5 research outputs found

    Ontological approach to knowledge control in E-learning

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    У даній роботі пропонується онтологічний підхід до перевірки засвоєння знань, виявлення погано засвоюваних розділів навчального курсу. Це дозволяє на основі комп'ютерної онтології побудувати систему автоматизованого синтезу тестових завдань. Онтологічна БЗ забезпечує єдність міждисциплінарного простору знань. Підхід відрізняється застосуванням КО, що забезпечують систематизацію концептів, врахування їх взаємозв'язку. КО використовуються при автоматизації побудови тестів, що передбачають врахування відхилень сформованої в учня структури понять від реального онтографу ЕК, його структуризацію та розбивку на гілки, що відповідають певним фрагментам ЕК. Використовується ієрархічність онтографу (як сформованого в учня, так і реального).There are a number of methods that determine the content, form, structure and procedure of the test. However, there is no toolkit based on a systematized and structured description of the objects of study. One of the successful approaches is ontological, where the knowledge of the subject domain is represented in a formalized form. The ontological aspects of the description include a range of issues ranging from structuring information to the linkages of objects. Among the features of the ontological description, we note the presence of levels of concepts and explicit indication of categories of higher order. In this paper we propose an ontological approach to the verification of knowledge acquisition, the discovery of poorly digestible sections of the training course. Computer ontology provides efficient machine processing of knowledge It allows to build on the basis of computer ontology a system of automated synthesis of test tasks. In contrast to the usual subjective approach, the ontological approach involves strict structuring of terms and concepts. Ontological knowledge base provides the unity of the interdisciplinary knowledge space. The approach is different in applying of computer ontologies, which ensures the systematization of concepts, taking into account their interconnection. Computer ontologies are used for automation of construction of tests, which involve taking into account the deviations of the pupil's structure of concepts from the real e-course ontograph, its structuring and division into branches corresponding to certain fragments of e-course. Used hierarchy ontograph (both formed in the student, and real). The algorithm of automated synthesis of tests is presented, which implements the above-mentioned ontological approach

    Ontological approach to operational planning

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    У даній роботі пропонується онтологізований опис об'єктів, що потребують планування заходів. Це дозволяє згрупувати і об'єднати всі необхідні дані в одному документі для вирішення різних завдань, зокрема для планування оперативних дій. Підхід відрізняється застосуванням КО, що забезпечують систематизацію концептів, врахування їх взаємозв'язку та дає можливість створення інструментарію планування дій. Подібний підхід можна використовувати в різних галузях. В роботи наведені приклади застосування для планування заходів щодо захисту даних та планування випуску електронних курсів.Planning is a relatively independent subsystem, which covers a set of special tools, rules, structural bodies, information flows and processes aimed at the preparation and implementation of plans. The purpose of the planning process is to try to take into account, whenever possible, all internal and external factors that provide favorable conditions for the normal functioning of the objects. There is a number of planning techniques that determine the content, form, structure and procedure for developing a plan. However, there is no toolkit based on systematized and structured description of objects and events. One of the successful approaches to describing such models is an ontological one, where in the formalized form the knowledge of the subject field is presented. The ontological aspects of the description include a range of issues ranging from structuring information and characteristics to the linkages of objects and activities. Among the features of the ontological description, we note the presence of levels of concepts and explicit indication of categories of higher order. In this paper, an ontology description of objects requiring action planning is proposed. This allows you to group and combine all the necessary data in one document to solve various tasks, in particular for planning operational actions. The approach is different in applying KO, which ensures the systematization of concepts, taking into account their interconnections, and gives the opportunity for creating tools for action planning. A similar approach can be used in various fields. The examples of application for planning data protection measures and planning of the issuance of electronic courses are given in the work

    Quantitative assessment of concept maps for conceptualizing domain ontologies: a case of Quran

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    The use of graphical knowledge representation formalisms with a representational vocabulary agreement of terms of conceptualization of the universe of discourse is a new high potential approach in the ontology engineering and knowledge management context. Initially, concept maps were used in the fields of education and learning. After that, it became popular in other areas due to its flexible and intuitive nature. It was also proven as a useful tool to improve communication in corporate environment. In the field of ontologies, concept maps were explored to be used to facilitate different aspects of ontology development. An essential reason behind this motivation is the structural resemblance of concept maps with the hierarchical structure of ontologies. This research aims to demonstrate quantitative evaluation of 4 different hypotheses related to the effectiveness of using concept maps for ontology conceptualization. The domain of Quran was selected for the purpose of this study and it was conducted in collaboration with the experts from the Centre of Quranic Research, Universiti Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. The results of the hypotheses demonstrated that concept mapping was easy to learn and implement for the majority of the participants. Most of them experienced improvement in domain knowledge regarding the vocabularies used to refer to the structure of organization of the Quran, namely Juz, Surah, Ayats, tafsir, Malay translation, English translation, and relationships among these entities. Therefore, concept maps instilled the element of learning through the conceptualization process and provided a platform for participants to resolve conflicting opinions and ambiguities of terms used immediately

    Pertanika Journal of Science & Technology

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    Pertanika Journal of Science & Technology

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