal rates for classic KCGM in the case that the target function may not be in the hypothesis space, filling a theoretical gap.Comment: 43 pages, 2 figure

    A Three-Term Conjugate Gradient Method with Sufficient Descent Property for Unconstrained Optimization

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    Conjugate gradient methods are widely used for solving large-scale unconstrained optimization problems, because they do not need the storage of matrices. In this paper, we propose a general form of three-term conjugate gradient methods which always generate a sufficient descent direction. We give a sufficient condition for the global convergence of the proposed general method. Moreover, we present a specific three-term conjugate gradient method based on the multi-step quasi-Newton method. Finally, some numerical results of the proposed method are given

    Flexible Enlarged Conjugate Gradient Methods

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    Enlarged Krylov subspace methods and their s-step versions were introduced [7] in the aim of reducing communication when solving systems of linear equations Ax = b. These enlarged CG methods consist of enlarging the Krylov subspace by a maximum of t vectors per iteration based on the domain decomposition of the graph of A. As for the s-step versions, s iterations of the enlarged Conjugate Gradient methods are merged in one iteration. The Enlarged CG methods and their s-step versions converge in less iterations than the classical CG, but at the expense of requiring more memory storage than CG. Thus in this paper we explore different options for reducing the memory requirements of these enlarged CG methods without affecting much their convergence.Comment: 28 pages, 14 figure

    Unconstrained Optimization Methods: Conjugate Gradient Methods and Trust-Region Methods

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    Here, we consider two important classes of unconstrained optimization methods: conjugate gradient methods and trust region methods. These two classes of methods are very interesting; it seems that they are never out of date. First, we consider conjugate gradient methods. We also illustrate the practical behavior of some conjugate gradient methods. Then, we study trust region methods. Considering these two classes of methods, we analyze some recent results

    Preconditioned conjugate-gradient methods for low-speed flow calculations

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    An investigation is conducted into the viability of using a generalized Conjugate Gradient-like method as an iterative solver to obtain steady-state solutions of very low-speed fluid flow problems. Low-speed flow at Mach 0.1 over a backward-facing step is chosen as a representative test problem. The unsteady form of the two dimensional, compressible Navier-Stokes equations is integrated in time using discrete time-steps. The Navier-Stokes equations are cast in an implicit, upwind finite-volume, flux split formulation. The new iterative solver is used to solve a linear system of equations at each step of the time-integration. Preconditioning techniques are used with the new solver to enhance the stability and convergence rate of the solver and are found to be critical to the overall success of the solver. A study of various preconditioners reveals that a preconditioner based on the Lower-Upper Successive Symmetric Over-Relaxation iterative scheme is more efficient than a preconditioner based on Incomplete L-U factorizations of the iteration matrix. The performance of the new preconditioned solver is compared with a conventional Line Gauss-Seidel Relaxation (LGSR) solver. Overall speed-up factors of 28 (in terms of global time-steps required to converge to a steady-state solution) and 20 (in terms of total CPU time on one processor of a CRAY-YMP) are found in favor of the new preconditioned solver, when compared with the LGSR solver