19 research outputs found

    Computational Complexity of the Interleaving Distance

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    The interleaving distance is arguably the most prominent distance measure in topological data analysis. In this paper, we provide bounds on the computational complexity of determining the interleaving distance in several settings. We show that the interleaving distance is NP-hard to compute for persistence modules valued in the category of vector spaces. In the specific setting of multidimensional persistent homology we show that the problem is at least as hard as a matrix invertibility problem. Furthermore, this allows us to conclude that the interleaving distance of interval decomposable modules depends on the characteristic of the field. Persistence modules valued in the category of sets are also studied. As a corollary, we obtain that the isomorphism problem for Reeb graphs is graph isomorphism complete.Comment: Discussion related to the characteristic of the field added. Paper accepted to the 34th International Symposium on Computational Geometr

    Approximating Gromov-Hausdorff Distance in Euclidean Space

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    The Gromov-Hausdorff distance (dGH)(d_{GH}) proves to be a useful distance measure between shapes. In order to approximate dGHd_{GH} for compact subsets X,YRdX,Y\subset\mathbb{R}^d, we look into its relationship with dH,isod_{H,iso}, the infimum Hausdorff distance under Euclidean isometries. As already known for dimension d2d\geq 2, the dH,isod_{H,iso} cannot be bounded above by a constant factor times dGHd_{GH}. For d=1d=1, however, we prove that dH,iso54dGHd_{H,iso}\leq\frac{5}{4}d_{GH}. We also show that the bound is tight. In effect, this gives rise to an O(nlogn)O(n\log{n})-time algorithm to approximate dGHd_{GH} with an approximation factor of (1+14)\left(1+\frac{1}{4}\right)

    Local Equivalence and Intrinsic Metrics between Reeb Graphs

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    As graphical summaries for topological spaces and maps, Reeb graphs are common objects in the computer graphics or topological data analysis literature. Defining good metrics between these objects has become an important question for applications, where it matters to quantify the extent by which two given Reeb graphs differ. Recent contributions emphasize this aspect, proposing novel distances such as functional distortion or interleaving that are provably more discriminative than the so-called bottleneck distance, being true metrics whereas the latter is only a pseudo-metric. Their main drawback compared to the bottleneck distance is to be comparatively hard (if at all possible) to evaluate. Here we take the opposite view on the problem and show that the bottleneck distance is in fact good enough locally, in the sense that it is able to discriminate a Reeb graph from any other Reeb graph in a small enough neighborhood, as efficiently as the other metrics do. This suggests considering the intrinsic metrics induced by these distances, which turn out to be all globally equivalent. This novel viewpoint on the study of Reeb graphs has a potential impact on applications, where one may not only be interested in discriminating between data but also in interpolating between them

    Coarse and bi-Lipschitz embeddability of subspaces of the Gromov-Hausdorff space into Hilbert spaces

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    In this paper, we discuss the embeddability of subspaces of the Gromov-Hausdorff space, which consists of isometry classes of compact metric spaces endowed with the Gromov-Hausdorff distance, into Hilbert spaces. These embeddings are particularly valuable for applications to topological data analysis. We prove that its subspace consisting of metric spaces with at most n points has asymptotic dimension n(n1)/2n(n-1)/2. Thus, there exists a coarse embedding of that space into a Hilbert space. On the contrary, if the number of points is not bounded, then the subspace cannot be coarsely embedded into any uniformly convex Banach space and so, in particular, into any Hilbert space. Furthermore, we prove that, even if we restrict to finite metric spaces whose diameter is bounded by some constant, the subspace still cannot be bi-Lipschitz embedded into any finite-dimensional Hilbert space. We obtain both non-embeddability results by finding obstructions to coarse and bi-Lipschitz embeddings in families of isometry classes of finite subsets of the real line endowed with the Euclidean-Hausdorff distance