1,264 research outputs found

    Computing the endomorphism ring of an ordinary elliptic curve over a finite field

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    We present two algorithms to compute the endomorphism ring of an ordinary elliptic curve E defined over a finite field F_q. Under suitable heuristic assumptions, both have subexponential complexity. We bound the complexity of the first algorithm in terms of log q, while our bound for the second algorithm depends primarily on log |D_E|, where D_E is the discriminant of the order isomorphic to End(E). As a byproduct, our method yields a short certificate that may be used to verify that the endomorphism ring is as claimed.Comment: 16 pages (minor edits

    Computing endomorphism rings of elliptic curves under the GRH

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    We design a probabilistic algorithm for computing endomorphism rings of ordinary elliptic curves defined over finite fields that we prove has a subexponential runtime in the size of the base field, assuming solely the generalized Riemann hypothesis. Additionally, we improve the asymptotic complexity of previously known, heuristic, subexponential methods by describing a faster isogeny-computing routine.Comment: 11 pages, 1 figur

    Explicit CM-theory for level 2-structures on abelian surfaces

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    For a complex abelian variety AA with endomorphism ring isomorphic to the maximal order in a quartic CM-field KK, the Igusa invariants j1(A),j2(A),j3(A)j_1(A), j_2(A),j_3(A) generate an abelian extension of the reflex field of KK. In this paper we give an explicit description of the Galois action of the class group of this reflex field on j1(A),j2(A),j3(A)j_1(A),j_2(A),j_3(A). We give a geometric description which can be expressed by maps between various Siegel modular varieties. We can explicitly compute this action for ideals of small norm, and this allows us to improve the CRT method for computing Igusa class polynomials. Furthermore, we find cycles in isogeny graphs for abelian surfaces, thereby implying that the `isogeny volcano' algorithm to compute endomorphism rings of ordinary elliptic curves over finite fields does not have a straightforward generalization to computing endomorphism rings of abelian surfaces over finite fields

    Horizontal isogeny graphs of ordinary abelian varieties and the discrete logarithm problem

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    Fix an ordinary abelian variety defined over a finite field. The ideal class group of its endomorphism ring acts freely on the set of isogenous varieties with same endomorphism ring, by complex multiplication. Any subgroup of the class group, and generating set thereof, induces an isogeny graph on the orbit of the variety for this subgroup. We compute (under the Generalized Riemann Hypothesis) some bounds on the norms of prime ideals generating it, such that the associated graph has good expansion properties. We use these graphs, together with a recent algorithm of Dudeanu, Jetchev and Robert for computing explicit isogenies in genus 2, to prove random self-reducibility of the discrete logarithm problem within the subclasses of principally polarizable ordinary abelian surfaces with fixed endomorphism ring. In addition, we remove the heuristics in the complexity analysis of an algorithm of Galbraith for explicitly computing isogenies between two elliptic curves in the same isogeny class, and extend it to a more general setting including genus 2.Comment: 18 page
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