253,352 research outputs found

    Effects of early dark energy on strong cluster lensing

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    We use the semi-analytic method developed by Fedeli et al. for computing strong-lensing optical depths to study the statistics of gravitational arcs in four dark-energy cosmologies. Specifically, we focus on models with early dark energy and compare them to more conventional models. Merger trees are constructed for the cluster population because strong cluster lensing is amplified by factors of two to three during mergers. We find that the optical depth for gravitational arcs in the early dark-energy models is increased by up to a factor of about 3 compared to the other models because of the modified dynamics of cluster formation. In particular, the probability for gravitational arcs in high-redshift clusters is considerably increased, which may offer an explanation for the unexpectedly high lensing efficiency of distant clusters.Comment: 10 pages, 9 figures, accepted for publication on A&

    Frequency and temporal effects in linear optical quantum computing

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    Typically linear optical quantum computing (LOQC) models assume that all input photons are completely indistinguishable. In practice there will inevitably be non-idealities associated with the photons and the experimental setup which will introduce a degree of distinguishability between photons. We consider a non-deterministic optical controlled-NOT gate, a fundamental LOQC gate, and examine the effect of temporal and spectral distinguishability on its operation. We also consider the effect of utilizing non-ideal photon counters, which have finite bandwidth and time response.Comment: 10 pages, 9 figures, replaced with published versio

    Adiabatic evolution on a spatial-photonic Ising machine

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    Combinatorial optimization problems are crucial for widespread applications but remain difficult to solve on a large scale with conventional hardware. Novel optical platforms, known as coherent or photonic Ising machines, are attracting considerable attention as accelerators on optimization tasks formulable as Ising models. Annealing is a well-known technique based on adiabatic evolution for finding optimal solutions in classical and quantum systems made by atoms, electrons, or photons. Although various Ising machines employ annealing in some form, adiabatic computing on optical settings has been only partially investigated. Here, we realize the adiabatic evolution of frustrated Ising models with 100 spins programmed by spatial light modulation. We use holographic and optical control to change the spin couplings adiabatically, and exploit experimental noise to explore the energy landscape. Annealing enhances the convergence to the Ising ground state and allows to find the problem solution with probability close to unity. Our results demonstrate a photonic scheme for combinatorial optimization in analogy with adiabatic quantum algorithms and enforced by optical vector-matrix multiplications and scalable photonic technology.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figure

    Quantum Optical Convolutional Neural Network: A Novel Image Recognition Framework for Quantum Computing

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    Large machine learning models based on Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) with rapidly increasing number of parameters, trained with massive amounts of data, are being deployed in a wide array of computer vision tasks from self-driving cars to medical imaging. The insatiable demand for computing resources required to train these models is fast outpacing the advancement of classical computing hardware, and new frameworks including Optical Neural Networks (ONNs) and quantum computing are being explored as future alternatives. In this work, we report a novel quantum computing based deep learning model, the Quantum Optical Convolutional Neural Network (QOCNN), to alleviate the computational bottleneck in future computer vision applications. Using the popular MNIST dataset, we have benchmarked this new architecture against a traditional CNN based on the seminal LeNet model. We have also compared the performance with previously reported ONNs, namely the GridNet and ComplexNet, as well as a Quantum Optical Neural Network (QONN) that we built by combining the ComplexNet with quantum based sinusoidal nonlinearities. In essence, our work extends the prior research on QONN by adding quantum convolution and pooling layers preceding it. We have evaluated all the models by determining their accuracies, confusion matrices, Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) curves, and Matthews Correlation Coefficients. The performance of the models were similar overall, and the ROC curves indicated that the new QOCNN model is robust. Finally, we estimated the gains in computational efficiencies from executing this novel framework on a quantum computer. We conclude that switching to a quantum computing based approach to deep learning may result in comparable accuracies to classical models, while achieving unprecedented boosts in computational performances and drastic reduction in power consumption.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figure

    Computing optical flow in the primate visual system

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    Computing motion on the basis of the time-varying image intensity is a difficult problem for both artificial and biological vision systems. We show how gradient models, a well-known class of motion algorithms, can be implemented within the magnocellular pathway of the primate's visual system. Our cooperative algorithm computes optical flow in two steps. In the first stage, assumed to be located in primary visual cortex, local motion is measured while spatial integration occurs in the second stage, assumed to be located in the middle temporal area (MT). The final optical flow is extracted in this second stage using population coding, such that the velocity is represented by the vector sum of neurons coding for motion in different directions. Our theory, relating the single-cell to the perceptual level, accounts for a number of psychophysical and electrophysiological observations and illusions

    High-throughput optical neural networks based on temporal computing

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    An emerging generative artificial intelligence (AI) based on neural networks starts to grow in popularity with a revolutionizing capability of creating new and original content. As giant generative models with millions to billions of parameters are developed, trained and maintained, a massive and energy-efficient computing power is highly required. However, conventional digital computers are struggling to keep up with the pace of the generative model improvements. In this paper, we propose and demonstrate high-throughput optical neural networks based on temporal computing. The core weighted summation operation is realized with the use of high-speed electro-optic modulation and low-speed balanced photodetection. The input data and weight are encoded in a time sequence separately and loaded on an optical signal via two electro-optic modulators sequentially. By precisely controlling the synchronization time of the data and weight loading, the matrix multiplication is performed. Followed by a balanced photodetector, the summation is conducted, thanks to the electron accumulation of the inherent electronic integrator circuit of the low-speed photodetector. Thus, the linear weighted summation operation is implemented based on temporal computing in the optical domain. With the proposed optical linear weighted summation, a fully-connected neural network and convolutional neural network are realized. Thanks to the high-speed feature of temporal computing, a high data throughput of the optical neural network is experimentally demonstrated, and the weighting coefficients can be specified on demand, which enables a strong programmability of the optical neural network. By leveraging wavelength multiplexing technology, a scalable optical neural network could be created with a massive computing power and strong reconfigurability, which holds great potential for future giant AI applications
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