27 research outputs found

    Joint Anaphoricity Detection and Coreference Resolution with Constrained Latent Structures

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    International audienceThis paper introduces a new structured model for learninganaphoricity detection and coreference resolution in a jointfashion. Specifically, we use a latent tree to represent the fullcoreference and anaphoric structure of a document at a globallevel, and we jointly learn the parameters of the two modelsusing a version of the structured perceptron algorithm.Our joint structured model is further refined by the use ofpairwise constraints which help the model to capture accuratelycertain patterns of coreference. Our experiments on theCoNLL-2012 English datasets show large improvements inboth coreference resolution and anaphoricity detection, comparedto various competing architectures. Our best coreferencesystem obtains a CoNLL score of 81:97 on gold mentions,which is to date the best score reported on this setting

    Indeterministic Handling of Uncertain Decisions in Duplicate Detection

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    In current research, duplicate detection is usually considered as a deterministic approach in which tuples are either declared as duplicates or not. However, most often it is not completely clear whether two tuples represent the same real-world entity or not. In deterministic approaches, however, this uncertainty is ignored, which in turn can lead to false decisions. In this paper, we present an indeterministic approach for handling uncertain decisions in a duplicate detection process by using a probabilistic target schema. Thus, instead of deciding between multiple possible worlds, all these worlds can be modeled in the resulting data. This approach minimizes the negative impacts of false decisions. Furthermore, the duplicate detection process becomes almost fully automatic and human effort can be reduced to a large extent. Unfortunately, a full-indeterministic approach is by definition too expensive (in time as well as in storage) and hence impractical. For that reason, we additionally introduce several semi-indeterministic methods for heuristically reducing the set of indeterministic handled decisions in a meaningful way

    Correlation Clustering with Low-Rank Matrices

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    Correlation clustering is a technique for aggregating data based on qualitative information about which pairs of objects are labeled 'similar' or 'dissimilar.' Because the optimization problem is NP-hard, much of the previous literature focuses on finding approximation algorithms. In this paper we explore how to solve the correlation clustering objective exactly when the data to be clustered can be represented by a low-rank matrix. We prove in particular that correlation clustering can be solved in polynomial time when the underlying matrix is positive semidefinite with small constant rank, but that the task remains NP-hard in the presence of even one negative eigenvalue. Based on our theoretical results, we develop an algorithm for efficiently "solving" low-rank positive semidefinite correlation clustering by employing a procedure for zonotope vertex enumeration. We demonstrate the effectiveness and speed of our algorithm by using it to solve several clustering problems on both synthetic and real-world data

    Enhancing Coreference Clustering

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    Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Anaphora Resolution (WAR II). Editor: Christer Johansson. NEALT Proceedings Series, Vol. 2 (2008), 31-40. © 2008 The editors and contributors. Published by Northern European Association for Language Technology (NEALT) http://omilia.uio.no/nealt . Electronically published at Tartu University Library (Estonia) http://hdl.handle.net/10062/7129

    Query-Driven Sampling for Collective Entity Resolution

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    Probabilistic databases play a preeminent role in the processing and management of uncertain data. Recently, many database research efforts have integrated probabilistic models into databases to support tasks such as information extraction and labeling. Many of these efforts are based on batch oriented inference which inhibits a realtime workflow. One important task is entity resolution (ER). ER is the process of determining records (mentions) in a database that correspond to the same real-world entity. Traditional pairwise ER methods can lead to inconsistencies and low accuracy due to localized decisions. Leading ER systems solve this problem by collectively resolving all records using a probabilistic graphical model and Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) inference. However, for large datasets this is an extremely expensive process. One key observation is that, such exhaustive ER process incurs a huge up-front cost, which is wasteful in practice because most users are interested in only a small subset of entities. In this paper, we advocate pay-as-you-go entity resolution by developing a number of query-driven collective ER techniques. We introduce two classes of SQL queries that involve ER operators --- selection-driven ER and join-driven ER. We implement novel variations of the MCMC Metropolis Hastings algorithm to generate biased samples and selectivity-based scheduling algorithms to support the two classes of ER queries. Finally, we show that query-driven ER algorithms can converge and return results within minutes over a database populated with the extraction from a newswire dataset containing 71 million mentions

    Efficient Algorithms for Fast Integration on Large Data Sets from Multiple Sources

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    Background Recent large scale deployments of health information technology have created opportunities for the integration of patient medical records with disparate public health, human service, and educational databases to provide comprehensive information related to health and development. Data integration techniques, which identify records belonging to the same individual that reside in multiple data sets, are essential to these efforts. Several algorithms have been proposed in the literatures that are adept in integrating records from two different datasets. Our algorithms are aimed at integrating multiple (in particular more than two) datasets efficiently. Methods Hierarchical clustering based solutions are used to integrate multiple (in particular more than two) datasets. Edit distance is used as the basic distance calculation, while distance calculation of common input errors is also studied. Several techniques have been applied to improve the algorithms in terms of both time and space: 1) Partial Construction of the Dendrogram (PCD) that ignores the level above the threshold; 2) Ignoring the Dendrogram Structure (IDS); 3) Faster Computation of the Edit Distance (FCED) that predicts the distance with the threshold by upper bounds on edit distance; and 4) A pre-processing blocking phase that limits dynamic computation within each block. Results We have experimentally validated our algorithms on large simulated as well as real data. Accuracy and completeness are defined stringently to show the performance of our algorithms. In addition, we employ a four-category analysis. Comparison with FEBRL shows the robustness of our approach. Conclusions In the experiments we conducted, the accuracy we observed exceeded 90% for the simulated data in most cases. 97.7% and 98.1% accuracy were achieved for the constant and proportional threshold, respectively, in a real dataset of 1,083,878 records

    Joint Learning for Coreference Resolution with Markov Logic

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    Pairwise coreference resolution models must merge pairwise coreference decisions to generate final outputs. Traditional merging methods adopt different strategies such as the bestfirst method and enforcing the transitivity constraint, but most of these methods are used independently of the pairwise learning methods as an isolated inference procedure at the end. We propose a joint learning model which combines pairwise classification and mention clustering with Markov logic. Experimental results show that our joint learning system outperforms independent learning systems. Our system gives a better performance than all the learning-based systems from the CoNLL-2011 shared task on the same dataset. Compared with the best system from CoNLL-2011, which employs a rule-based method, our system shows competitive performance.

    Joint Anaphoricity Detection and Coreference Resolution with Constrained Latent Structures

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    International audienceThis paper introduces a new structured model for learninganaphoricity detection and coreference resolution in a jointfashion. Specifically, we use a latent tree to represent the fullcoreference and anaphoric structure of a document at a globallevel, and we jointly learn the parameters of the two modelsusing a version of the structured perceptron algorithm.Our joint structured model is further refined by the use ofpairwise constraints which help the model to capture accuratelycertain patterns of coreference. Our experiments on theCoNLL-2012 English datasets show large improvements inboth coreference resolution and anaphoricity detection, comparedto various competing architectures. Our best coreferencesystem obtains a CoNLL score of 81:97 on gold mentions,which is to date the best score reported on this setting