664 research outputs found

    Juan de Torres's Poetics of Vision : "Oiosqueyanovesque"

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    In this article, I examine Juan de Torres's poetics of the visual through a reading of his Cancionero de Palacio dealing with the visual sphere. I argue that his poetry demonstrates familiarity with medieval scholastic psychology, particularly in relation to sight and memory. The visual sphere can be understood as both the external, phenomenological and somatic world of experience and intersubject interaction, and as the interior world of the psyche and the affect. Lacanian and Jamesonian reading strategies are deployed to approach latent psychological and socio-political content in Torres's representation of the psychic disarray of the lover. The visual sphere is the medium by and through which desire is apprehended and the subject inscribes itself in the symbolic order, seeks the desire of the Other and is subject to the surveying gaze of power hierarchies. Torres's work shows great skill and wit, and stands as a particularly good example of the way in which a highly abstract poetic corpus deals directly with the visual understood as power and hierarchy.El presente artículo examina una gama de obras de Juan de Torres del Cancionero de Palacio en que el vate trata un temario que engloba el campo visual. En las obras bajo consideración Torres recurre a la teoría de las facultades o potencias del alma según la psicología escolástica, sobre todo en su relación con el sentido de la vista y la memoria. El campo visual abarca tanto el mundo externo, fenomenológico y somático de interacciones intersubjetivas como el interno del ánimo y los sentimientos. Uso las ópticas lacaniana y jamesoniana para explicar el contenido psicológico latente y socio-político de la representación de la confusión anímica del yo-lírico. El campo visual es el medio por el cual se percibe el deseo y el sujeto se inscribe en el orden simbólico, busca el deseo del Otro y es sujeto a la vigilancia del poder. La poética de Torres manifiesta con gran destreza y cierto tono humorístico la manera en que una poesía con alto grado de abstracción trata directamente con el campo visual como registro de poder y jerarquía

    Perfectoid Diamonds and n-Awareness. A Meta-Model of Subjective Experience.

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    In this paper, we propose a mathematical model of subjective experience in terms of classes of hierarchical geometries of representations (“n-awareness”). We first outline a general framework by recalling concepts from higher category theory, homotopy theory, and the theory of (infinity,1)-topoi. We then state three conjectures that enrich this framework. We first propose that the (infinity,1)-category of a geometric structure known as perfectoid diamond is an (infinity,1)-topos. In order to construct a topology on the (infinity,1)-category of diamonds we then propose that topological localization, in the sense of Grothendieck-Rezk-Lurie (infinity,1)-topoi, extends to the (infinity,1)-category of diamonds. We provide a small-scale model using triangulated categories. Finally, our meta-model takes the form of Efimov K-theory of the (infinity,1)-category of perfectoid diamonds, which illustrates structural equivalences between the category of diamonds and subjective experience (i.e.its privacy, self-containedness, and self-reflexivity). Based on this, we investigate implications of the model. We posit a grammar (“n-declension”) for a novel language to express n-awareness, accompanied by a new temporal scheme (“n-time”). Our framework allows us to revisit old problems in the philosophy of time: how is change possible and what do we mean by simultaneity and coincidence? We also examine the notion of “self” within our framework. A new model of personal identity is introduced which resembles a categorical version of the “bundle theory”: selves are not substances in which properties inhere but (weakly) persistent moduli spaces in the K-theory of perfectoid diamonds

    Topological Deep Learning: Going Beyond Graph Data

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    Topological deep learning is a rapidly growing field that pertains to the development of deep learning models for data supported on topological domains such as simplicial complexes, cell complexes, and hypergraphs, which generalize many domains encountered in scientific computations. In this paper, we present a unifying deep learning framework built upon a richer data structure that includes widely adopted topological domains. Specifically, we first introduce combinatorial complexes, a novel type of topological domain. Combinatorial complexes can be seen as generalizations of graphs that maintain certain desirable properties. Similar to hypergraphs, combinatorial complexes impose no constraints on the set of relations. In addition, combinatorial complexes permit the construction of hierarchical higher-order relations, analogous to those found in simplicial and cell complexes. Thus, combinatorial complexes generalize and combine useful traits of both hypergraphs and cell complexes, which have emerged as two promising abstractions that facilitate the generalization of graph neural networks to topological spaces. Second, building upon combinatorial complexes and their rich combinatorial and algebraic structure, we develop a general class of message-passing combinatorial complex neural networks (CCNNs), focusing primarily on attention-based CCNNs. We characterize permutation and orientation equivariances of CCNNs, and discuss pooling and unpooling operations within CCNNs in detail. Third, we evaluate the performance of CCNNs on tasks related to mesh shape analysis and graph learning. Our experiments demonstrate that CCNNs have competitive performance as compared to state-of-the-art deep learning models specifically tailored to the same tasks. Our findings demonstrate the advantages of incorporating higher-order relations into deep learning models in different applications

    GFAP splice variants fine-tune glioma cell invasion and tumour dynamics by modulating migration persistence

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    Glioma is the most common form of malignant primary brain tumours in adults. Their highly invasive nature makes the disease incurable to date, emphasizing the importance of better understanding the mechanisms driving glioma invasion. Glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) is an intermediate filament protein that is characteristic for astrocyte- and neural stem cell-derived gliomas. Glioma malignancy is associated with changes in GFAP alternative splicing, as the canonical isoform GFAPα is downregulated in higher-grade tumours, leading to increased dominance of the GFAPδ isoform in the network. In this study, we used intravital imaging and an ex vivo brain slice invasion model. We show that the GFAPδ and GFAPα isoforms differentially regulate the tumour dynamics of glioma cells. Depletion of either isoform increases the migratory capacity of glioma cells. Remarkably, GFAPδ-depleted cells migrate randomly through the brain tissue, whereas GFAPα-depleted cells show a directionally persistent invasion into the brain parenchyma. This study shows that distinct compositions of the GFAPnetwork lead to specific migratory dynamics and behaviours of gliomas