12 research outputs found

    Optimal Placement of FACTS Controllers for Congestion Management in the Deregulated Power System

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    This paper proposes a methodology to determine the optimal location of Flexible AC Transmission System (FACTS) controllers for Congestion Management (CM) in the restructured electrical power system. An approach to find the optimum placement of Thyristor Controlled Phase Angle Regulators (TCPAR) and Thyristor Controlled Series Compensators (TCSC) has been proposed in this paper. The proposed methodology is based on the sensitivity of transmission loss which a controller is installed. The total system losses and the power flows are considered as the performance indices. The traditional optimal power flow (OPF) problem is modified to include the market players, who will compete and trade simultaneously, ensuring the system operation stays within the security limits. In this paper, pool and bilateral contracts are considered. Here, an integrated methodology is proposed that includes the FACTS Controllers in a bilateral contract framework to maintain the system security and to minimize the deviations from the contractual requirements. The simulation results on IEEE 30 bus system show that the sensitivity factors could be used effectively for the optimal location of FACTS controllers in response to the required objectives

    Ubicaci贸n 贸ptima de dispositivos FACTS en redes el茅ctricas de transmisi贸n mediante b煤squeda inteligente

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    In an electrical power system (SEP) the transmission stage is very important since it is responsible for carrying the electrical energy at great distances, until reaching the stage of subtransmission to be later distributed. FACTS devices are placed on the system bars to modify the existing power flow to maximize the capacity of the transmission lines, but placing these devices in all the bars involves a very high cost. It is necessary to intelligently locate these devices to achieve the redirection of power flow with as few devices as possible. In the present research, the Harmony Search (HS) metaheuristic is used for the optimal location of FACTS devices in the transmission network, both SVC and SVR. FACTS devices are optimally located, minimizing costs, and improving reagents and system voltage profilesEn un sistema el茅ctrico de potencia (SEP) la etapa de transmisi贸n es muy importante ya que es la encargada de llevar la energ铆a el茅ctrica a grandes distancias, hasta llegar a la etapa de subtransmisi贸n para posteriormente ser distribuida. Se coloca dispositivos FACTS en las barras del sistema para modificar el flujo de potencia existente con la finalidad de aprovechar al m谩ximo la capacidad de las l铆neas de transmisi贸n, pero ubicar dichos dispositivos en todas las barras implica un costo muy elevado. Es necesario ubicar de manera inteligente dichos dispositivos para lograr el redireccionamiento del flujo de potencia con el menor n煤mero de dispositivos posible. En la presente investigaci贸n se hace uso de la metaheur铆stica Harmony Search (HS) para la ubicaci贸n 贸ptima de dispositivos FACTS en la red de trasmisi贸n, tanto SVC como SVR. Se logra ubicar de manera 贸ptima los dispositivos FACTS, minimizando costos y mejorando reactivos y perfiles de voltaje del sistema

    Congestion Management by Applying Co-operative FACTS and DR program to Maximize Renewables

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    This research proposes an incremental welfare consensus method based on flexible alternating current transmission systems (FACTS) and demand response (DR) programs to control transmission network congestion in order to increase the penetration of wind power. The locational marginal prices are used as input by the suggested model to control the FACTS device and DR resources. In order to do this, a cutting-edge two-stage market clearing system is created. In the first stage, participants bid on the market with the intention of maximizing their profits, and the ISO clears the market with the goal of promoting societal welfare. The second step involves the execution of a generation re-dispatch issue in which incentive-based DR and FACTS device controllers are optimally coordinated to reduce the rescheduling expenses for generating firms. Here, a static synchronous compensator and a series capacitor operated by a thyristor are used as two different forms of FACTS devices. A case study on the modified IEEE one-area 24-bus RTS system is then completed. The simulation results show that the suggested interactive DR and FACTS model not only reduces system congestion but also makes the system more flexible so that it can capture as much wind energy as feasible.Comment: 23 pages, 8 figures, 8 table

    A Comprehensive Review of Congestion Management in Power System

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    In recent decades, restructuring has cut across all probable domains, involving the power supply industry. The restructuring has brought about considerable changes whereby electricity is now a commodity and has become a deregulated one. These competitive markets have paved the way for countless entrants. This has caused overload and congestion on transmission lines. In addition, the open access transmission network has created a more intensified congestion issue. Therefore, congestion management on power systems is relevant and central significance to the power industry. This manuscript review few congestion management techniques, consists of Reprogramming Generation (GR), Load Shedding, Optimal Distributed Generation (DG) Location, Nodal Pricing, Free Methods, Genetic Algorithm (GA), Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO), Fuzzy Logic System Method, as well as Additional Renewable Energy Sources. In this manuscript a review work is performed to unite the entire publications on congestion management

