7 research outputs found

    SWAP: Sparse Entropic Wasserstein Regression for Robust Network Pruning

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    This study addresses the challenge of inaccurate gradients in computing the empirical Fisher Information Matrix during neural network pruning. We introduce SWAP, a formulation of Entropic Wasserstein regression (EWR) for pruning, capitalizing on the geometric properties of the optimal transport problem. The ``swap'' of the commonly used linear regression with the EWR in optimization is analytically demonstrated to offer noise mitigation effects by incorporating neighborhood interpolation across data points with only marginal additional computational cost. The unique strength of SWAP is its intrinsic ability to balance noise reduction and covariance information preservation effectively. Extensive experiments performed on various networks and datasets show comparable performance of SWAP with state-of-the-art (SoTA) network pruning algorithms. Our proposed method outperforms the SoTA when the network size or the target sparsity is large, the gain is even larger with the existence of noisy gradients, possibly from noisy data, analog memory, or adversarial attacks. Notably, our proposed method achieves a gain of 6% improvement in accuracy and 8% improvement in testing loss for MobileNetV1 with less than one-fourth of the network parameters remaining.Comment: Published as a conference paper at ICLR 202

    The Gaussian equivalence of generative models for learning with shallow neural networks

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    Understanding the impact of data structure on the computational tractability of learning is a key challenge for the theory of neural networks. Many theoretical works do not explicitly model training data, or assume that inputs are drawn component-wise independently from some simple probability distribution. Here, we go beyond this simple paradigm by studying the performance of neural networks trained on data drawn from pre-trained generative models. This is possible due to a Gaussian equivalence stating that the key metrics of interest, such as the training and test errors, can be fully captured by an appropriately chosen Gaussian model. We provide three strands of rigorous, analytical and numerical evidence corroborating this equivalence. First, we establish rigorous conditions for the Gaussian equivalence to hold in the case of single-layer generative models, as well as deterministic rates for convergence in distribution. Second, we leverage this equivalence to derive a closed set of equations describing the generalisation performance of two widely studied machine learning problems: two-layer neural networks trained using one-pass stochastic gradient descent, and full-batch pre-learned features or kernel methods. Finally, we perform experiments demonstrating how our theory applies to deep, pre-trained generative models. These results open a viable path to the theoretical study of machine learning models with realistic data.Comment: The accompanying code for this paper is available at https://github.com/sgoldt/gaussian-equiv-2laye

    A Framework for Statistical Inference via Randomized Algorithms

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    Randomized algorithms, such as randomized sketching or projections, are a promising approach to ease the computational burden in analyzing large datasets. However, randomized algorithms also produce non-deterministic outputs, leading to the problem of evaluating their accuracy. In this paper, we develop a statistical inference framework for quantifying the uncertainty of the outputs of randomized algorithms. We develop appropriate statistical methods -- sub-randomization, multi-run plug-in and multi-run aggregation inference -- by using multiple runs of the same randomized algorithm, or by estimating the unknown parameters of the limiting distribution. As an example, we develop methods for statistical inference for least squares parameters via random sketching using matrices with i.i.d.entries, or uniform partial orthogonal matrices. For this, we characterize the limiting distribution of estimators obtained via sketch-and-solve as well as partial sketching methods. The analysis of i.i.d. sketches uses a trigonometric interpolation argument to establish a differential equation for the limiting expected characteristic function and find the dependence on the kurtosis of the entries of the sketching matrix. The results are supported via a broad range of simulations

    Divergence Measures

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    Data science, information theory, probability theory, statistical learning and other related disciplines greatly benefit from non-negative measures of dissimilarity between pairs of probability measures. These are known as divergence measures, and exploring their mathematical foundations and diverse applications is of significant interest. The present Special Issue, entitled “Divergence Measures: Mathematical Foundations and Applications in Information-Theoretic and Statistical Problems”, includes eight original contributions, and it is focused on the study of the mathematical properties and applications of classical and generalized divergence measures from an information-theoretic perspective. It mainly deals with two key generalizations of the relative entropy: namely, the R_ényi divergence and the important class of f -divergences. It is our hope that the readers will find interest in this Special Issue, which will stimulate further research in the study of the mathematical foundations and applications of divergence measures