7 research outputs found

    Vertex deletion into bipartite permutation graphs

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    A permutation graph can be defined as an intersection graph of segments whose endpoints lie on two parallel lines \u1d4c1₁ and \u1d4c1₂, one on each. A bipartite permutation graph is a permutation graph which is bipartite. In this paper we study the parameterized complexity of the bipartite permutation vertex deletion problem, which asks, for a given n-vertex graph, whether we can remove at most k vertices to obtain a bipartite permutation graph. This problem is NP-complete by the classical result of Lewis and Yannakakis [John M. Lewis and Mihalis Yannakakis, 1980]. We analyze the structure of the so-called almost bipartite permutation graphs which may contain holes (large induced cycles) in contrast to bipartite permutation graphs. We exploit the structural properties of the shortest hole in a such graph. We use it to obtain an algorithm for the bipartite permutation vertex deletion problem with running time f(k)n^O(1), and also give a polynomial-time 9-approximation algorithm

    Vertex deletion into bipartite permutation graphs

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    A permutation graph can be defined as an intersection graph of segments whose endpoints lie on two parallel lines l1l_1 and l2l_2, one on each. A bipartite permutation graph is a permutation graph which is bipartite. In this paper we study the parameterized complexity of the bipartite permutation vertex deletion problem, which asks, for a given n-vertex graph, whether we can remove at most k vertices to obtain a bipartite permutation graph. This problem is NP-complete by the classical result of Lewis and Yannakakis. We analyze the structure of the so-called almost bipartite permutation graphs which may contain holes (large induced cycles) in contrast to bipartite permutation graphs. We exploit the structural properties of the shortest hole in a such graph. We use it to obtain an algorithm for the bipartite permutation vertex deletion problem with running time O(9kn9)O(9^k\cdot n^9), and also give a polynomial-time 9-approximation algorithm.Comment: Extended abstract accepted to International Symposium on Parameterized and Exact Computation (IPEC'20

    Cutwidth: obstructions and algorithmic aspects

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    Cutwidth is one of the classic layout parameters for graphs. It measures how well one can order the vertices of a graph in a linear manner, so that the maximum number of edges between any prefix and its complement suffix is minimized. As graphs of cutwidth at most kk are closed under taking immersions, the results of Robertson and Seymour imply that there is a finite list of minimal immersion obstructions for admitting a cut layout of width at most kk. We prove that every minimal immersion obstruction for cutwidth at most kk has size at most 2O(k3logk)2^{O(k^3\log k)}. As an interesting algorithmic byproduct, we design a new fixed-parameter algorithm for computing the cutwidth of a graph that runs in time 2O(k2logk)n2^{O(k^2\log k)}\cdot n, where kk is the optimum width and nn is the number of vertices. While being slower by a logk\log k-factor in the exponent than the fastest known algorithm, given by Thilikos, Bodlaender, and Serna in [Cutwidth I: A linear time fixed parameter algorithm, J. Algorithms, 56(1):1--24, 2005] and [Cutwidth II: Algorithms for partial ww-trees of bounded degree, J. Algorithms, 56(1):25--49, 2005], our algorithm has the advantage of being simpler and self-contained; arguably, it explains better the combinatorics of optimum-width layouts

    A theory of flow network typings and its optimization problems

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    Many large-scale and safety critical systems can be modeled as flow networks. Traditional approaches for the analysis of flow networks are whole-system approaches in that they require prior knowledge of the entire network before an analysis is undertaken, which can quickly become intractable as the size of network increases. In this thesis we study an alternative approach to the analysis of flow networks, which is modular, incremental and order-oblivious. The formal mechanism for realizing this compositional approach is an appropriately defined theory of network typings. Typings are formalized differently depending on how networks are specified and which of their properties is being verified. We illustrate this approach by considering a particular family of flow networks, called additive flow networks. In additive flow networks, every edge is assigned a constant gain/loss factor which is activated provided a non-zero amount of flow enters that edge. We show that the analysis of additive flow networks, more specifically the max-flow problem, is NP-hard, even when the underlying graph is planar. The theory of network typings gives rise to different forms of graph decomposition problems. We focus on one problem, which we call the graph reassembling problem. Given an abstraction of a flow network as a graph G = (V,E), one possible definition of this problem is specified in two steps: (1) We cut every edge of G into two halves to obtain a collection of |V| one-vertex components, and (2) we splice the two halves of all the edges, one edge at a time, in some order that minimizes the complexity of constructing a typing for G, starting from the typings of its one-vertex components. One optimization is minimizing “maximum” edge-boundary degree of components encountered during the reassembling of G (denoted as α measure). Another is to minimize the “sum” of all edge-boundary degrees encountered during this process (denoted by β measure). Finally, we study different variations of graph reassembling (with respect to minimizing α or β) and their relation with problems such as Linear Arrangement, Routing Tree Embedding, and Tree Layout