3 research outputs found

    Research on Calligraphy Evaluation Technology Based on Deep Learning

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    Today, when computer-assisted instruction (CAI) is booming, related research in the field of calligraphy education still hasn’t much progress. This main research for the calligraphy beginners to evaluate their works anytime and anywhere. Author uses the literature research and interview to understand the common writing problems of beginners. Then conducts discussion on these problems, design of solutions, research on algorithms, and experimental verification. Based on the ResNet-50 model, through WeChat applet implements for beginners. The main research contents are as follows: (1) In order to achieve good results in calligraphy judgment, this article uses the ResNet-50 model to judge calligraphy. First, adjust the area of the handwritten calligraphy image as the input of the network to a small block suitable for the network. While training the network, adjust the learning rate, the number of image layers and the number of training samples to achieve the optimal. The research results show that ResNet has certain practicality and reference value in the field of calligraphy judgment. Regarding the possible over-fitting problem, this article proposes to improve the accuracy of the judgment by collecting more data and optimizing the data washing process. (2) Combining the rise of WeChat applets, in view of the current WeChat applet learning platform development process and the problem of fewer functional modules, this paper uses cloud development functions to develop a calligraphy learning platform based on WeChat applets. While simplifying the development process, it ensures that the functional modules of the platform meet the needs of teachers and beginners, it has certain practicality and commercial value. After the development of the calligraphy learning applet is completed, it will be submitted for official

    Localisation et détection de fermeture de boucle basées saillance visuelle : algorithmes et architectures matérielles

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    In several tasks of robotics, vision is considered to be the essential element by which the perception of the environment or the interaction with other users can be realized. However, the potential artifacts in the captured images make the task of recognition and interpretation of the visual information extremely complicated. It is therefore very important to use robust, stable and high repeatability rate primitives to achieve good performance. This thesis deals with the problems of localization and loop closure detection for a mobile robot using visual saliency. The results in terms of accuracy and efficiency of localization and closure detection applications are evaluated and compared to the results obtained with the approaches provided in literature, both applied on different sequences of images acquired in outdoor environnement. The main drawback with the models proposed for the extraction of salient regions is their computational complexity, which leads to significant processing time. To obtain a real-time processing, we present in this thesis also the implementation of the salient region detector on the reconfigurable platform DreamCam.Dans plusieurs tâches de la robotique, la vision est considérée comme l’élément essentiel avec lequel la perception de l’environnement ou l’interaction avec d’autres utilisateurs peut se réaliser. Néanmoins, les artefacts potentiellement présents dans les images capturées rendent la tâche de reconnaissance et d’interprétation de l’information visuelle extrêmement compliquée. Il est de ce fait, très important d’utiliser des primitives robustes, stables et ayant un taux de répétabilité élevé afin d’obtenir de bonnes performances. Cette thèse porte sur les problèmes de localisation et de détection de fermeture de boucle d’un robot mobile en utilisant la saillance visuelle. Les résultats en termes de précision et d’efficacité des applications de localisation et de détection de fermeture sont évalués et comparés aux résultats obtenus avec des approches de l’état de l’art sur différentes séquences d’images acquises en milieu extérieur. Le principal inconvénient avec les modèles proposés pour l’extraction de zones de saillance est leur complexité de calcul, ce qui conduit à des temps de traitement important. Afin d’obtenir un traitement en temps réel, nous présentons dans ce mémoire l’implémentation du détecteur de régions saillantes sur la plate forme reconfigurable DreamCam