3 research outputs found

    Rate Adaptation for Avoiding Congestion in the Use of Multimedia Over User Datagram Protocol

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    Multimedia applications have increased rapidly in the Internet today. However, multimedia communication suffers from bandwidth requirements problem. Therefore, it is important to optimize the network bandwidth utilization. Optimizing the network bandwidth utilization allows increasing the number of users who use multimedia applications that require guaranteed quality of service. The user experiences the performance during using the network service, which is the important factor to determine the users’ satisfaction. With the limitation of the network bandwidth, multimedia traffic can cause congestion which degrades the performance experienced by the network users. Therefore, there is an essential need to reduce the occurrence of congestion situations in a network to optimize the utilization of network resources to provide the network users with suitable performance. For most of multimedia applications, UDP is used as transport protocol. Current UDP implementation helps in increasing the traffic as it does not have flow or congestion control mechanisms. Congestion can be avoided when the traffic arrival rate to a gateway maintained close to the outgoing link capacities and the gateways' queue lengths kept small to guarantee the availability of buffer capacity for successful buffering and consequent forwarding of temporary traffic upsurges which could otherwise cause buffer overflows and packet loss. Congestion management is the combined responsibility of network gateways and end-point hosts. Gateways are invested with the ability to delay or drop the packets inside the network. Gateways are responsible for congestion detection & notification delivery, queue's traffic arrival rate control, and queue length control. Traffic sources are responsible for the adjustment of their data transmission rates to enable the gateways to achieve their goals. Building a new responsive multimedia application and protocol, based on the UDP concept, can decrease the congestion occurrence and enhance the performance of the network, especially in the real-time environment

    Controlling Access To Conserve Qos In Autonomous Network Using Network Simulator

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    Continuous applications made a requirement for system Quality of Service (QoS). This significance prompted the improvement of self-sufficient systems that utilization versatile bundle directing with the end goal to give the most ideal QoS. Affirmation Control (AC) is a system which makes those systems a pace further in ensuring bundle conveyance even under strict QoS imperatives. QoS all through the time of every single acknowledged association in the system. The effect that the new call will have, on the QoS of both the new and the current clients, is assessed by sending test parcels and checking the systems. The choice of whether to acknowledge another call is made utilizing a novel math of QoS measurements, encourage by Warshall's calculation, which searches for a way with adequate QoS values that can oblige the new stream. The fundamental scientific standards and present trial results acquired by assessing the strategy in an expansive research center proving ground working the Self-Aware Cognitive Packet Network (CPN) convention

    Congestion Notification and Probing Mechanisms for Endpoint Admission Control

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    Recently, there has been much interest in admission control schemes that place the burden of admis-sion control decisions on the end users. In these schemes, referred to as Endpoint Admission Control. the decision to join the network is taken by the user, based on the probing of the network using probe packets. Depending on the level of congestion, routers mark the probe packets and thus inform the user of the state of the network. In this paper, we analyze three mechanisms for providing Endpoint Admis-sion Control: virtual-queue marking, random-early marking and tail drop. For each scheme, we analyze the probing duration necessary to guarantee the required QoS and achieve high link utilization. Our main conclusion is that very few probe packets have to be sent when early marking is used, whereas tail drop requires a large number of probe packets.