13 research outputs found

    Axmedis 2005

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    The AXMEDIS conference aims to promote discussions and interactions among researchers, practitioners, developers and users of tools, technology transfer experts, and project managers, to bring together a variety of participants. The conference focuses on the challenges in the cross-media domain (which include production, protection, management, representation, formats, aggregation, workflow, distribution, business and transaction models), and the integration of content management systems and distribution chains, with particular emphasis on cost reduction and effective solutions for complex cross-domain problems

    Gestion des Savoir-Faire par les Systèmes d'Information : une Application à l'Apprentissage Instrumental

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    This research aims at contributing to knowledge management and skills transmissionparticularly.They are known to be difficult to be represented with words, for conservation purposefor instance. This situation lasted for long but nowadays, Information Technologies allow to drawnew approaches.Therefore, we have attempted to find out how they could be involved in the learning process inorder to facilitate it. We have chosen instrumental e-learning, the guitar more precisely, as anexperimental frame. Indeed, Music is a good field of work because it requires both theoricalknowledge and practical skills.Our idea consists in studying the most efficient way to learn it, that is to say the traditional lessonfrom a teacher to a learner, and to engineer it. We propose a method without heavy constraints tocapture most relevant information streams, store them in a digital format and then make them easilyusable by a community of students. Development has been realized by instantiating an originalconcept of co-building with users nammed the Co-Design Plateform. He ensures that the final resultdoes match the initial problem. Our contribution also makes an assessement of this experiment.Ce travail de recherche vise à apporter une contribution au domaine de la gestion de laconnaissance en général, et à la transmission des savoir-faire en particulier. ils ont ceci departiculier qu’il est difficile d’en produire une représentation écrite à des fins de réutilisation, detransmission ou de conservation.Bien que cette situation ait longtemps prévalu, les systèmes d'information multimédia actuelspermettent d'explorer de nouvelles approches telles que l'insertion de la trace audio-visuelle d’unsavoir-faire existant dans un environnement d'apprentissage virtuel, dans le but de le faciliter.La musique, qui requiert simultanément des connaissances théoriques et des compétences pratiques,offre un environnement propice à ce type d'expérimentation. C’est pourquoi nous avons choisi pournotre travail de thèse l’apprentissage de la guitare comme terrain.Inspirée de l’approche considérée comme la plus efficace - le cours traditionnel du maître à l’élève -notre démarche a consisté à « l'instrumenter », c’est-à-dire à en capter les canaux d'information lesplus utiles, puis à les stocker sous forme numérique pour les rendre disponibles sous une formesimple et facilement exploitable par une communauté d'apprenants.La méthode utilisée pour recueillir l’information est fondée sur un concept original de coconstructionavec les utilisateurs : le Plateau de Créativité, espace de création collective intégrantmise en oeuvre du savoir-faire et technologies de captation des données, dans une interactioncontinue permettant de converger vers un résultat final qui constitue une réponse au problème posé.Nous rendons aussi compte dans la thèse de cette expérience

    Sound Works: Prototyping a Digital Audio Repository for Sound Poetics in Mexico

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    This dissertation reflects on the prototyping process carried out for creating and developing the PoéticaSonora’s digital audio repository, focused on storing, editorializing and disseminating works of sound art and poetry readings produced or recorded in Mexico since 1960. While describing the theoretical, technical, and methodological implications at stake in the design, deployment, and refactoring of the PoéticaSonora prototype (PSP), this dissertation speculates on how experimentation and a hands-on approach to sound recordings are essential for advancing fieldwork-based research in the humanities, particularly literary criticism. The notions of voice, inscription, and instrumentality, discussed in depth throughout this work, are essential for constructing a sound-oriented approach to poetry and sound art with the aid of digital tools such as the ones offered by the PSP. After a brief panorama reviewing the many artistic scenes and genres that are present in the PSP, the Introduction frames the project’s importance for both gathering and discerning artistic tendencies in Mexico that have not been properly analyzed by text-oriented approaches to literary criticism. Chapter 1 proposes a decolonial approach on how to establish a duly horizontal dialogue around digital audio repositories in Canada and Mexico. It also delineates the necessary conditions met by PoéticaSonora to design a workflow respecting the features of artistic communities, cultural institutions, and private collectors who contribute to the PSP. After a close analysis to the prototype’s data schema and its design, deployment, and refactoring phases, Chapter 2 discusses how the restraints of database management systems both affected and modified the theoretical and methodological approach followed by the PoéticaSonora team. Chapter 3 focuses on a case study of how women vocal artists in Mexico City use and share sample-looping techniques among each other, as an example of how fieldwork contributed to fix problems in the data schema discussed in Chapter 2, such as the distinction between individual artists and collectives, between singing and reciting voice, and in the use of instruments, apart from their own voices. The epilogue discusses the necessary steps to develop the PoéticaSonora Beta version, as well as to host it in a definitive server with all the institutional, administrative, and political implications this will have on the project as a whole

    Massachusetts Domestic and Foreign Corporations Subject to an Excise: For the Use of Assessors (2004)

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    International audienc