    A Comprehensive Review of Congestion Management in Power System

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    In recent decades, restructuring has cut across all probable domains, involving the power supply industry. The restructuring has brought about considerable changes whereby electricity is now a commodity and has become a deregulated one. These competitive markets have paved the way for countless entrants. This has caused overload and congestion on transmission lines. In addition, the open access transmission network has created a more intensified congestion issue. Therefore, congestion management on power systems is relevant and central significance to the power industry. This manuscript review few congestion management techniques, consists of Reprogramming Generation (GR), Load Shedding, Optimal Distributed Generation (DG) Location, Nodal Pricing, Free Methods, Genetic Algorithm (GA), Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO), Fuzzy Logic System Method, as well as Additional Renewable Energy Sources. In this manuscript a review work is performed to unite the entire publications on congestion management

    Hyper-heuristic strategies for optimal power flow problem with FACTS devices allocation in wind power integrated system

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    This research provides hyper-heuristic methodologies for solving Optimal Power Flow (OPF) issues in power system networks with Flexible AC Transmission Systems (FACTS) devices. OPF can be treated as one of the demanding challenges in the power system operating networks. To address the problems of loss and cost reduction, three types of FACTS devices will be studied in this paper: Static VAR Compensator (SVC), Thyristor-Controlled Series Compensator (TCSC), and Thyristor-Controlled Phase Shifter (TCPS). Two high level hyper-heuristic (HHH) approaches, called Exponential Monte Carlo with counter (EMCQ) and randomly select-Only Improving (OI), are employed as high-level metaheuristic to select and leverage the effectiveness of four low-level metaheuristics (LLH). These low-level metaheuristics comprise the Moth-Flame Optimizer (MFO), Barnacles Mating Optimizer (BMO), Teaching-Learning Based Optimization (TLBO) and Gradient-Based Optimizer (GBO). The usage of HHH solving the OPF problem is tested on the modified IEEE 30 bus system that integrates the thermal generators with the wind power. Findings of the study demonstrated the promising results by HHH which manages to outperform all the selected LLH algorithms

    Remedial Actions for Security Constraint Management of Overstressed Power Systems

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    Ubicaci贸n 贸ptima de SVCS en sistemas el茅ctricos de transmisi贸n para la compensaci贸n de potencia reactiva basada en programaci贸n no lineal entera mixta

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    The stability of transmission systems currently has become a topic of study of great importance with the objective of achieving a robust system that can be maintained over time ensuring basic reliability indexes. Thus, maintaining adequate voltage levels within the power electrical systems (SEP) is important. The integration of reactive compensators devices is an option when improving the stability of the system, however the cost they have in the market are high. The present paper develops a model for the optimal location of SVCs through the use of optimization techniques, based on mixed integer nonlinear programming. The algorithm is validated in the 30-bus system of the IEEE; applying operating restrictions, minimizing the costs of implementation of the compensators to find the best location of these devices in the system, improving their stability at the lowest cost.La estabilidad de los sistemas de transmisi贸n actualmente se ha convertido en un tema de estudio de gran importancia con el objetivo de conseguir un sistema robusto, que pueda mantenerse operando a lo largo del tiempo asegurando 铆ndices b谩sicos de confiabilidad y calidad de servicio. Es as铆 que el mantener los niveles de voltaje adecuados dentro de los sistemas el茅ctricos de potencia (SEP) es importante. La integraci贸n de dispositivos compensadores de reactivos resulta ser una opci贸n al momento de mejorar la estabilidad del sistema, sin embargo, los costos que estos tienen en el mercado son elevados. El presente art铆culo, desarrolla un modelo para la 贸ptima ubicaci贸n de SVCs mediante el uso de t茅cnicas de optimizaci贸n, basado en programaci贸n no lineal entera mixta. El algoritmo es validado en el sistema de 30 barras de la IEEE; aplicando restricciones de operaci贸n, minimizando los costos de implementaci贸n de los compensadores para encontrar la mejor ubicaci贸n de estos dispositivos en el sistema mejorando su estabilidad al menor costo

    脫ptima ubicaci贸n de SVC en sistemas de distribuci贸n mediante b煤squeda exhaustiva para mejora de perfiles de voltaje

