3,478 research outputs found


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    In retail, demographics are currently regarded as the most convenient base for successful personalized marketing. However, signs point to the dormant power of context recognition. While technologies that can sense the environment are advanced, questions such as what to sense and how to adapt context are largely unanswered. In this paper, we analyze the purchase context of a retail outlet and suggest a context model for adaptive pervasive commerce. Furthermore, we introduce one approach how to conceptualize context that may be applied to conceptualize context for adaptive pervasive advertising applications so that they really deliver on their potential: showing the right message to the right recipient at the right time

    Digital kundanskaffning: ett holistiskt tillvägagångssätt

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    Lead generation and nurturing is fundamental for company profitability. Simultaneously, it is consistently reported as a top challenge for companies across industries. While the digital transformation stirs up organizational design, the purpose of the marketing function is altered. This study explores the role of marketing in lead generation and nurturing from three perspectives: marketing, information systems, and management. Twelve expert interviews are conducted and the data collected through these forms the basis of the study. The results show that organizations tend to invest in technology as a way of developing lead generation and nurturing, without sufficient consideration being given to change management and the holistic approach associated with this. By neglecting the importance of supporting processes and competence, organizations tend to be ill-equipped to effectively execute lead generation and nurturing programs through the marketing function. To support executive managers in strategic decision-making, a framework emphasizing a holistic change management approach to lead generation and nurturing is developed.Generering och upparbetning av potentiella kunder är en förutsättning för ett företags lönsamhet. Samtidigt är denna process rapporterad som en av de mest problematiska inom flera branscher. Den digitala transformationen förändrar organisationsstrukturer, och däribland marknadsföringsfunktionen. Denna studie utforskar marknadsföringens roll i digital kundanskaffning från tre perspektiv: marknadsföring, informationssystem, och management. I arbetet genomförs tolv expertintervjuer och den insamlade informationen utgör grunden för studien. Resultatet tyder på att organisationer tenderar att investera i teknik för att utveckla den digitala kundanskaffningen, utan tillräcklig hänsyn till förändringsutveckling och dess holistiska krav. Genom att underskatta betydelsen av stödprocesser och kompetens, tenderar organisationer att vara dåligt utrustade för att effektivt generera och upparbeta potentiella kunder under marknadsföringsprocessen. För att stöda verkställande chefer i deras strategiska beslutsfattande, utvecklas ett ramverk för ett holistiskt tillvägagångssätt till digital kundanskaffning

    Alter ego, state of the art on user profiling: an overview of the most relevant organisational and behavioural aspects regarding User Profiling.

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    This report gives an overview of the most relevant organisational and\ud behavioural aspects regarding user profiling. It discusses not only the\ud most important aims of user profiling from both an organisation’s as\ud well as a user’s perspective, it will also discuss organisational motives\ud and barriers for user profiling and the most important conditions for\ud the success of user profiling. Finally recommendations are made and\ud suggestions for further research are given

    A Cross-National Comparison of Corporate Web-Site Communications; An Examination of the Services Sector

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    Despite the trend toward increased marketing in the electronic medium, there is still a lack of comprehensive research. Especially noteworthy is the lack of research on equivalence of electronic information across both industries and national boundaries. The literature is replete with findings from studies surrounding consumer and B2B goods advertising promoted through print and TV mediums however, this study suggests that previous findings and methods may not be directly transferrable to service advertisers in an electronic medium. The specific design characteristics inherent with the web medium combined with the inherent limitations surrounding cultural indices suggest that new methods and measures are required. This study proposes that a newly developed one-dimensional construct that incorporates socioeconomic, media, and technology variables can be applied to better evaluate differences in web-based information content. It is suggested that this new indicator can support a clearer and more systematic procedure for use in cross-national communication studies than previously used method

    A Cross-National Comparison of Corporate Web-Site Communications; An Examination of the Services Sector

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    Despite the trend toward increased marketing in the electronic medium, there is still a lack of comprehensive research. Especially noteworthy is the lack of research on equivalence of electronic information across both industries and national boundaries. The literature is replete with findings from studies surrounding consumer and B2B goods advertising promoted through print and TV mediums however, this study suggests that previous findings and methods may not be directly transferrable to service advertisers in an electronic medium. The specific design characteristics inherent with the web medium combined with the inherent limitations surrounding cultural indices suggest that new methods and measures are required. This study proposes that a newly developed one-dimensional construct that incorporates socioeconomic, media, and technology variables can be applied to better evaluate differences in web-based information content. It is suggested that this new indicator can support a clearer and more systematic procedure for use in cross-national communication studies than previously used method

    A Cross-National Comparison of Corporate Web-Site Communications; An Examination of the Services Sector

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    Despite the trend toward increased marketing in the electronic medium, there is still a lack of comprehensive research. Especially noteworthy is the lack of research on equivalence of electronic information across both industries and national boundaries. The literature is replete with findings from studies surrounding consumer and B2B goods advertising promoted through print and TV mediums however, this study suggests that previous findings and methods may not be directly transferrable to service advertisers in an electronic medium. The specific design characteristics inherent with the web medium combined with the inherent limitations surrounding cultural indices suggest that new methods and measures are required. This study proposes that a newly developed one-dimensional construct that incorporates socioeconomic, media, and technology variables can be applied to better evaluate differences in web-based information content. It is suggested that this new indicator can support a clearer and more systematic procedure for use in cross-national communication studies than previously used method

    Digital Transformation and Digital Strategy roadmap: the growing importance of CRM.

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    In the globalized we are living. The market is characterized by high competition the only thing companies to customers and gain a competitive advantage is to focus on customers. The aimed this work is to analyse CRM under a strategical and technological point of view. A special focus is given to influence of internet and social media thraugh big data on CRM. At the and a business case is presente

    Business Intelligence Through Personalised Location-Aware Service Delivery

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