5 research outputs found

    Concurrency in Timed Automata

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    We introduce Concurrent Timed Automata (CTAs) where automata running in parallel are synchronized. We consider the subclasses of CTAs obtained by admitting, or not, diagonal clock constraints and constant updates, and by letting, or not, sequential automata to update the same clocks. We prove that such subclasses recognize the same languages but dier from the point of view of succinctness

    Concurrency in Timed Automata

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    We introduce Concurrent Timed Automata (CTAs) where automata running in parallel are synchronized. We consider the subclasses of CTAs obtained by admitting, or not, diagonal clock constraints and constant updates, and by letting, or not, sequential automata to update the same clocks. We prove that such subclasses recognize the same languages but dier from the point of view of succinctness. Moreover, we distinguish between subclasses that are polynomially closed w.r.t. union and intersection, and subclasses that does not enjoy such properties