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    La ubicaci贸n de compensadores en los sistemas de distribuci贸n puede incrementar la estabilidad del sistema, puede mejorar su robustez y brindar una mayor confiabilidad en el abastecimiento de la demanda y la calidad de suministro de electricidad, raz贸n por la cual, es de mucha importancia realizar estudios el茅ctricos sobre la incorporaci贸n de compensadores en redes de distribuci贸n. Con lo mencionado anteriormente, se puede describir que el presente trabajo establecer谩 un modelo de optimizaci贸n el cual tiene la finalidad de buscar la ubicaci贸n 贸ptima de SVC en sistemas el茅ctricos de distribuci贸n mediante b煤squeda exhaustiva con el fin de mejorar los perfiles de voltaje en base a la compensaci贸n reactiva que inyecta el SVC al sistema. El modelo de optimizaci贸n ser谩 resuelto en el software de optimizaci贸n GAMS mediante flujos 贸ptimos de potencia y posteriormente simulado en MATLAB-SIMULINK el cual es un software de programaci贸n visual con el prop贸sito de validar resultados entre ambos simuladores. Las variables el茅ctricas como resultado de la optimizaci贸n y de la simulaci贸n permitir谩n evaluar la mejora de los perfiles de voltaje, la minimizaci贸n de p茅rdidas de potencia y la mejora de los flujos de potencia reactiva para cada de estudio que se llevar谩n a cabo en los sistemas el茅ctricos planteados para la investigaci贸n.he location of compensators in distribution systems can increase the stability of the system, improve its robustness and provide greater reliability in supplying the demand and the quality of electricity supply, which is why it is very important to carry out studies electricity on the incorporation of compensators in distribution networks. With the aforementioned, it can be described that this work will establish an optimization model which has the purpose of finding the optimal location of SVC in electrical distribution systems through exhaustive search in order to improve the voltage profiles based on the reactive compensation that injects the SVC into the system. The optimization model will be solved in the GAMS optimization software using optimal power flows and later simulated in MATLAB-SIMULINK which is a visual programming software with the purpose of validating results between both simulators. The electrical variables as a result of the optimization and simulation will allow to evaluate the improvement of the voltage profiles, the minimization of power losses and the improvement of the reactive power flows for each study that will be carried out in the electrical systems raised for research

    Planeaci贸n 贸ptima de flujos de potencia reactiva en sistemas el茅ctricos de transmisi贸n basado en optimizaci贸n no lineal entera mixta

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    En la actualidad la planeaci贸n 贸ptima de potencia reactiva en los sistemas el茅ctricos cumple una de las funciones m谩s importantes para el control, al tener como finalidad mejorar el margen de estabilidad del sistema el茅ctrico. La metodolog铆a de control de tensi贸n y redistribuci贸n de los flujos en las l铆neas de transmisi贸n tiene como objetivo principal alcanzar una mejora global en la seguridad y estabilidad del sistema. Para poder lograrlo, utiliza tres aspectos fundamentales: garantizar una buena calidad del servicio, establecer niveles adecuados de tensi贸n y reservas de potencia reactiva, y realizar controles eficientes desde un punto de vista econ贸mico. En la planeaci贸n de potencia reactiva en los sistemas el茅ctricos de transmisi贸n, es necesario la implementaci贸n de equipos compensadores, con lo cual se logre tener una mejora en el rango de tensi贸n nodal y del componente reactivo. El presente trabajo, muestra una metodolog铆a que permita reducir los costos de implementaci贸n de equipos compensadores, encontrando la ubicaci贸n 贸ptima en el sistema mejorando su estabilidad al menor costo.At present, the optimal planning of reactive power in the electrical systems fulfills one of the most important functions for the control, having to adjust the stability margin of the electrical system. The methodology of tension control and redistribution of the flows in the transmission lines has as main objective to achieve a global improvement in the security and stability of the system. To achieve this, use three fundamental aspects: request a good quality of service, establish voltage levels and reactive power reserves, and perform efficient controls from an economic point of view. In the planning of reactive power in the electrical transmission systems, the implementation of compensating equipment is necessary, thus achieving an improvement in the range of nodal voltage and the reactive component. The present work shows a methodology that allows reducing the costs of implementing compensating equipment, finding the optimal location in the system, improving its stability at the lowest cost. Keywords: Reactive power flows, Power balance, Reactive power, Stability, Voltage profiles, Optimization techniques