1,072 research outputs found

    Soft Concurrent Constraint Programming

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    Soft constraints extend classical constraints to represent multiple consistency levels, and thus provide a way to express preferences, fuzziness, and uncertainty. While there are many soft constraint solving formalisms, even distributed ones, by now there seems to be no concurrent programming framework where soft constraints can be handled. In this paper we show how the classical concurrent constraint (cc) programming framework can work with soft constraints, and we also propose an extension of cc languages which can use soft constraints to prune and direct the search for a solution. We believe that this new programming paradigm, called soft cc (scc), can be also very useful in many web-related scenarios. In fact, the language level allows web agents to express their interaction and negotiation protocols, and also to post their requests in terms of preferences, and the underlying soft constraint solver can find an agreement among the agents even if their requests are incompatible.Comment: 25 pages, 4 figures, submitted to the ACM Transactions on Computational Logic (TOCL), zipped file

    Concurrent constraint programming with process mobility

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    We propose an extension of concurrent constraint programming with primitives for process migration within a hierarchical network, and we study its semantics. To this purpose, we first investigate a "pure " paradigm for process migration, namely a paradigm where the only actions are those dealing with transmissions of processes. Our goal is to give a structural definition of the semantics of migration; namely, we want to describe the behaviour of the system, during the transmission of a process, in terms of the behaviour of the components. We achieve this goal by using a labeled transition system where the effects of sending a process, and requesting a process, are modeled by symmetric rules (similar to handshaking-rules for synchronous communication) between the two partner nodes in the network. Next, we extend our paradigm with the primitives of concurrent constraint programming, and we show how to enrich the semantics to cope with the notions of environment and constraint store. Finally, we show how the operational semantics can be used to define an interpreter for the basic calculus.

    A process algebra for synchronous concurrent constraint programming

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    Concurrent constraint programming is classically based on asynchronous communication via a shared store. This paper presents new version of the ask and tell primitives which features synchronicity. Our approach is based on the idea of telling new information just in the case that a concurrently running process is asking for it. An operational and an algebraic semantics are defined. The algebraic semantics is proved to be sound and complete with respect to a compositional operational semantics which is also presented in the paper

    Universal Timed Concurrent Constraint Programming

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    International audienceIn this doctoral work we aim at developing a rich timed con- current constraint (tcc) based language with strong ties to logic. The new calculus called Universal Timed Concurrent Constraint (utcc) increases the expressiveness of tcc languages allowing infinite behaviour and mobility. We introduce a constructor of the form (abs x; c)P (Abstraction in P) that can be viewed as a dual operator of the hidden operator local x in P. i.e. the later can be viewed as an existential quantification on the variable x and the former as an universal quantification of x, executing P[t=x] for all t s.t. the current store entails c[t=x]. As a compelling application, we applied this calculus to verify security protocols

    Hybrid Behaviour of Markov Population Models

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    We investigate the behaviour of population models written in Stochastic Concurrent Constraint Programming (sCCP), a stochastic extension of Concurrent Constraint Programming. In particular, we focus on models from which we can define a semantics of sCCP both in terms of Continuous Time Markov Chains (CTMC) and in terms of Stochastic Hybrid Systems, in which some populations are approximated continuously, while others are kept discrete. We will prove the correctness of the hybrid semantics from the point of view of the limiting behaviour of a sequence of models for increasing population size. More specifically, we prove that, under suitable regularity conditions, the sequence of CTMC constructed from sCCP programs for increasing population size converges to the hybrid system constructed by means of the hybrid semantics. We investigate in particular what happens for sCCP models in which some transitions are guarded by boolean predicates or in the presence of instantaneous transitions

    Stochastic concurrent constraint programming and differential equations

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    We tackle the problem of relating models of systems (mainly biological systems) based on stochastic process algebras (SPA) with models based on differential equations. We define a syntactic procedure that translates programs written in stochastic Concurrent Constraint Programming (sCCP) into a set of Ordinary Differential Equations (ODE), and also the inverse procedure translating ODE's into sCCP programs. For the class of biochemical reactions, we show that the translation is correct w.r.t. the intended rate semantics of the models. Finally, we show that the translation does not generally preserve the dynamical behavior, giving a list of open research problems in this direction

    A process algebra of concurrent constraint programming

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