7 research outputs found


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    Sistem zonasi yang diterapkan dalam Penerimaan Peserta Didik Baru (PPDB) terbukti kurang transparan dan akuntabel sehingga merugikan masyarakat. Oleh karena itu, perlu dilakukan lebih banyak upaya untuk memanfaatkan teknologi geospasial yaitu WebGIS untuk sosialisasi atau penyebaran pengetahuan mengenai penggunaan sistem zonasi. WebGIS ini menggunakan metode buffer dan isochrones. JavaScript, HTML, dan CSS digunakan untuk membuat WebGIS ini. WebGIS dikembangkan menggunakan kerangka ReactJS. WebGIS tersebut memiliki fitur utama untuk menampilkan radius zonasi menggunakan metode buffer dan isochrones. Metode analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis deskriptif persentase dengan 4 kriteria yaitu sangat baik, baik, kurang baik, dan tidak baik. Keterbaruan dari penelitian ini adalah visualisasi zonasi menggunakan WebGIS dan penggunaan metode isochrones dalam penentuan radius zonasi. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis WebGIS dari metode visualisasi buffer dan isochroness serta menganalisis tanggapan pengguna mengenai komparasi kedua metode visualisasi dalam WebGIS. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa pengguna lebih menyukai penggunaan metode isochrones untuk melihat visualisasi radius zonasi. Berdasarkan hasil uji usabilitas (learnability, memorability, efficiency, errors, dan satisfaction), kelima komponen tersebut memenuhi persyaratan atau mendapat nilai baik. Nilai baik tersebut diperoleh karena WebGIS seimbang dalam berbagai dimensi, perbedaan nilai antara satu aspek dengan aspek lainnya juga tidak signifikan secara statistik, yang membuktikan bahwa WebGIS berhasil. The community has suffered since the zoning mechanism used in the Admission of New Students (PPDB) has shown to be less accountable and transparent. Thus, more has to be done to spread awareness about the usage of zoning systems through socialization or the use of geospatial technology, specifically WebGIS. This WebGIS employs isochrones and buffer techniques. This WebGIS is made with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. ReactJS is the framework used in the development of WebGIS. The primary function of WebGIS is to display the zoning radius by use of the buffer and isochrones approaches. Descriptive percentage analysis using four criteria—very good, good, poor, and very good—is the data analysis method employed. The aim of this research is to analyze WebGIS from the buffer and isochroness visualization methods and analyze user responses regarding the comparison of the two visualization methods in WebGIS. The most recent developments in this research include the use of WebGIS to visualize zoning and the isochrones approach to calculate the zoning radius. According to the study's findings, people prefer to visualize the zoning radius using the isochrones method. The learnability, memorability, efficiency, mistakes, and satisfaction scores from the usability test indicated whether or not the five components satisfied the requirements. The fact that WebGIS is balanced over a number of dimensions and that there is no statistically significant difference in any one aspect's score from another contributed to its high score, demonstrating its effectiveness

    Speeding Up Reachability Queries in Public Transport Networks Using Graph Partitioning

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    Computing path queries such as the shortest path in public transport networks is challenging because the path costs between nodes change over time. A reachability query from a node at a given start time on such a network retrieves all points of interest (POIs) that are reachable within a given cost budget. Reachability queries are essential building blocks in many applications, for example, group recommendations, ranking spatial queries, or geomarketing. We propose an efficient solution for reachability queries in public transport networks. Currently, there are two options to solve reachability queries. (1) Execute a modified version of Dijkstra’s algorithm that supports time-dependent edge traversal costs; this solution is slow since it must expand edge by edge and does not use an index. (2) Issue a separate path query for each single POI, i.e., a single reachability query requires answering many path queries. None of these solutions scales to large networks with many POIs. We propose a novel and lightweight reachability index. The key idea is to partition the network into cells. Then, in contrast to other approaches, we expand the network cell by cell. Empirical evaluations on synthetic and real-world networks confirm the efficiency and the effectiveness of our index-based reachability query solution

    Evaluating Accessibility of Los Angeles Metropolitan Area Using Data-Driven Time-Dependent Reachability Analysis

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    USDOT Grant 69A3551747114This project is to investigate how accessibility of city blocks is quantified through the transport systems and real traffic flow data from the Los Angeles Metropolitan Area. The authors investigate the reachability problem and provide a solution with a functional system that is capable of visualizing the reachability map (isochrone). Unlike other studies, this approach is data-driven and does not depend on mathematical graph-theory to compute the isochrone which requires intensive computation. Instead, it focuses on directly processing the large amount of traffic flow data that the Integrated Media Systems Center at USC has collected from the Regional Integration of Intelligent Transportation Systems (RIITS) for more than 10 years under the Center\u2019s existing Archived Traffic Data Management System (ADMS) project. The reachability map construction is based on vehicle trajectories so the researchers devised the Data-Driven Trajectory Generator (DDTG), a data-driven, model-free, and parameter-less algorithm for generating realistic vehicle trajectory datasets from ADMS data. Since real world traffic is incomplete with lots of temporal and spatial missing data, the researchers studied imputation and interpolation methods to complete the dataset. Their experiments with real-world trajectory and traffic data show that the datasets generated by DDTG follow distributions that are very close to the distributions of a real trajectory dataset. Furthermore, to demonstrate the results from the proposed research, a web application was developed in which users can select a location, travel time, and the time of year to see the evaluated accessibility info in the form of an isochrone map. The outcomes of this project\u2014synthetic vehicle trajectory dataset and reachability map construction\u2014will be helpful in evaluating accessibility of city blocks for transport systems over a large area, essential for policymakers for effective city planning as well as to improve the well-being of citizens