4 research outputs found

    Bases de Datos Objeto-Relacionales y la Tecnolog铆a J2EE. Caso Pr谩ctico: Gesti贸n del Macrosistema del Iber谩. Experiencias durante el dise帽o y la implementaci贸n

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    En este trabajo se presenta el dise帽o de una aplicaci贸n web, teniendo como repositorio de datos una Base de Datos Objeto-Relacional. El objetivo es generar un sistema de informaci贸n para gestionar la informaci贸n de los reptiles y anfibios (herpetofauna) del macrosistema del Iber谩 en la provincia de Corrientes. El ORDBMS que se emplea es Oracle9i, debido a que en la actualidad es uno de los sistemas Objeto Relacional mas avanzado, que cumple en gran medida con los est谩ndares de SQL:1999. Se emplea una Base de Datos Objeto-Relacional por la complejidad de los datos y de las relaciones entre lo mismos, que incluyen el manejo de tipos de datos complejos, colecciones, relaciones de herencia, composici贸n y asociaci贸n. La aplicaci贸n se ejecutar谩 en browsers est谩ndar en un entorno web. Los m贸dulos de la aplicaci贸n se desarrollan en Java sobre una plataforma J2EE. Se emplearon varias herramientas: Rational Rose (an谩lisis en UML), Object Database Designer, JDeveloper 9i, Oracle Containers for Java, Struts, etc. En el trabajo se describen las partes m谩s relevantes del modelo de datos, las experiencias recogidas en el desarrollo del mismo, las soluciones adoptadas en el dise帽o conceptual de la base de datos, el dise帽o de la arquitectura de la aplicaci贸n y c贸mo se relaciona la arquitectura con la base de datos.This work describes a web application design using an Object-Relational Database as data repository. The goal is to generate a computer system to manage the information of reptiles and amphibious (herpetofauna) of the Ibera macrosystem located in Corrientes, Argentina. The ORDBMS selected is Oracle9i, which is one of the most advanced ObjectRelational system existing today because it fulfils in a high percentage the SQL:1999 standards. The Object-Relational technology is selected due to the data complexity and the relationships between them including the handling of complex data types, collections, inheritance, composition and association. The application will be executed by standard web browsers. The modules of the application are developed in Java on a J2EE platform. Several tools are used for this system development: Rational Rose (analysis in UML ), Object Database Designer, JDeveloper 9i, Oracle Containers for Java, Struts, etc. The article also describes the most relevant parts of the data modeling, the experiences gathered in the development, the solutions adopted in the conceptual design of the database, the application architecture design and the links between this structure and the database.Fil: Golobisky, Mar铆a Fernanda. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cient铆ficas y T茅cnicas. Centro Cient铆fico Tecnol贸gico Conicet - Santa Fe. Instituto de Desarrollo y Dise帽o. Universidad Tecnol贸gica Nacional. Facultad Regional Santa Fe. Instituto de Desarrollo y Dise帽o; ArgentinaFil: Fiszman, Fernando Esteban. Universidad Tecnol贸gica Nacional; ArgentinaFil: Hernandez, Federico. Universidad Tecnol贸gica Nacional; ArgentinaFil: Rizzoni, Vanina. Universidad Tecnol贸gica Nacional; ArgentinaFil: Valin, Maximiliano. Universidad Tecnol贸gica Nacional; ArgentinaFil: Vecchietti, Aldo. Universidad Tecnol贸gica Nacional; ArgentinaFil: Alvarez, Blanca. Universidad Nacional del Nordeste. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales y Agrimensura; Argentin

    Bases de datos Objeto-Relacionales y la tecnolog铆a J2EE. Caso pr谩ctico: gesti贸n del macrosistema del Iber谩. Experiencias durante el dise帽o y la implementaci贸n

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    En este trabajo se presenta el dise帽o de una aplicaci贸n web, teniendo como repositorio de datos una Base de Datos Objeto-Relacional. El objetivo es generar un sistema de informaci贸n para gestionar la informaci贸n de los reptiles y anfibios (herpetofauna) del macrosistema del Iber谩 en la provincia de Corrientes. El ORDBMS que se emplea es Oracle9i, debido a que en la actualidad es uno de los sistemas Objeto Relacional mas avanzado, que cumple en gran medida con los est谩ndares de SQL:1999. Se emplea una Base de Datos Objeto Relacional por la complejidad de los datos y de las relaciones entre lo mismos, que incluyen el manejo de tipos de datos complejos, colecciones, relaciones de herencia, composici贸n y asociaci贸n. La aplicaci贸n se ejecutar谩 en browsers est谩ndar en un entorno web. Los m贸dulos de la aplicaci贸n se desarrollan en Java sobre una plataforma J2EE. Se emplearon varias herramientas: Rational Rose (an谩lisis en UML), Object Database Designer, JDeveloper 9i, Oracle Containers for Java, Struts, etc. En el trabajo se describen las partes m谩s relevantes del modelo de datos, las experiencias recogidas en el desarrollo del mismo, las soluciones adoptadas en el dise帽o conceptual de la Base de Datos, el dise帽o de la arquitectura de la aplicaci贸n y c贸mo se relaciona la arquitectura con la base de datos

    An object-relational prototype of a GIS-based disaster database

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    Natural disasters cause billions of dollars of property and infrastructure damage, unexpected disruption to socio-economic activities and tragic loss of human lives each year. The importance of collecting and maintaining detailed and accurate records on disastrous events for an effective risk assessment and disaster mitigation has been widely recognised. Considerable efforts have been directed towards the establishment of databases on historic disasters but many disaster databases built are primarily a set of lists of historical disaster events. Disaster phenomena vary dramatically with both space and time. It is therefore important to integrate spatial-temporal dimensions of disaster events in a disaster database to support efficient and interactive querying and reporting operations. It is also important to make such a database readily accessible by a variety of users from government agencies, non-government organisations, research institutes and local communities, to enable effective and efficient emergency response, impact and risk assessment, and mitigation planning. This thesis presents a study that investigates effective and efficient geographical information system (GIS) based approaches to the representation, organisation and access of disaster information - including logical data models for representing disastrous events, the object-relational approach to database implementation, and internet-based user-interfaces for database queries and report generation. Key aspects of a disaster event, including the spatial-temporal dimensions of the hazard and its impacts, are considered in the development of data models and database implementation in order to support user-friendly querying and reporting operations. The technological strengths of GIS, database management systems, and Internet-related toolboxes are leveraged for developing a prototype of a GIS-based, object-relational disaster database with an Internet-based user interface that supports multi-mode (including map-based) database queries and flexible facilities for report generation

    Conceptual Modelling Based Design of Object-oriented Databases

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    The focus of this paper is the transformation of conceptual data models (such as ER, NIAM, PSM) to object-oriented databases. This transformation is captured within the framework of a two level architecture. Conceptual models are first mapped to abstract intermediate specifications, which are then transformed to database schemas in a given object-oriented database environment. This enables us to treat different target systems in a uniform way. As final implementation environments we consider object-oriented as well as object-relational DBMSs, including the SQL3 and ODMG-93 standards. We hide the specific details of these standards. Rather, we use intermediate representations expressed in F-logic, a logic-based abstract specification language for object-oriented systems. Several transformation alternatives are discussed in a formal context, resulting in a collection of design options. Keywords: Database design; Conceptual data models; Object-oriented databases Published as: Information..